

An orphan girl that has a power that not everybody in the world has. From this day on, she is different. She will need time to control her power. In the time of sorrow and sadness, she decided to kill her self but a werewolf man save her life. In that day, she met her one and only "Mate". What is her mysterious power that suddenly awakened? How will she accept her Handsome werewolf mate?

Midnyt_Zun · Fantaisie
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309 Chs

Chapter 33

Spellbound, I open to the first page, but it is empty. The second page is blank too, and as I leaf through the rest of the book, I find it is blank as well. I look to George, who smiles knowingly.

"Look closely," he commands, his words strong as steel.

I oblige him, glancing at the first page deeply. To my surprise, when I stare at it hard enough, words begin to appear, as if writing itself on the page.

"There will come a person equal to a werewolf and a Spier, who also possesses an ability like no other, leading a complete pack, bound together by loyalty and friendship.

They will defeat the red-eyed wolf, not without losing one of their own on the journey, and another will come to take his place. Through discord and strife they will travel, friendships and relationships forgotten, but they will succeed, destroying the red stone and vanquishing Shifters once and for all.

Then the werewolves will vanish into the mist, their purpose served, for one cannot exist without the other."