
Mated to the Alphas_Link Moved

“Kage, what are you…” “What am I doing?” His voice taunting. “I am going to destroy you, Avyanna. Once I am done, you will never be able to have another man.” “Kage…” Beyond what I can even restrain myself, my moans are nothing but a symphony to his ears. But as he feels my body surrender, he pulls his hungry lips away, “Do you really think I am going to give you all that you want, Avyanna?” He knots his hands in the edges of my shirt and in almost near slow motion, he raises it over my head. “Kage…” My voice turning to a whimper. “Please, I am sorry.” “Not as sorry as what you are going to be,” his growls ripple to every inch of every crack and crevice. “What… Are…” He does not give me the simple pleasure, yet he brings his hands sliding up my thigh, “You messed up, princess.” With his fingers drawing circles against my flesh, he edges to the inches of red lace. Then tangling his way between the fabric of my panties and heated skin, he brings his lips to the tip of my ear, “You just lost the only man that will ever satisfy you.” Pulling away, he nips at my lip, leaving me utterly breathless, with my body nothing but wanting. With his eyes piercing through to the depths of my soul, I see a wicked grin appear on his pained face. In near almost an instant, he slides off my body. “Get out!” And with one glance over his shoulder as he exits the room, he leaves me with a final warning, “Do not think that this is over.” Avyanna Tate left her small-town home of Jackson ten years ago in pursuit of a modeling career in the big city. When a tragedy strikes in her family, she is forced to return home. Years ago, she left the Xavier brothers behind her, they not only destroyed her life but broke her heart. Destined to only one of them, she could never make the choice and decided to run away instead. Now she is back, and her path is bound to cross with Niko, Slater, and Kage once again. But the boys have done some growing up. If she thought then that one choice between them was not easy, this time around it is going to be near damn impossible. Ten years ago, they were only boys, but now they are the Alphas that run Jackson. The Xavier brothers known for their reign of anarchy have waited in anticipation for Avyanna’s return and this time there is no escaping them.

Tatum_Whispers · Urbain
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19 Chs

Set It On Fire


Moving with pure elegance, I watch her sway those goddamn hips with utmost tormented purpose. Flicking them from side to side, that skirt flares just enough to give me a full view of her tight ass. Every emotion that was ever filled with rage, is set on fire…

That fire that once burned for her ignites right the fuck alight.

And in a mere than the blink of an eye, my only desire is to taste Avyanna Tate…

It takes me less than two strides, and I burst through the back door only to catch a glimpse of her as she disappears around the corner. With a nothing but smirk and the hint of a growl, I adjust my growing erection, "Not so fast, my little wolf." Then from underneath my breath, I whisper, "I am not done with you yet."

But as I take that corner, sneaking up from the side, I see her toy boy pushing his way through the door, short on the heels of my prize, into the lady's bathroom.

Picking up the pace, I slip in behind just as the door is about to close, then with nothing but warning, my voice grows louder, "What exactly is it that you think you are doing in here?"

"What the fuck?" Our eyes lock in a heated gaze, and a fit of anger consumes her, "Get out, Kage!"

As I step closer to where he has her wrapped in his hungry embrace, I only continue to demand, "Take your fucking filthy paws off her."

Pushing Avyanna to the side, he snaps into my direction and shoves his goddamn face right up to mine, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"It does not concern you, little boy, but why don't ask Avyanna?"

"I am asking you," he hisses and steps even further right up to my chest. With his breath falling warm against my cheek, I watch his lips tremble, "I said, who the fuck do you think you are?"

I cannot help but burst out in a rumble, knotting my fists in his shirt, I shove him back, "I own this town, and as for your Avyanna…" Pausing for a breath, I push his back up against the mirror, with a slight crack, my voice grows even louder, "Well, she belongs to me."

"Ya, right, over my dead body," he slams his hands against my shoulders and drives me into the wall behind. "Why don't you just fuck off."

Next, I hear the voice of Avyanna, "I don't belong to you, Kage." Then with much force, she pulls her little toy boy back, "Come, Liam, we are leaving."

"Yes, Liam," with his back at my face, my voice taunts him. "You are leaving, Liam…" Then I watch as Avyanna pulls him towards the door, yet as she reaches out, I grab her by the arm and rip her close to my chest, "Liam is leaving alone…"

"Let go of me, Kage!"

