
May You Honor Your Soul

If you get a chance for the people you've wronged to forgive you, will you do everything in your power to do so? For Sequentia, she would wrong them all over again. Or could she?

SWMarthaAmbon · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Great Witch

Chapter 11 - Great Witch

The memory of being protected.

Father, Mother, and Cade hugging her tightly and shielding Constance from all sides as Train Marina's second half dived off a cliff was a scene she could not forget.

At the time, Constance did not understand what happened.

Even when she could see the cliff on the window they just fell off on.

Even when her parents and Cade whispered their affections towards each other.

Even when they were apologizing for not being strong enough to pull themselves out of their tragic situation.

Still, Constance did not understand...

Until one day she woke up and everyone else was mourning.

Constance understood then that it was a sin to be human.

Before she realized, Constance experienced a silent magic implosion and her hair had turned white since then.

"Cade is in danger." Sequentia's lips trembled as she recount the new memory.

Train Marina continued to swerve on the ground, derailing off the mountain rail tracks.

Just as she remembered, in the window they could all see the detachment of the next train car from theirs, barreling off into the mountain cliff.


In panic after seeing the frightening sight, Noreen Vansia let go of Rohwell as soon as their train car stabilized and jumped to the cliff with no hesitation.

"Honey!" Robert Vansia unconsciously let go of Constance and followed, but when he reached the edge he froze and remembered Constance. "Connie, stay here, okay?"

He turned back to tell her off but his dread doubled when a familiar black hair passed him by, "Connie! No!"

Seeing his daughter jump down the cliff with no hesitation to follow her mother, Robert Vansia reached for his child and also fell.


Rohwell Allum's face turned manic. "What a crazy family!"

He gulped and watched their figures free-falling towards Train Marina. The tragic sight made his legs wobble and couldn't help but kneel down on the edge, watching in fright.

At that moment, he caught sight of a bright green light.

"Magic? That's-"

Rohwell froze.

His heart almost stopped.

Despite its warm color, the green light felt cold. Murderous even. 

Its green light swept through everything like an eye. Rohwell had never felt so exposed.

'Such a cunning magic.'

Everytime the green light blinked, his heart beat in unison.

Then the mountain trembled.. and then convulsed uncontrollably.

"M-my god..."

Thick vines crawled out of the mountainside cliff like savage wolves ready to seize its prey. Its vines tangled over each other and went straight to take hold of Train Marina.

However though it was appeared like a giant wave ready to destroy the train, once it reached a certain distance, the vines curved. 

The thick plant bloomed different flowers, covering the train in an instant first before the vines clasped it.

"Like a mother holding a child..."

Of course the scene in front was not as gentle as Rohwell described it to be yet for some reason he felt that way.

After seeing the train being coddled safely, stuck on the air, his eyes darted to the three who jumped down.

There was another batch of vines protruding from the cliff, rather it looked more like a structure.

A gigantic hand of plants and flowers.

He sighed in relief seeing Duke Vansia sliding down and used the massive stalks like a foothold, running down to the person emitting green light.

Without fear Rohwell decided to jumped down to a beanstalk leading to the train.


Noreen Vansia's gaze softened as she watched a familiar figure floating down.

She had already seen that the Train Marina ceased from falling so she was casually waiting for her other child to reach her.

'Though Cade and the Prince might suffer from injuries, it's better than...' She stopped her thoughts and focused on the structure she fell on.

A massive hand made of vines and flowers cushioned her fall earlier.

Even the train car they were previously on and the predicted area where Cade may be was filled with vines coated in flowers.

"Mom! Are you alright?!"

Constance's descent ended once her feet touched the flowers and took a step closer. "Ah-!" 

She stumbled but her mother caught her.

"My child. You must be exhausted from using a large-scale magic." Her mother smiled and embraced her, picking her up like she didn't weigh any more than mere paper. "Your magic finally manifested, aren't you glad?"

Sequentia felt her frame tremble.

She had been too scared.

Too scared to lose...

'If Constance was any late... if her vine-summoning was any late...' 

Sequentia did not entertain her what-ifs and clung to her mother. "Magic is... secondary. As long as my family is alright, what does using a large-scale magic matter."

Noreen Vansia laughed at her child's smooth words, hugging her tightly.

"Connie! Noreen!"

Duke Robert Vansia reached the hand-like vine and embraced them. "I'm glad! Thank the heavens!"

It didn't take long for everyone to sober up at the accident. Rohwell reached them and asked Constance to create a bridge structure for the passengers to hold unto. Of course the duke and duchess berated him for overworking their child but Constance did not mind.

'It feels easy.'

Sequentia's hand touched the vine she stood on.

It was beating. She can feel the particles inside move to nurture and expand the plant.

