
NPC: Guardian Overseer

Luciel is a towering figure, standing at over 7ft tall with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He has a commanding presence, and his intense gaze demands respect from all who meet him. His skin is a warm bronze tone, and his piercing eyes are a bright gold, almost glowing with an otherworldly light.

Luciel's hair is jet black and falls in long, loose waves to his waist, framing his chiseled features. He wears a suit of gleaming silver armor, intricately crafted and etched with symbols of divine power. His armor is accented with deep blue and gold, and a long white cape trails behind him as he moves.

At his side is a large, ornate sword with a hilt fashioned in the shape of an angel's wing. He carries a small, leather-bound book with him at all times, which he consults frequently to record the Angelarium's progress and strategize their next moves.

Despite his imposing appearance, Luciel exudes a calm and collected demeanor, always cool and collected under pressure. His voice is deep and resonant, and he speaks with a measured tone, choosing his words carefully to convey his meaning with precision.

As the Guardian Overseer of all floors in the Angelarium, Luciel's responsibilities include managing the Angelarium alongside the guild leader, overseeing the other guardians, maintaining balance and harmony among the floors, and ensuring the safety of the guild's members. He is also responsible for leading the guild's forces in times of war as a general commander.

His job classes as a Paladin, Summoner, Strategist, and General Commander, reflects his abilities as a master of defense, summoning and strategy.



Luciel Engelkin

'The Divine Sentinel'

●Racial Class:

Angel 15 lv

Archangel 10 lv

Seraph 5 lv

●Job Class:

Priest 10 lv

War Priest 10 lv

Paladin 5 lv

General Commander 10 lv

Strategist 10 lv

Summoner 15 lv

Scribe 5 lv

Secretariat 5 lv