
Mcu: The North

The North and His Children in the MCU

Admiraln12 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Invasion 2

North wasted no time and quickly dressed, a red coat with the ends of the sleeves bearing black fur trimmings, a Russian-style hat, red pants and shirt, and boots as dark as night, at his waist were two blades whose silver glow. it seemed to cut through the air.

Several creatures called the Yets, a furry and very loyal race, were organizing what looked like a flight path, Jack floated around looking like a flight attendant, he then called out to a row of reindeer, each looking more ferocious than the other.

North had descended, he sat on what looked like a sled, but much more refined and military, this was the legendary sled that made a trip around the globe in a single night. North sat down and took the reins, the front gates coming together.

"Jack!!, where was the last energy signature felt?!" North asked, having to speak loudly due to the noise of the wind coming from the base opening.

"The trace of cosmic energy has been lost!! , but a small trace is located in Germany in a city a little famous even!!" Jack yelled back.

"Very good!! , time to pay an early visit ! , I've always liked Germany , they have an almost Russian temperament.!!" North yelled with a smile, his sled taking flight, its speed reaching absurd levels.

In a town in Germany at a party in honor of a scientific discovery there was a small incident, Loki, the same man who invaded the S.H.I.E.L.D. base had taken pedestrians hostage, demanding them to kneel.

"No, not for men like you." Said an elderly man as he stood up, scars from his time in a concentration camp, in the darkest times of his life, it all came back when he heard Loki's words.

"There are no men like me!" Loki said with a sadistic smile.

The old man just looked resigned, the voice of a man who had once led thousands to death and torture brushing his memory, he closed his eyes for a minute.

"There will always be men like you." He said it as a sad fact, prepared for what the man would do to him.

"Look at your elder, may he serve as an example." Loki said already fed up, firing a blast of energy, strong enough to rip through concrete.

The old man accepted his fate, his mind going back to when he had his brother in his arms, death and devastation all around him, but he also remembered a comforting hand on his shoulder, an old man's face but very energetic, he gave him something that no one would ever take it away, hope.

But today didn't seem to be his last day, as a figure with a shield appeared on him, the attack hit the shield and bounced back to the man, who was only knocked down by the strong wave of energy.

"You know the last time I was in Germany there was a man who thought he was above everyone else, he and I, well we don't quite agree." Steve Rogers, or Captain America, the hero of the last century, said it with more emotion than he thought he intended.

"Ah yes, the soldier, the man from another time." Loki said, looking amused.

"I'm not the one who's going to run out of time." Steve said, Loki then noticed the human ship above them, weapons ready to fire blasts at him, the thought brought a smile to his face.

"As impressive to mortals as your metal and fire magic does little to hurt my skin, they've tried before, you on the other hand..." Loki raised his scepter, a blue light glowing.

"It's not that tough!!" And he fired another burst, this time faster, Steve could only dodge, the people around him ran, Steve went into physical combat.

The legendary soldier however soon discovered that it didn't go as planned, since he took the serum Steve found few who could face him in the physical aspect, the last one ended up vaporized in space, he didn't expect Loki to be stronger than him, however, despite obviously having less muscle mass.

Steve was on his knees, Loki pointing the bottom center at his head.

"Surrender, bend the knee." Loki was impressed with the mortal, so little did he expect of this race.

"Not today !!" Steve was not a man who gave up easy, he tripped Loki, pushing him away, he ran to get the shield, but a clone of Loki cornered him, when the scepter blade would find his chest another blade stopped him.

Steve looked shocked, first at the size of the figure, second at how sneaky he had appeared.

North had arrived, and seeing how the brave young man was about to lose his life he knew what he needed to do, he swore he would keep his existence away from the simpler men, but unfortunately the situation didn't allow it.

"Now that's a dangerous toy you have in your hands." Norte launched an attack so fast that only a trail of white light was a hint of his action, the solid light clone being ripped in half in seconds.

Loki seeing the figure widened his eyes, "but that's impossible!!" he thought, the being in front of him was nothing more than a mere legend, a tale that parents told their children.

"The Keeper of Light, Protector of Midgard, Lord of the North, The Great Mimir!" Loki said some of North's titles, the man was surprised he had so many.

"By your clothes I think you're from Asgard, but by your attitude I doubt Odin gave it up, he stopped invading realms at least half a million years ago" North said analyzing Loki, it's been a while since he interacted with Asgard , he hoped it had become a peaceful kingdom.

"Ah I see, my entry into this world could not go unnoticed by your eyes, but know protector that your world will bow to Loki!!" Loki said it with all his heart, but was confused when he saw North's disinterested expression.

"Yes, yes, boy you are not the first with this speech, and there will doubtless be others, now why don't you drop that relic and let's settle this with Odin? I'm sure he must have gotten less violent after I introduced Frigga to he." His mother's monthly made Loki tense, but he returned to his pose.

When he was about to give a witty retort about how "peaceful" Odin was, he was sent flying up the stairs by the lightning bolts of flying armor, to the tune of Eighties Rock.

"Hands up, reindeer man!!" Tony Stark, or Iron Man, as he was known, the greatest hero of the new century.

"What a great offense!!" North said indignantly.

"What's the matter Santa, don't you tell me to be on the bad guys list?" Tony said sarcastically at the man's appearance, he was clearly in need of a diet.

"The reindeer are noble creatures !! , comparing them to this troublemaker is an offense to all of them!!" North said seriously, he and Tony looked at each other for a few seconds, before they both started laughing, North's laugh seemed to shake the ground a little.

Loki was irritated, but he knew his time would come soon.