
mean and GREEN

The sound of his glider sends shivers up the spine of heroes, villains and crooks. The sight of him in all his hideous, green and scary visage was all one needed to know that, shit's going down. For he is the green goblin. This is young justice au. Disclaimer: I do not own DC or young justice. Just my MC and some OCs that will appear in this fanfic.

Dark_Path_007 · TV
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21 Chs


8th October 2006, Gotham City.

(General POV)

It had been many months since the green goblin had ended the reign of the clown prince of Gotham. Three months after the torture she had endured, Harley Quinn killed herself by biting her tongue and bleeding to death. Before the suicide took place, she had been screaming and wailing about how nothing made her happy anymore. When Raymond was told of her death, he could not care less. As far as he was concerned, her death was well deserved, even if he wished she suffered a bit more.

For the last seven months, all ray did was run his personal arms manufacturing company and help his grieving father run the Falcone family conglomerate. Of course that wasn't truly all that he did, in fact some very exciting things that involved the more mystical parts of Gotham had just introduced themselves into Raymond's life. But that is something we'll talk about later.

Was the Falcone family conglomerate just mentioned?, Yeah they are now a conglomerate. After the death of his son Alberto, Carmine Falcone saw the writing on the wall and had to accept that his children wouldn't never really be close to each other like a proper family. So the old man decided to finally split the family, apart by in a way giving to Caesar what is Caesar's. He had his will read before his death and extremely large properties changed hands.The only reason they are still together as a group is because all of their companies are in the baby or beginning stages. Together they have more stability.

For Raymond Pearson this meant things were good and would stay that way for a long time. He had not even donned his goblin attire since he released the torture video, it seemed every low level villain in Gotham(the likes of riddler and scarecrow) understood the video as the threat it was. No one has bothered escaping their prison or asylum. Batman being around was scary but with the added factor that is the green goblin, no one wanted to end up like the Joker and his hot jester.

Things were indeed good for the 14 years old CEO of Merchant Industries, until on the cold morning of the 8th day of October in the year of 2006, he was awoken from between the breast of a literal goddess by the loud ringing of his cellphone. The caller phoned to give him a piece of news and not a good one. Carmine Falcone was found dead in his room.


Pearson Manor, Bristol county, Gotham City.

(MC's POV)

After getting news of my father's death, no not his death but his murder, everything became a blur for the next hour. Lady Circe my new sugar mummy, seemed to understand my pain as she knew how close I had grown to my father.

She also knew I need space, but before leaving me she gave me a piece of knowledge I would not have bothered searching for. My father did not die of natural causes, he was murdered and the one who did the job was of our blood.

I immediately begin to draw suspects. First up is Selina, but that is impossible. Despite not knowing her long enough, dad still gave her 5% of all his properties in the form of the family's fashion & clothing line. Next is Kitrina but that is also impossible. She's getting 30% in the form of properties and full ownership of the motor manufacturing company. She simply has no reason to kill the person that raised her since she was a toddler, sure he forced her to visit her father annually, but who would murder their own grandfather for such a silly reason. On the other hand, this is DC universe and the city of Gotham but I still don't believe she killed him.

Then there is Mario, who fucking hates my guts. He could have killed dad just because he knows it would hurt me, but the gut loves our father as much as I do if not even more. Dad also left 30% of his assets in liquefied form. Yeah dad sold thirty percent of businesses he owned just to give it to Mario. My older brother owns a bank that was going down fast, so he needed more investment. Father being the very good one he turned out to be, decided to support Mario by helping him grow his dream company. Why would he kill our father that supported him through everything?, I can't find an answer for that question. I won't scratch him off as a suspect though, you can never know who has gone mad in Gotham city.

Last of our blood will be Sophia, but she lives in Chicago with her mafia husband Rocco Gigante and her two sons, Luigi and Vicenzo. The thought of Rocco gives me pause, he and father never liked each other. Father saw him as nothing more than a lowly gangster, and in truth compared to us that is exactly what he is.

I know father never let Sophia into the family business, maybe her husband cajoled her into plotting the death of father. The fact that he also gave her just 5% of his assets must have been additional incentive. That bitch, if it turns out to be really her, I will wipe she and her shitty family off the surface of the fucking planet.

Just as I begin to plan what steps I would take to find my father's killer, one of the alarms was tripped. I immediately go on guard and follow my senses to find the invisible intruder. A gruff voice I know well comes from a dark corner,

"I didn't mean to alert you." There standing in the shadow of my room is none other than Batman. What does this useless prick want.

"What do you want Batman, and if you're here to uncover some fucking crime on me, I assure you that this is not the time."

"I'm not here for that, despite what you did to Joker and Harley Quinn." That is very shocking, I looked at him in surprise while he continued speaking.

"Yes I figured out that you are the green goblin. I do not have proof, and I'm sure if I did you will still get out of jail before dinnertime. So no I'm not here for that, I'm here to help you in the investigation of your father's death. I suspect foul play, something just doesn't sit right." Well him finding out my secret was probably inevitable at this point, so let me just return the favour.

"How are you so sure I'm not the killer Bruce?" It was his turn to look stunned, and stunned he was for about 3 seconds. He began to glare as he replied,

"Selina told you didn't she."

"No a bit of calculation and common sense was all I needed to find out that the only person that can possibly be batman is Bruce Wayne." I lie. He gives a huge sigh, probably relieved that Selina is still trustworthy in some cases. With a reduced glare he starts speaking again,

"I would have to ask you to keep it a secret." I reply with a nod, and he continues, "Why are you so sure that your father was murdered, I at best only had a hunch."

"By a hunch, you mean an extremely high level of paranoia. And the answer to your question, well my godsugarmomma helped with that." He simply raised an eyebrow at that, while I reply with a raised eyebrow too. Seeing I went answer the unasked question, he says

"Who do you suspect did it?" I push a button that turns my room from a normal rich ass bastard's room, to a FBI investigation room. Sitting in front of the large as fuck computers, I begin my job with my new unusual partner who I'm sure as bugged the entire room by now.

"Well, there are a few suspects for now..."

The reason Carmine didn't murder half of Gotham in a rage is because I'm trying to portray him as a tired old man. You can only be the big bad boss for so long. All he wants now is rest and peace.

Yeah Lady Circe is banging a minor, and yes I will explain how it began later.

He and batman are a temporary alliance, it will not last beyond this mission.


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