Liam spins on his heels, and along he brings his fist swinging, "Get your fucking…"

There is a loud thud…

Avyanna gasps in shock as she turns to me with only rage fueling her tiny body, "You did not have to knock him out!"

I cannot help but chuckle, "I told him to leave, but he did not listen."

"You are a fucking asshole, Kage."

As she slams her fist into my chest, I lock my arms around her waist, "A fucking asshole that you want."

"Please, I don't want you."

"Oh, really?" Digging my fingers into her thighs, I crawl them underneath that skirt, "I bet you are wet."

"No, I am not."

"Really, Avyanna?" Moving an inch of a breath closer to her supple lips, my fingers find the elastic of her panties, and as I tangle them, I slowly edge them over that goddamn tight ass. "Fuck, tell me everything else is this tight."

"Let me go, Kage…"

Ignoring her pleas, with one final drive, I shove her panties down her legs, "Only after I get what I want." With one hand firmly digging into her flesh, I reach down, "Fuck, Avyanna." I cannot help but growl in utter satisfaction as I pick the tiny piece of red lace from the floor, and announce, "You are not wet, you are fucking soaked."

"Fuck you, Kage. It is not for you."

"Really? Then tell me why…?" I slide my hands away from underneath her skirt, and trail a path up her belly, drawing slow agonizing circles, I scrunch my fingers in her blouse. "Then why are these…?" Stroking my thumb over her erect nipples, in near an instant I hear her breathing only but hitch, "Then tell me why are these so hard?"


"Yes, Avyanna?"

"Fuck you."

"As you desire," with one flick of my hand, I loosen my buckle. Her eyes follow every single pop as I flip the buttons of my jeans open.

Then beyond her control, I watch her bite into that supple lip, and whimper, "What the fuck are you doing, Kage?"

"Giving you what you want."

"Oh," she cannot help but burst out in a rumble, then as her eyes lock with mine, she lets her warm breath linger against my lips, "After all these years, now you want to give me what I want?"

"The way I remember it, you got exactly what you wanted that night before you left."

"Please refresh my memory, because I do not quite seem to recall things happening that way."

Not needing a second invitation, my hands slide down her waist, and as I pierce my fingers into her tight flesh, I push her body up against the basin. Pinning her hands firmly against the taps, I spread her legs wide open. As she throws her head back in anticipation, I lay my tongue against the contours of her neck. Gently I bite into her soft skin.


"Shut it, my little wolf. I know you have been dying to feel this way again."

Scraping my teeth over her shoulder, I feel her body shudder, "Please, Kage, don't"

"Oh, I am," I pierce into her hot flesh. "Who is going to stop me?"

Yet she protests, "I am with Liam."

"Not if I mark you right now," Moving inches closer back to her neck, I nip and tease at her nape, "Then you are mine."

"Kage, please, don't."

"It is going to happen Avyanna whether you like it or not."

"Never!" She rips her hands from my grip, and back me into the door, then as she reaches behind, I feel her pluck it open. Reaching for Liam, that is now starting to stir, her eyes meet mine once again, "You had your chance, Kage and you blew it."

"No, Avyanna, you fucked up." Shoving her panties into my back pocket, I move around where she is trying to lift Liam from the floor. "But don't think this is done, not by a long shot."

With that, I leave her with nothing but one curse after the other coming from those sweet lips. She might be trying to fool herself, but she is not making me believe for one second that she does not feel that fire burning. She craves me just as much as this body fucking wants to devour hers.

Our kind of love never dies.

And she would be wise to remember that.

Yet I am a patient man, I have all the time in the world to get back what I had so foolishly pushed away…

That I made sure of.

Avyanna might think she is here for her mother, though she does not truly know the real reason behind her requested return to Jackson. And for the time being, it will remain that way. But one thing is for certain, this time I will not let her get away.

So, with one satisfied smirk, I join Slater and Niko back at our table. Slater only but gives me a raise of one questioning brow, "And what exactly did you do in the lady's bathroom?"

I only but grunt at him in return, "Since when do I give you the run-by of whom I fuck behind closed doors?"

Niko watches as Avyanna comes walking from the very door that I had just come from, and with total disgust, he snaps in my direction, "Since it is Anna."

Raising my voice for but a fraction, "I am only going to say this once, if I catch one of you laying a hand on Avyanna, then it will be the last thing you ever do."