
Master of universes

**Synopsis: In the enchanting town of Eldor, Kim Sohu, a young man of humble origins, grapples with a peculiar challenge. While his fellow villagers effortlessly wield magic or excel in martial arts, Sohu remains untouched by the mystical forces that define his community. Unbeknownst to Sohu, he is the unwitting offspring of a dragon from another dimension and a human, a lineage shrouded in mystery. Taunted as "the one who couldn't do magic," Sohu faces the harsh reality of being an outsider in a community steeped in magical traditions. His attempts to access the elusive mana, the life force of magical and martial abilities, prove futile. Unaware of his true origins, Sohu embarks on a journey to unlock the dormant powers that lie within him. Guided by Master Liang, the village martial arts expert, Sohu discovers that true strength emerges when the heart and mana find harmony. As whispers of his extraordinary parentage linger, a serendipitous encounter with an ancient storm unveils a latent potential within Sohu, setting him on an unforeseen path of self-discovery. "The Unawakened Sorcerer" unfolds as a captivating tale of identity, magic, and resilience. Sohu, the unwitting sorcerer, navigates a world teeming with secrets about his lineage. His journey takes him beyond Eldor's confines, revealing a destiny intertwined with the very fabric of multiple realms. As Sohu grapples with his newfound powers and faces challenges that test his mettle, the storm of destiny becomes a catalyst for an extraordinary adventure—one that will shape not only his fate but the fate of those who share his mystical bloodline.

billgates143 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: The Arcane Lecture

The courtyard of the Higher Academy was abuzz with a collective sigh of relief. The elimination test had concluded, and the title of "outer disciple" now adorned those who had proven their mettle. Yet, amidst the sense of accomplishment, no one dared to slack off. The pursuit of excellence continued, and the disciples moved forward with a newfound determination.

Kim Sohu, now an outer disciple, found himself in the enchanting halls of the magic class. The professor, a venerable figure with a mane of silver hair, stepped to the front of the room. His eyes gleamed with ancient knowledge, and a subtle air of mystery surrounded him.

"Welcome esteemed disciples to the magic class. I am Professor Eldoran," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of countless years dedicated to the study of magic. "Today marks the beginning of your exploration into the arcane mysteries that shape our world."

He delved into the history of magic, tracing its roots to the ancient civilizations that first harnessed the ethereal energies. The disciples listened intently as Professor Eldoran unfolded the narrative of how magic became an integral part of the world's fabric—a force that connected realms and transcended the limitations of the physical.

"Now, let us delve into the practical aspects of spellcasting," Professor Eldoran announced, his eyes alight with a spark of arcane wisdom. He demonstrated basic spellcasting, conjuring ethereal flames and manipulating the mana around him with effortless precision. The disciples watched in awe as the magic responded to the professor's every gesture.

"Now, my esteemed disciples, it is your turn," Professor Eldoran declared, gesturing to the gathered students. "Show me the extent of your mana control. The foundations of spellcasting lie in the mastery of your magical essence."

Sohu, poised at his desk, focused on the task at hand. He extended his hands, feeling the mana respond to his will. With a controlled motion, he shaped the mana into a subtle flame, mirroring the professor's earlier demonstration. The flame danced between his fingertips, a testament to his growing proficiency.

Professor Eldoran moved among the disciples, observing their attempts with a discerning eye. As he reached Sohu, a knowing smile played on his lips. "Your control is commendable, young one,keep refining it.For true mastery lies in the harmonious dance between mage and mana."

The class continued, a balance of theory and practical application. Professor Eldoran unraveled the intricacies of magical circles, the conduits through which mana flowed to manifest spells. He explained the significance of purity in magical essence and the importance of maintaining equilibrium during spellcasting.

After the class concluded, the disciples dispersed to have their dinner, exchanging thoughts and insights from the lecture. Sohu, however, returned to his dormitory with a singular purpose—to further practice and refine his mana control.

In the quiet confines of his room, Sohu extended his hands, conjuring the subtle flame once more. He focused on the delicate dance of mana, seeking to enhance the fluidity and precision of his control. The flame responded, flickering with a newfound vitality.

As he practiced, Sohu contemplated the mysteries of magic and the intricate web of knowledge that awaited him within the Higher Academy. The professor's words echoed in his mind, urging him to seek not only mastery but also a profound connection with the arcane forces that surrounded him.

The weeks unfolded in a rhythm of lectures, practice, and exploration. Each class offered a glimpse into the vast tapestry of magical knowledge and Sohu, alongside his fellow disciples, embraced the challenges and revelations that accompanied their journey.

As the night enveloped the academy in a velvety darkness, Sohu continued his solitary practice. The glow of magical flames illuminated the room, a testament to the dedication that burned within him. The journey had just begun, and within the arcane realms of the Higher Academy, the pursuit of magical mastery beckoned—an odyssey that would unravel the secrets of magic and forge Sohu into a practitioner of unparalleled skill and wisdom.