
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Morita and Hinano were dating with each other

Ichinose had a deep sleep inside the frozen tech bed inside the room with Aya at her side but Hinano took Morita on a date to enjoy while they returned from the date with Morita.

Kuromi: did anyone see where both of that couple have to go early today

Matsuda: they were dating with both of them while you guys were helping Ichinose rest inside the tech bed

Kumi: it's okay but they will return here while Ichinose is waking up from her dream inside the tech bed

Once Hinano and Morita were right inside the rented apartment where she was brought to have some fun together as much as possible Hinano dragged Morita's shoulder she was taken back outside from the apartment floor and she could see that full Pokémon food with much more she likes to buy them as a collection.

Morita: Hinano...you should have to do this just for me but thanks anyway

Hinano: you can go and buy them but I just need to call Kumi for a second

Morita: sure of course and please hurry up while you finish your call from Kumi

Later Hinano was standing outside the event full of the Pokémon when she saw that Morita was pretty excited to buy everything of the product of Pokemon that she wanted to collect back inside the room.

Kumi: Hinano...how is your dating doing with Morita

Hinano: she was pretty excited with some of event of Pokemon that I brought her but how is Ichinose Miku doing inside the tech bed

Kumi: Ichinose still not even moving her body but Aya is keeping closer to her side while you finish your date please be back here okay Hinano

After Hinano had ended the call from Kumi she went to see that Morita was finishing buying the product Pokémon and she was carrying some of the bags while both of them were back inside the rented apartment and just talked to her about Ichinose problem with her viral pulse body that she could change back into a human or change into something more special with her body.

Morita: Hinano what did Kumi have to say about Ichinose Miku

Hinano: Ichinose Miku is still subconscious on her body inside the tech bed

Morita: so are you saying that we must go there and return as soon as possible right, Hinano

Right before Hinano shook her head toward Morita she saw that Hinano wanted to do more dating couple of staff just like kissing and eating together inside the rented apartment where Hinano took Morita back inside the master bedroom to have some rest inside the room with Morita.

Hinano: Morita...shall we have some kiss right over here on the bed

Morita: Hinano...you are such a great girlfriend ever I could date you

Hinano: please Morita less talking and more kissing me onto my lips come here *Morita jumps*

In the meantime, Hinano hugged Morita went she kissed both of their lips later they were resting and saw the ceiling that looked something more beautiful than could ever they imagined things back where they were inside the Sakamichi company.

Ogawa: please Ichinose I want you to wake up please and don't go leave me alone

Nagi: hey...Ogawa how are you feeling now

Ogawa: I felt so awful to leave her just like this and I wish I could see her back here again did Haruki have some magic power within himself

Haruki opened the door where Nagi and Ogawa were inside and looked at both of Yamaguchi's brother and sister who had to come inside and take good care of Ichinose who had been deeply sleeping inside the tech bed where Ogawa was touching the tech bed window as much as she wants to see back Ichinose being alive once again.

Haruki: I can help you out to gain Ichinose back again but there is one thing about bringing her back alive is to make her become a metahuman but not a vampire anymore

Ogawa: please Haruki senpai just do what you like to Ichinose and I just want to stay by her side inside here

Haruki: sure of course I will do that for you but please step back while I do my magic power into her body

Once Ogawa and Nagi stepped back from Ichinose and later he started to do his magic power straight to her while Haruyo started to nosebleed from his nose Haruyo was helping her brother wipe his bloody nose off his nose he could feel his Ichinose body reacting to his magic power within her body.

Haruki: I think she is reacting to my magic power but please call Hinano and Morita over here to see what is going on with Ichinose Miku

Kumi: I will call her and please do whatever you were doing to Ichinose

Haruki: sure of course and Haruyo please wipe some off my blood nose and take some tissue and wipe it thank you

Back inside at the studio where Kuromi and Kira were making other potions to make it work this time for Ichinose to turn back completely into human but some errors were made that she was using for Haruki to drink that potion just to give him some magic power.

Kuromi: Kira...are you done with the potion Haruki had messaged me that Ichinose is about to wake up from her dream

Kira: okay...I will be most done with the potion but where are both of the couples who had have date with Hinano

Kuromi: oh that could be Morita was dating her back at the rented apartment that she was rending them

Back where Kumi was calling Hinano on her phone but she couldn't reach her calls because she was turning off her phone to vibrate into silent mode while both of them had some moments together with each other inside the master bedroom.

Hinano: Morita...Kumi had been calling me since we needed to go back to the Sakamichi company and Haruki had said that Ichinose was waking up soon

Morita: so we have to go back there and what we have to do and you just can't go now without some proper couple hours with you

Hinano: I give you are right Morita shall we get started now and we can go there once we are finished this proper couple hour

Suddenly, Hinano and Morita started kissing them while Hinano were start to cover some blanket to cover us inside the master bedroom while she was having some sex with each other until Morita was satisfied with her fucking huge cock went she was putting it inside her pussy.

Hinano: Morita we have to do this sex pretty quick okay

Morita: okay...Hinano please do cum pretty quick inside of me

Hinano: okay here I go Morita

Without any sound coming from Hinano or even Morita later Hinano was cumming that overflow cum inside her fucking tight pussy while Morita was kissing Hinano while she was pulling out her futa huge cock out from her pussy and she was putting it right back inside Morita's mouth and she had another second cum and Morita was happy that both of them are having some sex with a third round back inside the rent apartment where at the master bedroom.