

A story of a regressed protagonist from the past in a zombie apocalypse world. what can go wrong ?

DaoistNZmA07 · Action
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2 Chs

A Hasty Awakening

I woke up with a start, heart pounding like I'd just run a marathon. First instinct? Pat my face and chest , expecting the familiar battle scars from my previous run-in with the zombies. But nope, all smooth and unblemished.

"What the...?" I muttered, squinting at the clock. The date blinked back at me: six months before the world went to hell in a handbasket. I blinked again. Nope, still the same date. October, I pinched my self Nope, still the same date. October, the month of pumpkin spice lattes and, oh yeah, the not-so-festive cosmic ray meteor shower in China that kicked off the whole zombie fiasco.

I sat up, a grin spreading across my face. "I've only gone and time-traveled, haven't I? Take that, Doctor Who! And seriously who even comes up with the names like dr.who?" 

But hold up. Why was I back here? Did I stumble into some cosmic loophole? Did RCB won any IPL cups in this timeline ? And why did I feel like I could create stuff out of thin air? I stared at my hand, half-expecting it to start conjuring items like some kind of budget wizard.

"Item creation powers? Seriously?" I scratched my head, trying to piece it together. "Must be because I regressed in the past. That cosmic ray must've turbocharged my brain or something." I grinned again. "Well, whatever the reason, I am not wasting this second chance .Fuck all i am not gonna be like the kind hearted me this time now."

First things first, though. I had a killer idea. "I should totally make myself a bunker with a mansion on top. You know, for easy living when the world goes full Walking Dead mode." I chuckled at my own genius.

But how will i do that i frowned then came up with an idea. go to the bank make a startup compony give them something i can build with my power and boom i will have 10 million.

With a plan in mind, I dashed to the bank. Securing a $10 million loan with my newfound charm and charisma was easier than I thought. "Hey, gotta start building that future fortress, right?" I quipped to the banker, who just nodded nervously and processed the paperwork.

Next up: finding the right company to build my dream hideaway. I didn't skimp on quality, choosing a top-notch construction firm that specialized in luxury bunkers. Handing over a cool $5 million as a down payment, I made sure they got started on the underground mansion ASAP.

But there was one more thing on my pre-apocalyptic to-do list—breaking the news to my boss, Mr. Verma. I strolled into the office, still buzzing from my morning conquests.

"Hey, Mr. V! Got a minute?" I called cheerily, popping my head into his office.

Mr. Verma looked up from his mountain of paperwork, brow furrowing. "Atharva, I need those reports by noon."

I leaned casually against the doorframe, twirling a pen between my fingers. "Ah, about that. I've decided to quit. Gonna pursue other passions, you know? Like surviving the impending zombie apocalypse."

Mr. Verma blinked, then chuckled nervously. "Good one, Atharva. Now seriously, those reports—"

I held up a hand. "No, really. I'm outta here. Thanks for everything, though! You've been a real nightmare—uh, I mean, pleasure to work for."

With that bombshell dropped, I sauntered out of the office, feeling lighter than ever. "Now, time to get serious about this apocalypse prep."

Firing up my laptop, I dove into the dark web. Yeah, I know, super shady, but I needed those military weapon blueprints if I was going to be prepared. "Gotta be prepared," I muttered, scrolling through pages of hacker forums and shady listings.

Hours blurred into days as I immersed myself in learning about the intricacies of grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and everything in between. "Who knew the dark web would be my go-to survival guide?" I joked to myself, bookmarking a particularly promising blueprint for a flamethrower.

By the time the sun set on another day in my new and improved pre-apocalyptic life, I leaned back in my chair with a satisfied grin. "Bring it on, zombies. This time, I've got more than just wit and charm up my sleeve."

During lunch, I got a call from her. The one who'd pushed me into a horde of zombies with a smirk and a "Goodbye, my pet." I let the phone ring. No way I was going down that road again. 

I sighed and took a deep breath. "Gotta keep my cool. Can't let her get to me."

Walking into the break room, I spotted Maya, my tech-savvy coworker, tinkering with her laptop. "Hey, Maya, what if I told you that in six months, a cosmic ray from a meteor strike will turn people into zombies?"

Maya looked up, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I'd say you're either crazy or you know something I don't."

"Maybe a bit of both," I said with a wink.

Over the next few weeks, I started subtly preparing for the apocalypse. Stockpiling non-perishable food, water, and basic supplies. I even convinced Raj, the senior employee who'd always looked out for me, to start a self-defense class during lunch breaks.

One day, during a particularly grueling session, Raj patted me on the back. "You're really taking this seriously, aren't you?"

"Let's just say I've got a feeling we're going to need these skills soon."

As the months passed, I kept a low profile with my girlfriend—well, ex-girlfriend. Avoiding her calls, keeping interactions minimal. I knew the day of betrayal was approaching, but this time, I was ready. I am ready for the most part and the villa made with bunker almost finished. lets get ready then.