
mean and GREEN

The sound of his glider sends shivers up the spine of heroes, villains and crooks. The sight of him in all his hideous, green and scary visage was all one needed to know that, shit's going down. For he is the green goblin. This is young justice au. Disclaimer: I do not own DC or young justice. Just my MC and some OCs that will appear in this fanfic.

Dark_Path_007 · TV
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21 Chs


Little Italy, Gotham City.

(MC's POV)

It's been three weeks since my father called me for a meeting after I saved a bunch of girls from being trafficked for prostitution. It has also been three weeks now that I got named the crippler by the people of Gotham.

The chat I had with my father involved him blackmailing me into becoming the Roman Empire chief executioner. And empire that consists of the Falcone, Maroni, Gazzo and Sullivan crime families. A job I have been actively performing by cutting down the false face society piece by piece.

My name within the underground world is Green goblin, so my mask has become a symbol of fear to any member of the false face society. I have killed, tortured and most often crippled their members in the last three weeks. Yeah I can now be classified as a supervillain, hitman and assassin in the eyes of the law. Not part of my plans, but it is what it is. I've slowly been gathering my own blackmail material on the Roman empire for my eventual defection.

Now as for why I'm in little Italy, well for my first successful mission my father gifted me two fantastically forged carbon steel gladius sized katanas. I almost burst into tears just holding them. Until I held my new babies I used to think I was good at forging, but god no I'm crap at it. I immediately requested to meet the guy that forged then and gave him half of my hefty hitman wage. He is a Latino named Andres, and I made him my personal blacksmith.

I'm currently heading to his shop in little Italy, I do not know why he chose to live amongst Italians, but I didn't bother to ask either, if he wants me to know then he will tell me himself.

I am turning to a street that Andres shop is in, when I spot Bobby 'the don' Gazzo walking out of a pizza shop with anger written all over his face. He seems to have caught sight of me as the moment he looked in my general direction, he immediately tries to change his expression.

I know that I easily unnerved the fatso leader of the Gazzo crime family, because everytime we meet I give slight threats to his happiness and he always runs to my father to complain. Like seriously how is this idiot the leader of the Gazzos, he's a complete buffoon. It's prolly dad that helped him or something.

With a smirk on my lips, I strut over to him and the two mountain of muscles he calls his bodyguards. As I get within touching distance from him, my smirk turns into a full blown grin and I let out a boom of laughter as I hug him like we are old friends that haven't seen each other in a long,

"Bobby old pal, how are you?. It's been a while, how is the wife and the kids." Needless to say every normal person walking the street right now paused whatever they were doing trying to understand why the handsome brat is hugging the ugly but rich fatso and calling him old pal.

Meanwhile, said fatso has almost shit his pants knowing that the brat hugging him right now, did not in any way like him and that same brat could easily crush him to death in the position they were currently in. With a sweat filled face and shaky voice, Don Bobby tries to imitate my false cheer and replies,

"Hey Raymond, you son of a bitch. How have you been." With a evil chuckle, I reply

"Hoping that you will never call my mother a botch again. Anyway forget about bitches for now, I'm on my way to go purchase something, and i don't think i have enough cash with me, could you help me out. You know for old times sake."

"Of course pal, why not. How much you going to be needing?" He asks hoping to give me what I want and be rid of me.

"Well not much, just about 100 thousand dollars, nothing much for a man of your status." I tell him, now truly happy for this chicken that is about to lay a golden egg for me.

"Sure, why not. Wait a hundred thousand..." He says wide eyed, it isn't much money for him but still I'm kind off extorting the guy for some people's annual wages. He definitely isn't happy about my dick move. I will definitely be hearing from father soon about threatening his 'pawns' or as he calls them friends.

Seeing me frown at his hesitation to give me the money, Bobby quickly signals to one of the bodyguards to get the cash from their car. The moment I receive the money, I turn around and resume walking to my previous destination without another word to the wimp.

A minute later and I'm standing on the door step of Andres forge. I reach to grab one of the door knockers but before my hand could get there, the door was suddenly pulled open by none other than Andres.

Seeing me standing in front of the door, his eyes lit up and he drops whatever he was doing to welcome me in.

"I'm done building what you asked me to. I didn't fix the engine though, I thought you would want to be here for that. All I can say about this machine is that it is the most beautiful thing my hands have ever made." He says adoration in his eyes.

I simply roll my eyes and reply,

"Yeah, yeah it's a beauty. Have you made the new suit I asked you to make?" My reply seems to shock him as his eyes widen even more in surprise,

"You are talking about some silly suit while we could be talking about that gorgeous sitting over there." He replies.

"You know know something Andres, I get the feeling right now you might have named my glider. Don't tell me you named the guns and sticks too. Wait have you made them or the bombs yet?" I ask with a palm covering my face as I feel sorry for this genius blacksmith that behaves like a simpleton.

"Of course I have, look over here." He say while pushing a button that leads to a wall in his shop shifting open.