Then a bridge was built in no time.

A few hours passed and the royal knights reached the site. Everyone was busy.

Even the commoners were helping with the transportation of patients due to lack of personnel who could enter the area. The mountain would even tremble after every five minutes, reminding the people not to overweigh the area.


Sequentia greeted Cadillac Vansia who came up on the bridge with Prince Lyzekiel De Murdine. 

However his expression was strange. His eyes seemed distant.

"Lady Vansia! You did great. You're a magic genius!" Lyzekiel was excited to see her abilities and pampered her on the spot.


Cade mumbled, repeating his words in a low tone, his eyes met Constance' for a moment before he sighed and walked off to help the knights investigate.

"What's his problem?" Sequentia couldn't help but click her tongue.

She had unconsciously believed that Cadillac would've shown the incredible enthusiasm at her show of magic, but he just shrugged her off and went to do his thing without another word.

"He's concerned." 

"Ah, Anaiz's brother."

"It's Rohwell, how many times do I have to tell you?" The man sighed, exhausted of the repeated flow of introduction.

"So what did you mean with him being concerned?"

Rohwell and Lyzekiel glanced at each other.

It was Lyzekiel who answered her. His voice was gentle as he watched Cade's back, "Cadillac didn't want you to be a genius.. Of course it would be good if you were but he wanted to keep that secret within the family. I'm sure the duke and duchess also showed a lukewarm attitude to it while congratulating you."

At the time Sequentia didn't mind her burst of magic at all but now that she thought back on what happened, it was true. While Noreen Vansia had indeed made a positive comment on her abilities, she only showed care to her state and didn't dwell on her genius capabilities.

Robert Vansia was worse, he didn't even mention it and focused on his family before heading off to help the knights and passengers.

"Yeah. Why was that?" Sequentia frowned, clicking her tongue and crossing her arms.

Rohwell opened his mouth to explain but Lyzekiel stopped him.

With a hand on his friend's shoulder, the Prince smiled amicably. "It's not right for us to tell her what Cadillac's and their parents' heart is weighing on."

"It doesn't have to be that dramatic." Rohwell muttered with a bored face and sighed. "Well, I guess you're right. We're outsiders."

After that simple talk, Rohwell and the Crown Prince walked away while discussing the events that transpired. 

Sequentia's attention went back to the distant crashed train car.

Apparently the driver was missing and three of the intruders were found split in half.

'That guy was familiar.. Rather..'

Her eyes moved up, eyeing the driver's compartment.

When the magic cleaver user entered the compartment to run away in the heat of the moment when the train car flipped, she was sure she saw something beyond the door.

Beyond the man running away.

Long blond hair and red eyes staring at her.

'Maine, why are you doing this? Do you recognize me?'


"M-Master! The train was saved! Should we-"

"Let's stop for today."

Garen, the mage who manifests magic cleavers, watched his master watch the distant scene.

They had escaped from the derailment and the knights' watch but he was still on edge. Yet his master, Maine, a black mage, was calm.

"Master, we're just a kilometer away from the scene. If a mage with search magic comes around..."

As Garen tried to persuade his master, Maine sighed in annoyance.

"You're too anxious."

"Ugh I can't help it... Three of the mercenaries we abruptly hired were slice in half just like that. It still gives me the creeps!"

Maine smiled.

His beautiful countenance mesmerizing Garen for a moment.

"Ughk! I'm into girls..." 

As his subordinate mumbled funnily, Maine's eyes left the Lady with white hair in the distance and moved to another familiar figure. "An apprentice used to act like this with me."

"Huh? Aren't I your only apprentice?"

"It was a long time ago... Or rather the future?" Maine's red eyes watch Rohwell Allum. "Let's go unle-!"

Maine's attention went back to the white haired mage.

Her white eyes staring back at him.

"I see. The Great Witch is back."

Maine grinned towards Sequentia and turned around.

"Let's go."

"Yes, master!"

Chapter 11 - End!

The Great Witch is back!

Hello! It's been a long time since I've made my last author's thought!

Honestly I wanted to write this chapter in a more surprising hair tingling way but I ran out of words. Is it just me I think my sentence structuring is becoming redundant? I get so conscious about it that I can't continue writing a chapter just to study that again and again!

Anyway! Besides me rambling about my stressors, I would like to thank you for your on-going attention! Though it's bad to name specific supporters, I would like to thank the three most contributors for always reading and commenting! I don't know if I'm worthy but thank you for your power stones too! <<(TT O TT)>> I just want to give you a hug!

That is all for my AT. Once again, thank you very much for supporting this story! I want to see this through to the end after all, please support me more!


Ohohoho? Maine knows the Great Witch? or rather does he remember?

Ok, bye!

SWMarthaAmboncreators' thoughts