
Mated to the King

They say that a blind wolf has no value. A wolf pup born blind should be given a swift death by the parents or by nature but what happens when nature decides to spare a blind wolf? Though blind she overcame lots of obstacles and ended up leading the largest pack equal to that of a King. What'll happen when she finds out what her true identity is? Will she and her brother save the world or destroy it? Will they be consumed by their power or will they ignore the temptation?

_Sienna_04 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Eighteen Years Later…

"You've been invited to the coronation of the new King." My beta, best friend, and brother says to me as I much on my toast.

"Really? That's surprising." I mumble as I take a sip of apple juice.

"But expected." Alec says in response, causing me to smile.

"Of course and I'll admit I didn't think they'd invite rouges to the King's coronation. I suspected they wanted to keep the rare sighting of rouges private." I muse out loud.

"What are you planning?" Alec asks me as I abandon my breakfast.

"Nothing dangerous. You know the usual. You're Alpha while I'm the beta to our lovely society." I say to him and he nods at me.

"Are you going to visit them?" He asks with a gentle, knowing smile.

"Yes. I'll be back in time." I say to him then head out taking the fun route through the Phospiet forest, the protective barrier around our home and home to the Phospiet wolves. When in the heart of the forest I call out to them and It's not long before I hear their howls as they get closer to me. When they reveal themselves I let out a smile as I sense their leaders approach me along with their two sons and daughter, my siblings.

Wondering how I am so familiar with them. When they found me in the forest they took care of me and helped me through my first shift at age three and raised me as one of their own until I was able to change back at age fifteen thanks to my witch friend Kelly and her family then I met Alec and a bunch of other rogues who were lost and needed help.

After spending some time with my literal wolf family, I head out of the forest and head into town. As I bypass some of the locals they greet me with cheerful good mornings which I return.

I enter the coffee shop and am immediately greeted by Sam and her younger sister Lily.

"Hi Sunny." Lily says, greeting me while hugging me around my waist.

"Hello, troublemaker." I say with a laugh.

"How are you, Mei?" Sam asks.

"I'm good, Sam. Just checking in to see how things are going." I say with a casual shrug.

"My answer remains the same as it was over the past years. Everyone is safe, happy, protected, and grateful for what you and your pack have done for us. There's no alarming news, however, a letter came for you." Sam says handing it to me and I frown slightly.

"Who delivered it?" I ask as I take in the scents present on it as Lily returns to the back of the cafe to aid her mother in the kitchen.

"The son and beta of Alpha James." She says with mild hatred in her voice.

"Interesting. This is the 4th time in a week" I mumble to myself.

"Make sure to alert everyone to be on guard for the rest of the month and patrols will be increased. Something bigger is a play here." I say to Sam.

"Ok." She says as I say goodbye to her heading back into the forest when I get an unfamiliar scent and what's worse she's not a rogue. Stuffing the letter in my pocket I follow the scent deep in the forest. It doesn't take long for me to locate her only for her scent to identify her as a pregnant woman surrounded by the native wolves.

With a smirk, I climb a nearby tree making sure I'm high enough to be hidden by the branches.

With a sharp whistle, the native wolves retreat into the forest leaving the pregnant woman alone.

"Why are you here?" She asks, startling the woman.

"I'm lost." She responds trying to locate the source of the voice.

"You don't belong here and you're not welcome here." Mei responds coldly.

"I can't find my way out." She says fear evident in her voice.

"Which pack are you from?" Mei asks.

"Copper stones." She says and I barely contain a snarl as my wolf, Nixie wants to take control but doesn't fight me.

"Keep walking straight until you reach the old willow then make a right, you'll be led straight to town. When you get there go to the coffee shop and ask for Sam. She'll assist you." I say.

"Thank you." She says, with relief in her voice.

"Don't thank me. Just consider yourself lucky that I helped you at all." I state coldly causing her to become silent then I hear the crunch of the dry leaves and twigs as she makes her way to town. I jump down from the tree and head home.

When I enter the house I take a deep breath of Mama Kate's cooking and follow it to the kitchen.

"Morning, Mama Kate." I say and she startles laughing.

"Even after all the years you still manage to get the jump on me." She says as she turns around to embrace me which I return.

Though blind she survived and became an Alpha.

She gave everyone in her pack a second chance and they thrived and continue to do so.

But what will happen when she attends the coronation?

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