
Maxed out

After was attacked by aliens, humans nearly went extinct until another group of aliens that protect the universe arrived and saved the remaining humans. Since earth was destroyed and infested with alien monsters, the remaining humans are sent to a new planet where interesting things will happen.

gfserfsacfradrf · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Physical Exam

The military entrance exam comprised three crucial tests: written, physical, and combat. Success in these tests marked the beginning of training under the military's wing; failure, a devastating setback. Rex had already triumphed in the written test, ranking within the top 10. His hard work and days of relentless studying had paid off. Now, it was time for the grueling physical exam, a week-long ordeal with ten challenging stages. Only those who surmounted the fifth stage would be considered successful.

Rex, alongside other hopefuls, navigated the bustling corridors of the military hall. Passing classrooms filled with cadets, he imagined himself among them and couldn't help but smile. Eventually, they arrived at an expansive track and field area, aware of the challenges awaiting them. Sergeant Dax, the instructor for the day, approached them, notebook in hand.

"Hello, applicants. I'm Sergeant Dax, your instructor. As you can see, this is a track and field test. You must demonstrate your physical prowess to progress. Score below 50 points, and you fail. Any questions?"

Silence followed his query. Dax selected five individuals for the initial round, explaining the rules. The task was simple: complete two rounds within five minutes; placement didn't matter. The race commenced, and initially, many participants excelled, impressing with scores in the 70s. Five hours later, Rex found himself in the last group.


The race kicked off, and Rex, initially in third place, observed the widening gap between himself and the leaders. Glancing back, he saw his pursuers struggling, their breaths shallow. He maintained a steady pace but, upon finishing the first round, he shifted gears. With determination, he accelerated, gradually closing in on the frontrunners. They noticed his advance, attempting to pick up speed, but hid determination prevailed. He overtook them, widening the distance between them and him. Even the instructor appeared shocked at his display of prowess. He had always possessed remarkable physical abilities, and now was his chance to showcase them.

Crossing the finish line, he clocked in at 3 minutes and 5 seconds, earning him 79 points and ranking him as the 11th best runner among all applicants. The first test concluded, with 6,850 successful candidates and 1,150 who fell short.

"So far, this year's recruits are decent. I have high hopes," Dax remarked, his gaze lingering on the new batch of hopefuls as he walked away. Another instructor, Sergeant Gun, promptly took charge, instructing the recruits to line up. He moved among them, scrutinizing their faces, and paused at Rex. Unfazed, Rex refrained from meeting the instructor's gaze, fully aware that any hint of disrespect could prove costly. 

Returning to the front, Sergeant Gun addressed the weary recruits. "Hello, recruits. I'm Sergeant Gun. I understand many of you are tired, but we have to complete the remaining track and field tests. Bear with it a little longer; excellent meals and showers await those who succeed inside."

The next challenge involved long jumps, a task anticipated to conclude within three hours at most. As the test commenced, many applicants faltered, daunted by the incredibly high standards set. To pass, they had to clear a minimum of 3 meters, a daunting feat for ordinary humans. Some applicants, aided by mechanical implants, managed to meet the requirement. After observing others, it was Rex's turn. He meticulously stretched his legs, ensuring he wouldn't succumb to cramps. Stepping back 20 feet from the jumping line, he sprinted, taking massive strides to maximize his chances. With all his leg power, he leaped, landing firmly. The instructor's smile spoke volumes.

"Congratulations, applicant Rex. You've made it through the day."

Filled with pride, he joined the other successful applicants, his achievement noteworthy—his jump spanned 4.3 meters, placing him just behind a select few. In the eyes of a normal human, this feat was nothing short of superhuman. As the first day concluded, a total of 4,050 applicants emerged victorious. Those who failed departed, their dreams shattered.

The successful candidates were divided by gender, each group allocated spacious dormitories housing ten individuals. Rex found himself rooming with the top-ranked applicant. Despite his solitude, he saw little point in forming connections. Nevertheless, the highest-ranking applicant approached him, initiating a conversation.

"Hey, my name is Yuha, nice to meet you," greeted Yuha, breaking the silence between them. Rex stared at him in surprise; this was the first time someone had initiated a conversation with him. A warm smile spread across his face as he shook Yuha's hand. "Nice name, Yuha. I'm Rex. It's good to meet you too."

They delved into a discussion about the first day's test, sharing thoughts on its ease and pondering what challenges tomorrow might bring. After their conversation, they decided to dine together. The dining hall was communal, accommodating both boys and girls, providing an opportunity for everyone to mingle. They collected their food and scanned for a place to sit. Their eyes landed on a table occupied by a lone girl. Yuha hesitated, suggesting they find another spot because the girl was ranked last in today's exam.

Rex considered her for a moment. "Hmm, it's fine. Let's sit there. She passed, and rankings can change. We still have nine stages left in the physical exam. You never know what might happen," he asserted, pulling Yuha towards the table. Despite Yuha's reluctance, they settled down, and an awkward silence hung over them as they ate.

Rex finally mustered the courage to break the ice. "Um, nice to meet you. I'm Rex, and this is Yuha. We hope you don't mind us sitting here," he said tentatively. Both him and Yuha waited anxiously for her response.

"I'm Rebecca. Nice to meet you both, and I don't mind," Rebecca replied, breaking the tension.

"Sweet. Hope we can all get along from now on," he said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. He encouraged them to shake hands, pushing them slightly out of their comfort zones. Despite their initial discomfort, they agreed to be friends.

"Fine, we are all friends now," Yuha conceded.

"I'm cool with it," she added, a small smile playing on her lips. They continued their meal, discussing various topics like the mysteries of the wilderness. After finishing their dinner, they bid each other goodnight and returned to their respective rooms. Rebecca left with a contented smile, running off happily.

In the darkness of their room, they settled onto their beds. The lights flickered off, and Rex lay there, anticipation filling him as he waited for the challenges of the next day.