
mean and GREEN

The sound of his glider sends shivers up the spine of heroes, villains and crooks. The sight of him in all his hideous, green and scary visage was all one needed to know that, shit's going down. For he is the green goblin. This is young justice au. Disclaimer: I do not own DC or young justice. Just my MC and some OCs that will appear in this fanfic.

Dark_Path_007 · TV
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21 Chs


14th February 2007, Merchant Tower, Gotham City.

(MC's POV)

"... and that ladies and gentle generals present is how this weapon at full power, can level the entire city of Los Angeles. But I'm not here to give you that weapon, that would be crazy." At my statement a few nervous chuckles passed around the group of generals sent to appraise the latest equipment I plan on selling to the military.

I then proceed to introduce them to a new type of fighter jet. A few minutes into presentation, I already had most of them drooling. Where they saw a new way to conquer and oppress others, I simply saw huge dollar stacks.

Life is good right now and will be even better when tonight I bring the Lady Shiva into my bed for a full night's bout of bed shattering sex. Have I confused you by this statement, well let me explain then. A quick flashback will do the job.


10th october 2006, Pearson Manor, Bristol County, Gotham City.

I had just woken up a happy young man, with a goddess right by my side. Who in my position wouldn't be happy. I'm rich, handsome, fucking a goddess while still a minor and just defeated lady Shiva, batman and talon in one night.

Although I have to say the goddess part is a little tricky. I have literally no say in how the relationship goes. What did you expect I could tell a goddess what to do? Nope. As long as it is in regards to our relationship, she is God and I am man. Which when you think about it, is just about correct.


Our relationship started in a weird way you know, it was in the middle of a normal gotham night right here in my mom's manor. A renowned thief of the highest calibre had come to rob my house of a new painting I got by trading some lousy invention for it. Said thief was none other than the gentleman ghost.

He swooped in like a thief in the night, ready to slink away with my very expensive painting, and he would have gotten away cleanly(after all he does not have any alarms or precautions for the paranormal), were it not for one of the maids who got up to have a drink of water and saw a slightly transparent early 20th century classical get up walking about the manor. The poor maid screamed her brains out before losing her consciousness.

The scream woke me up from my sleep and I went down to check what was happening. Upon sighting the ghost that was stealing away my painting, I gave chase with a whip made out of vines that fell of the swamp thing. I had bought it from Selina some months ago as my only weapon against supernatural beings.

The chase went all around Gotham city, there is no way I was going to let him get away with the painting. If he wanted one, then he can go buy one for himself. He led me to a more mysterious area of Gotham, you know those parts where there are always crows watching everything. Then just as I was about to grab him, the bastard disappeared into thin air.

I tried leaving the area but for some reason, I could not find my way out of there. I was trapped. Nothing worked, i was also in a hurry so i didn't grab my mask, which means no glider. How would have to implant a chip in my body for situations like this.

I had been going round the place for hours, until finally I stumbled upon a gorgeous woman who told me her name was Circe. I explained my circumstances and she offered to help me. She told me she had perused my mind the moment I entered her line of sight, and she found some interesting things.

For instance, she couldn't access most of my memories for some reason, praise ROB for that. Anyway I accepted her help, don't blame me I was desperate. After she got me out of there she told me she was a goddess and would like to make me her boy toy. I didn't really have a choice, so I accepted and that is how this relationship we have was formed.


Lady Circe had just left, when another lady showed up but this one wasn't here for sex. She came here to kill me and regain her lost self esteem from getting her ass whooped by me last night.

I stood naked staring at her shiny new blade ready to tear me to pieces. I couldn't help but feel like despite all I've been through, the current situation was still very odd. So we waited about 15 feet apart, searching each other's eyes to see what our opponent would do next.

Then in an instant we dashed towards each other ready to tear each other apart. And that was what we did, except we did it with sex. Yeah you read right, just as we were about to clash, we ended up smashing( I wanted to explain why this happened in later chapters, but let me do that now. The reason they had sex was because Circe during one of her climax, spread her arousal into the air and that arousal brought out the sub in lady Shiva. You'll see what I mean later).

