

  "Baby, I'll be traveling today", Brian said.

  It's been three days since the coronation and three days since the attack and yet they were still not in talking terms. Brian didn't know what to do anymore and he wished he did because staying without talking to her was slowly killing him.

  "Where are you off to?",she asked.

  "Paris, on some business. It'll be just for two days", Brian said.

  "Okay, have a safe flight", Serah said.

  "Are you still angry with me?", Brian sighed.

  "To be honest, I'm not. I'm just indifferent about the whole thing, I really do not hate you anymore Brian", Serah said.

  "Thank you, at least that's a start", Brian smiled.

  He made to kiss her but she gave him her cheeks, preferring to be kissed there than her lips. Serah knew what would happen if she allowed him kiss her lips, her emotions would be all over the place and she didn't really know if she wanted that.

  "I'll see you soon. Please stay safe baby", Brian smiled.