
Mated to the Alphas_Link Moved

“Kage, what are you…” “What am I doing?” His voice taunting. “I am going to destroy you, Avyanna. Once I am done, you will never be able to have another man.” “Kage…” Beyond what I can even restrain myself, my moans are nothing but a symphony to his ears. But as he feels my body surrender, he pulls his hungry lips away, “Do you really think I am going to give you all that you want, Avyanna?” He knots his hands in the edges of my shirt and in almost near slow motion, he raises it over my head. “Kage…” My voice turning to a whimper. “Please, I am sorry.” “Not as sorry as what you are going to be,” his growls ripple to every inch of every crack and crevice. “What… Are…” He does not give me the simple pleasure, yet he brings his hands sliding up my thigh, “You messed up, princess.” With his fingers drawing circles against my flesh, he edges to the inches of red lace. Then tangling his way between the fabric of my panties and heated skin, he brings his lips to the tip of my ear, “You just lost the only man that will ever satisfy you.” Pulling away, he nips at my lip, leaving me utterly breathless, with my body nothing but wanting. With his eyes piercing through to the depths of my soul, I see a wicked grin appear on his pained face. In near almost an instant, he slides off my body. “Get out!” And with one glance over his shoulder as he exits the room, he leaves me with a final warning, “Do not think that this is over.” Avyanna Tate left her small-town home of Jackson ten years ago in pursuit of a modeling career in the big city. When a tragedy strikes in her family, she is forced to return home. Years ago, she left the Xavier brothers behind her, they not only destroyed her life but broke her heart. Destined to only one of them, she could never make the choice and decided to run away instead. Now she is back, and her path is bound to cross with Niko, Slater, and Kage once again. But the boys have done some growing up. If she thought then that one choice between them was not easy, this time around it is going to be near damn impossible. Ten years ago, they were only boys, but now they are the Alphas that run Jackson. The Xavier brothers known for their reign of anarchy have waited in anticipation for Avyanna’s return and this time there is no escaping them.

Tatum_Whispers · Urbain
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19 Chs

Some Required Motivation

"Is that a yes, Avyanna?"

I watch him as the impatience seems to grow with each ticking second. This Kage is a far cry from the one I knew ten years ago. He is determined to get what it is that he wants. But my question begs, what is it exactly that he is trying to achieve with this seemingly innocent business proposal?

One thing that will never change about this man…

You cannot trust him.

"What happens if I say no?"

For a brief moment, I see his eyes grow wider than my fucking hoop earrings. Something gives me the idea that he believes that I will just give in without any question. I mean, how bad can my dad's debt be?

"How much does my dad owe you?"

Throwing his head back, he bursts out in a fit of laughter again, "That little modeling salary of yours will not even make a dent in it."

"How much, Kage?"

Standing from the couch, he walks over to his desk and continues to retrieve a blue folder. Then, as he comes back to take his seat again, he slowly slides it over to me. With rather hesitant fingers, I slide the folder open, and fuck, I wish I never did.

"How the fuck? Are you serious? Is this it?"

"Avyanna, when it comes to business, I do not fuck around. Your dad was desperate, and he promised me that he was good to carry his debt, but for some reason he fucked up and lost his job," pausing for a fraction of a second, I see him turn his head away and continue to speak to me without trying to make eye contact. "Your father has earned himself a bad reputation in town, and frankly, nobody wants to employ him."

With my mouth gaping open, I can hardly find the words my lips are trembling so goddamn much. "Why?"

"I am not here to discuss your father's reputation. That is something that you need to take up with him."

"So what if I say no?"

"Avyanna, I do not believe you want to push me that far to see what happens. I am not that little love-sick boy that you knew ten years ago. I have my own reputation to uphold in this town, and should I want to ask around, then you will learn that is best not to fuck with me."

"Can I not just pay his debt off?"

And again he bursts out in nothing but laughter, "Take a look at those papers. Can you see the last time I advanced money to him?"

Scanning through every single contract that my dad so fucking willingly signed, I come to the very last of them. I feel an anger crawl over my skin, and I cannot help but snap, "This is fucking months ago. Why am I only finding out about it now?"

With a smirk growing at the edges of his lips, he falls against the back of the chair and announces with nothing but fucking pride, "Six months ago I did not need you, but I do now."

Feeling as the desperation sets in, I cannot help but beg him, "Please, is there not some other way that we can sort this out. If Liam has to find out about this, then we are as good as over. That is if he does not try and fucking kill you for pulling a stunt like this."

