
Chapter 6 - War Theatre ~ Part III of IX

"Adieu ~"

"Ah-!" <BANG!>

As I shot the dead body slump on the ground, fearful was his last face, before saying goodbye to the world.

I spun the revolver then stop and blew the muzzle, I looked around the flew back towards the sky while spinning.

"Refreshing" I smiled.

The great thing is my magic getting better as I can teleport and forcefield decoy at the same time and can later do various magic simultaneously.

The thought's of my stop as I hear a message.

*"Black01 do you copy? Report impact of firing copy."*

'Ah, another one.'

'Wait? isn't today Tanya becomes a hero, should I help her, Nah, she got plot-armour. I will just chase the retreating enemies, use them in my experiment and give them to the empire as planned -hehe'

*"Norden Control Roger, Reporti...




1923 June - Imperial Capital Bern - Imperial Army Headquarters, personnel department head of personnel department's office.

"No way..."

"To think that she'd end up in Norden..." I caress my head as I viewed the sheet.

There diverse stories about her that the instructors of the sorcerer military academy are discussing.

This is one of them.

There was some trouble during a field manoeuvre, which I was observing, too...

She was the number one guiding student, and when the number two student disobeys her orders...

She seemed to act as commander, according to military law, considering the offence of insubordination.

She appeared to be about to execute him without any hesitation.

"Graduate as the imperial military academies, runner-up. Encountered the Norden upheaval after unit training regarding the Norden district-"

"-Continued to work hard for Northern District Army."

I looked at another page.

"Holds a brilliant and distinguished war service, as well as, great contribution to friendly armies."

The Silver Winged Assault Medal.

It's very rare to see this award bestowed upon those who are still alive this child has completely turned into a weapon...

How Tragic...

The little girl with ominous eyes is she a hero, or she a monster.

But that's not all, she seems to act lively with the older brother of her's. My intuition is always telling me he is a bigger monster beyond ascendence than his sister, I thought he was just an innocent boy who followed his sister to become a soldier as well, I was beyond mistaken.

One time I was inspecting, he hanged a cadet out the building for attempting to punch his sister, and I always feel like he's always watching, every move of his is always seems calculated and planned, he has heaps of gifts almost all of them are military uses, a perfect prodigy, he could have become number one guiding student, he refused and insisted on his sister, he is an intelligent boy he is unquestionably smarter than me.

"he scares me more than his sister."

He was the True Weapon and also a threat to the Imperial Empire.

Tanya and Oswald Degurechaff, Monstres.




Tanya Degurechaff - POV - 1923 June - Northern Military District,

War Theatre.

I flew as battle's and explosions happening, it was an astonishing sight to behold, flying in the expanding sky as I observe my surroundings.

'The noise has been pretty bad since the last few minutes...

I tried to call within my throat microphone *"Fair-"*

before I could say another word.

*"Theatre-Wide Warning From Cherubim Leader!! -

I REPEAT, Theatre-Wide Warning!! -

Confirming A Large Number Of Bogeys Drawing Near!!"*

The Communication burst my eardrums as I gnashed my teeth to endure.

It stops, I thought

'A Wide-Theatre warning from the forefront of Cherubim control!?'

I rub my chin 'Oh well, this is war. Seems to be this thing called "Not Letting You At Ease"'

My thoughts top as I hear another message *"Norden Control To All Aerial Assault Units On Standby! -

- Switch R.O.E From Border Patrol Duty To Air Defence Guerilla Warfare!"*


*"Confirming Large-Scale Border Transgression of Alliance Army Sorcerer Inits!! -

- I REPEAT, Confirming Large-Scale Border Transgression of Alliance Army Sorcerer Units!!-

- According to Hypothetical Case, Immediately Intercept-T-the-T-

The Do-

As the message signals talking through my ears, it keeps frequently lagging slowly becoming apparent.

'This noise just now doesn't come from bad radio conditions-'


'-I'm taking irradiation exposure... From A Jamming Spell!'

"Cunningham! We Apprehended the Imperial Sorcerer!!"

"Got 'ya!!!"

I turn where the talking's coming from and heard what they said as they darted towards me.

In other words, the enemy Aerial Sorcerers' Target is...


they fired, I swoop as I barely dodge the bullets flying!



- Fairy 08 to Norden control! -

- I REPEAT! Fairy 08 To Norden Control!"*

I grab my Operation Orb and activated my mana-shield, then kept on calling.

*"Theatre-Wide Warning! Requesting Emergency Assistance! Sensing Group of Enemy Sorcerers The Size of a company!-

They're Rapidly Drawing Close!"*

According to the briefing, the enemy sorcerers were supposed to guard the rear base...

Gah! That doesn't matter now!

How could these guys get this far in the midst of a lost battle!?

Doing the whole "Letting out a Battlecry with your pathetic feelings set loose" Is truly nothing more than a real Bother!

Will I be the ONLY victim amongst this magnificent victory of the Empire?

'This Isn't A Joke!!!'

*"Norden control to Fairy 08!- Give us a sitrep!"*

'Messages are getting through so counter electronic warfare must've finally started'

*"This is Fairy 08! - Enemy Contact! I REPEAT ENEMY CONTACT! -

-A Company sized unit of enemy sorcerers-

-Is Currently Infiltrating!"*

*"Norden Control Roger. Hold your current position and switch to enemy contact delaying combat."*

'Ah, there it came... Expecting me to gather intel during enemy contact? While trying to delay them before since!?-

'Holding off a company all by myself?'

"Great difference in combat strength between them and me!

Requesting Reinforcements!"

I was anxious

'In this vast sky without any cover to hide behind?

*"Fairy 08 to Norden Control! Requesting Permission for an immediate withdrawal."*-

*"Norden Control to Fairy 08. Unfortunately unable to grant permission at this tim-"*

*"If you want me to get myself killed, why don't you just say so?"

"Aah!! For Fuck's SAKE!!!"

I am an Adult! Calm down and don't get dragged down by your physical age!

I can return the favour later, but only I get through this!

Right now I can only focus on making the best out of making the best out of the current situation!

*"Conduct delaying combat until friendly rapid reaction force arrives."*

*"Fairy 08 to Norden, what about friendly artillery unit?"*

*"A sorcerer unit on aerial standby is currently en route. About 300 seconds until the arrival in artillery unit air-space."*

'The Ramen will go soggy by then!! Impossible!! This is the worst possible situation! A set-up!'

Damn you Existence X are you still haunting me!?

Now I'm set! Nothing to lose since I came this Far!!

Every single one of them...

Talking about killing me...

Is this something Existence X planned as well?

*"Fairy 08, Roger."*

Converting? Me?


*"Norden Control!! I'll show you a fight until the very end!!!"*

*"... Norden Control, Roger..."*


- Look out for typos, thank you_へ__(‾◡◝ )>

Am I getting better or worse, please send it in the reviews it would be a huge help

If you were reading at a normal pace

Reading time - 4 min 48 sec

Seer_creators' thoughts