"50 bombs in total. 10 filled with explosives as powerful as a grenade, 10 filled with knockout gas, 10 bombs that if thrown covers someone in a bubble lacking oxygen(green goblin's ghost bomb), 10 which if attached to the human skin sends pulses of electricity into the nervous system, 5 which gives opponents concussions for 10 minutes straight and final 5 which act as smoke screens, to hide your escape. Just as you requested. Oh here are the two heavily modified beretta guns and two eskrima sticks that can sen shocks of powerful bursts of electricity too. I would recommend not using that on the human body if you are not planning to roast them."

" Good, and my suit of armor?" I ask, while still impressed that he was able to forge all these in little time.

"Oh here, kevlar woven suit with extra protection around the legs and arms. The gauntlets are also equipped with blasters as a final piece of weaponry if everything goes bad. The mask has also been remade with better materials and night vision for the eyes too. I have not integrated the software as I believe you would prefer to do that yourself."

"Fantastic work once again Andres, you never cease to impress. And yes you are right I will integrate the software my self, as long as you have made the controls I need." I reply.

"Yes I'm done adding the motherboard and stuff, the suit itself is basically a computer at this point really. With all the buttons and..." He keeps speaking but I cut him short.

"Yes I know, but I need to be able to control the glider and make calls or something. You never know when I need the modifications." I reply, to which he simply nods in agreement.

"Not that we are done with those, let us now put our focus on this masterpiece, the goblin glider. The entire body forged out of titanium, the angles at which this baby is built will make it fly at tremendous speeds with the proper engine attached. Which brings me to this." He says and walks over to a box which he opens, revealing 10 ark reactors.

"What the fuck are this things, how can they even power my baby." He says hysterically.

"My baby you mean, and Andres this things can power the entire Wayne tower for 6 hours before they overheat and melt into a puddle of goo. Just one will power the glider for weeks at full capacity. As for showing the gliders full potential nothing can do so better than this. Trust me when I use all this gadgets, even batman can't beat me." I explain to the deranged blacksmith. "Now scoot aside and let me do my magic."


Two hours later.

I'm standing on my glider, hovering within the shop. The boots of my armor are connected to the glider electro magnetically, making sure I do not fall of the glider even when it's flying at its top speed of mach 1.

All my bombs are placed within to specific compartments in the glider. My guns are attached to my hips, same with the retracted eskrima sticks, while my gladius sized katanas are rested on my back. I'm sure I look glorious in all my black and forest green suit of armor. The hoodie/cape must also be doing wonders.

After two full minutes of just hovering around the shop, I land to go talk to Andres. Walking over to him, I began to think of how well this guy has been making my stuff and decide to reward him,

"Yo Andres, I wanna talk to you."

"Yes sir, what do you need?" Bowing my head for a bit, I think of how I want to say this before speaking,

"See men, you've been making my gadgets really well and I just want to reward you. Yeah i know I already paid you a lot of money, but what I'm offering to do for you is more. See you are a smart guy and I know you can be doing better with yourself, so tell me what debt are you still paying let me handle it for you." He starts shaking his head in denial saying,

"Nothing boss. I just like it here, you know making gadgets and other thin..." Alright let me stop him right there.

"Look Andres I'm not asking for your backstory, just give me a name and with a few well placed threats they will be off your back is all I'm saying." I say placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. With a sigh, Andres turns away from me as if thinking on whether or not to tell me.

I am about to retract my offer, when he starts talking again,

"Look sir, it ain't that simple. It goes way back to when I was a teenager. You see I was so good with gadgets and making stuff I had won so many awards and scholarships in the city and Gotham High. I was so sure of being my family's success story, when everything went bad. My parents were killed, I'm an only child but none of my other relatives wanted to take care of me. I got placed in the system, and that's when I started receiving threat messages. Apparently my parents were owing some rich guy and he killed them for not paying up. He threatened to do the same to me if I refused to pay, but I had no way of paying him his money. Anyway one of your brothers who was my classmate, offered to help me in return for my services. So my problem got solved and now I'm still here repaying my debt to your brother." That's a hell of a backstory. So the typical fucked up life of people in Gotham, lord help this city. Turning back to Andres, I ask him,

"Which of my brothers?" I know I have two but which one could it be.

"Oh it's Mario." He replies.

"Isn't Mario the nice one?" I ask truly confused.

"He only pretends to be that way, but he's a real asshole within. If you meet his kids, you'll understand me." He answers.

"I think I've met his youngest son in school. You know, the one he had with his mistress." I mull over what to do for a while, before telling Andres.

"Don't worry buddy, by this time tomorrow you'll be a free man. So just sit tight and wait." With that said I burst out through the roof of the shop with my glider, not giving a fuck about Andres screaming at me not to do anything crazy.

So a full showing of gadgets, Ray has upped his game by a lot now. Do you think batman can defeat him?

In the next chapter, Ray will be meeting more members of the Falcone family. How do you think it will turn out?

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