"Oh Avyanna, do I need to remind you again. That pretty boy is no longer part of your life," shifting an inch closer to me, I feel as he runs his fingers down the bare of my back. "And I invite him to please come and try fucking kill me. You have no idea how much I have changed."

He is goddamn right.

I thought I knew this Kage.

But I am so wrong.

Now, do I truly want to mess around with him and say no?

But three months is a long time to be away from Liam.

And my job.

But wait one fucking minute!

"How do you know about my job?"

He cocks his head to the side and lets out the sexiest smirk. Twisting that mouth so seductively, I cannot help but bite into my bottom lip. And if I thought that he will not see me staring at his own parted lips, I am sadly mistaken as he brings his lips to the nape of my neck. Through his soft little kisses, I hear him whisper, "I would like to say that Olivia told me, but then I would be lying."

My heart skips a fucking beat at the thought that he has been watching me all these years. Barely able to breathe, I only but whimper, "Have you been keeping tabs on me?"

"Oh Avyanna, I have done more than keeping an eye on you. But we are not discussing me. Have you decided what you are going to do?"

"I need to speak to Liam about this."

I hear him growl in utter frustration, and as he curses underneath his breath, his voice grows that pitch higher, "For fuck sakes, Avyanna." Just then he stands from the couch and walks over to the bar, pouring himself a whiskey, with his back still to me, that last tether of restraint snaps within him, "Fine. Talk to your goddamn pretty boy, but I want an answer before the end of this day."

With that I rise off the couch, and not saying a single word, I turn to head for the door. But just as I am about to reach for that knob, I feel him cage me in from behind. Running his fingers down my spine, he wraps his arms around my waist. Tangling his fingers in the edge of my skirt, he pushes it up my waist.

From underneath a strained breath, my words only mumble, "Kage, I don't have…"

"I know, Avyanna. They are in my pocket."

Sliding his thumb over my clit, my body fucking betrays me, and I let out a moan, "Please, Kage…"

Then he pulls away, lingering his lips at the tip of my ear, I feel his warm breath fall hot onto my skin, "I thought you could do with some encouragement. Now tell me you don't want that?" Turning his back to me, he walks to his desk and falls back into his black leather chair, "I will be waiting for your call."

Feeling rather unsteady, I make my way down the corridor and back to our table. And as a glance over, I can see that Liam is about to fucking explode. The anger is carved into his face, and I can almost see the tips of his ears burning up.

How am I going to explain this to him?

So as I take my seat next to him again, he does not waste a single moment. "Getting some fresh air again?"

"No," I hesitantly try to find the words. How will he possibly understand this? I can't think of any guy in his right mind that will allow his girlfriend to spend three months with another man. Liam is by far the most jealous guy I think I have ever come across, but I love him.

Or do I?

I don't even know anymore.

But we are together, and I am not about to break up what we have just because of Kage. Though when he hears this fucked up plan, there is no telling what he will do. Probably be over at Kage's table in less than his next wink.

So pushing my nerves aside, I move a fraction closer so that Olivia cannot hear my next words, "Liam, I think you need to go home. My mom is very sick and I might be here for a while."

Ya, I am fucking lying my ass off.

But I just cannot handle him throwing a tantrum.

And as I suspected, he shakes his head with that fury still burning out of control, "I am not going anywhere, babe. I will stay as long as it takes me. Mike can run the business while I am gone."

"But it might be a while."

"I said no, Avyanna," then he looks over my shoulder at where Kage has just joined his table again. Next, I feel him grab my arm, and as I start twisting, his voice grows louder, "Is it because of that dick that punched me? Were you with him again?"

"Liam, it is…" with nothing but a sigh, I slump my shoulder and bow my head. "It is complicated. There are things that you will not understand."

"I suggest you make me understand because I am not going home."

Feeling him digging his fingers deeper into my flesh as he continues twists, my voice shriek above the crowd, "Liam let go of me."

Next thing I see Liam being pulled from his chair and dragged to the door. Kage has him by the collar, with Niko and Slater following behind.

Kage is going to fucking kill him.

Glancing over at Olivia, I can barely find the strength to make my feet move. But as I hear Liam cursing and calling out my name, I find myself exiting the pub where Kage is about to slam his fist into his face.

Before I know what the fuck I am doing, I hear myself utter the words, "Okay, I will do it. Just let Liam go."