

Yesterday was meant to be my first day of school, but I didn't stay for any class. I just picked up my uniform and came home.

Yes, I got to meet the principal of the school who seems to be close pals with my dad. And I also got to meet two other boys from school. One seemed quite nice. The other, a pain in my ass. But I won't let that get to me. I'm going to be the best version of myself together and give a trail run at this politeness thing my dad keeps talking about. I will try to be nice to this commoners, so long they don't cross the line.

I wore the school uniform that I was given. It was a cream top with a blue flared skirt and blue blazer that had the school's badge on it.

My skirt was like a mini skirt which really fitted my body shape. It wasn't too short, it was just mid-thigh. It wasn't like the other girls uniforms thought. Something about it seemed different, it looked like my personal fashion designer's work.

I combed my hair and packed it up in a cute pony tail and brought out two strands, then I laid my edges skilfully.

I wore little diamond studs. I applied powder and a little bronzer on my cheek bones and the bridge of my nose, then sprayed rose water on my face before applying mascara and a red lipstick and I was done.

I'm not the type of girl that went hard on makeup. I have so many makeup products, but hardly use them all, till it expires, then I throw it away and get a new one.

I had to get ready really early so that I could go have breakfast at the diner in town.

I had to dye my blonde hair red and also wear hazelnut contact lenses to hide my sterling grey eyes in order to conceal my identity. This is why people didn't recognize who I really am. Like the principal said, I should think of this as a test and not a punishment, and one thing I hate doing is failing.


I looked at the new Instagram account I had to open so that I won't use my old one and people won't find out who I really am. I had just 164 followers. Life sucks.

I angrily threw my phone into my blue Chanel tote bag that had my locker keys and a few other things I needed.

I came down from my car. Immediately everyone stopped what they were doing and started looking at me. The girls were whispering, some cursing.

I heard some, "I told you she's coming to this school. Another slut has come to steal our boys away. I wonder what Michelle will do when she sees her."

I didn't pay attention to what they said, I've had reporters say worse about me in interviews before. It was rather the boys constant whistling that was annoying.

But that didn't stop me in my tracks as I continued walking down, my blue thigh high boots heels hitting the floor as I walked was the only sound I tried to concentrate my attention on.

Immediately I entered the hallway, everyone stopped to access me from head to toe. I continued my stroll down the hallway and went to get my books and class schedule from the counsellor's office, then I went to my locker to drop the books taking only the books I needed for my morning classes.

When I turned around, I noticed students taking videos of something that was happening down the hallway.

Something kept telling me to keep on walking and find my class, but I didn't listen to that voice. I squeezed my way through the bodies of students till I reached the front.

There were three girls, all blondes making mean comments at a brown haired girl. She was very beautiful and had a pale skin. No one cared to stand up for her as these three blondes kept on making mean remarks at her. I watched in horror as the other students, took videos of what was happening.

Then the blonde in the middle pushed the pale girl to the floor and the other students started laughing. All the books she was holding fell to the floor and as she tried to pick them up, one of the blondes kicked them from her hand.

I didn't understand why on earth they found this funny. So I decided to step up and help the girl.

Luckily, I found an opportunity when the girl in the middle bent a little to talk to the pale girl on the floor.

I took out one of my hardcover, notes and used it to cover her butt.

"You really shouldn't be wearing skirts these short. Everyone can see your butt when you bend", I said and the students started laughing really hard.

She stood up quickly and turned to face me.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Helena Grimms, and you are?" I extended my hand out, but she just folded her hands on her chest and the other two girls followed suit.

"Oh, I see you don't shake hands. Don't worry about that, I was planning on sanitizing my hands after shaking yours. I don't want to catch anything", I said, opening my bag, I brought out my lavender scented hand sanitizer and used it.

"You are the new girl, right? Let me make this clear to you. This is my school...", she was saying and I interrupted her. I know what she was about to say. I used to be her in my old school after all.

"Cool, I just changed schools too, so this is my school now. Although I know it's your school already, I saw the uniform", I said, nodding and giving her the knowing look.

The other students continued laughing at the show that I was creating. I guess no one has ever stood up to her before. We were obviously in the same year, since she was on the first floor. She must have been popular from middle school and wants to continue her reign of terror in high school.

"You don't know who you're messing with. I'm...", she started to say, but I held my hand up to shut her up.

"I don't care who you are, blonde. I think what you did to that innocent girl is low... even for you. So it's either you apologize to her or you take your face that looks like a makeup truck threw up on, out of my face", I said with a very serious face.

"You better watch your back, Helena Grimms", she said, she used her shoulder to hit mine and she walked away and the other two blondes followed suit.

The students that were gathered started to face their business as the show was over. The hallway became less crowded.

I went over to where the girl was still gathering her books on the floor so I bent and helped her to pick some up.

"Hey, I'm Helena", I said, extending my hand out.

"I hope you aren't going to sanitize your hands after shaking me?" She asked, looking down at my hand.

"Of course not", I said, laughing, and then she joined me. Her laughter was so beautiful.

"I'm Paige", she said, taking my handshake and smiling so brightly it spread to her eyes.