Yes I just entered another unhealthy relationship and yes I know need to stop getting into them. But then again, this women do not give me much of a choice. Why the hell would I kill lady Shiva when she wants to give me a piece of her hot ass.


Anyway that was how I entered my two weird relationships. Done with the jets presentation, I go to my office to prepare for my dinner date today. Thank ROB I live in Gotham, because I do not think people would see me with older women in other cities and look the other way.

I step into my office and see Selina sitting in my own chair, with her legs on the table. I do not like sharing that chair and she knows it. She's just trying to annoy me for breaking Bruce Wayne's face. She still hasn't forgiven me after all this months. I roll my eyes at her childish behaviour and ask,

"What do you want Selina?" She smirks as I swipe her legs off my table and replies,

"What?, can't I just visit my dear brother on valentine's day." I carry her off my chair and deposit her on the table, before taking my seat on my chair. I then look up at her and reply,

"No you cannot. Don't you and Bruce have some valentines reservations somewhere, I have mine too so get off my back throughout today and even tomorrow morning." At my mention of Bruce, she squeezes her face and crosses her arms.

"Bruce hasn't been so keen on going out ever since you shattered his face. Couldn't you have been gentler, he was willing to work with you."

"By willing to work with me, you mean slowly converting me to a superhero. Yeah, no thank you. As for being gentle, that was me being gentle." It was her turn to roll her eyes, probably at my oversized ego. She starts talking again,

"Anyway, you should be happy the surgery has somewhat fixed his face. He is now open to going out again. I see us getting married in the future you know (This will actually happen, just in case I forget to mention it someone remind me in future chapters)."

"That's very good for you, so now if you do not have anything else to say, then please get out so I can prepare for my date." I say, pretending not to hear the part about marriage.

"Oh, how you hurt my feelings by your constant rejections." She says in mock hurt, "Anyway, who is the lovely young lady you're going out with today. I didn't know you still spoke to girls, since you quit school a year ago after getting your masters in advanced mechanics."

"Well, she isn't a young lady. More like a MILF, a MILF that can kill you before you blink." That left her jaw opened for a bit. She quickly recovers and pokes for more info,

"Really, and what is this mysterious MILF's name?" I roll my eyes at her try and flat out refuse to answer her by telling her,

"Her name is none of your fucking business. Now if you'll excuse me, goodnight and have a lovely valentines day." I begin to walk out my office when I hear her loudly reply with a shout of,



3 hours later, Pearson Manor, Gotham City.

I snuck myself and Sandra back into my very soundproof room. I still live with my mom, and I sure as hell do not want her hearing Sandra's screams. That would be messed up.

We had just walked into my room, and were already all over each other the moment we knew we couldn't be heard anymore. You have to understand us, there are no true romantic feelings involved, the entire dinner date was for us not to feel lonely on valentines. Being killers doesn't mean we do not have feelings you know.

Just as Sandra's last article of clothing was torn away from her smooth skin by me, a throat was loudly cleared by someone in the room with us. We both jumped away from each other, looking in the direction of the uninvited voyeur, while we tried to search for weapons with the corner of our eyes.

There sitting in a corner with literally burning hot eyes, because her eyes right now are to green hot ball of flames, is none other than lady Circe. And she looks really pissed off. Seeing that she has captured our attention, she looks directly at me and says,

"Cheating on me now are you Raymond. You're in really big trouble young man." Shit, why me great ROB?

Seriously, FUCK MY LIFE.

A FLASHBACK within a FLASHBACK, how confusing was that? Lol. Anyway the entire chase scene with gentleman ghost was meant to be a small comic relief, hope it wasn't too bad

because I'm not a very funny guy.

A slow and calm chapter. I kind of felt there's been way too much action in the last three, so things needed to slow down a bit. And if anyone feels there is something that needs to be improved on in this fic please inform this author.

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