
Master Of Sorcery

Harry was only a normal student with a pretty plain life. However, a bizarre occurrence befalls on him after he got backstabbed by a robber, resulting in him transmigrated into another world. Instead of finding his familiar appearance, Harry's sight was welcomed by a complete unrecognizable skinny-boy. From then onward, he came to know that he was actually possessing a boy's body named Exia Glide. As he explores the world further, he realizes the world he currently stayed wasn't as simple as it looks. It was a world filled with magic and monsters. Like every protagonist of the story he reads, he also bestowed by a magical thing. In his case, he was given a singular scarlet orb that kept revolving around his body. Determined to find the reason for him being transmigrated, Exia gradually makes his way from the lowest into the highest. From a boy that could do nothing, into a Master Of Sorcery. I don't own the cover, and would immediately change it if the artist wants me to do so.

Billy_Castellanos · Fantaisie
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33 Chs


Slowly, Exia's eyes expanded. Not because he was shocked by the content written on the paper. Rather, he couldn't understand what's written over it. Yes, he actually just realized he couldn't read at all! The words were written in a form he couldn't recognize.

Scratching his forehead in confusion, Exia fell into deep thought, thinking about what he should with the paper.

Just as he was in a dilemma whether to throw the paper away or ask its content to random people, a man with bulging-stomach arrived directly beside him with panting breaths. On his left arm's side, a cut wound was exposed due to his torn clothes.

Staring at the direction where the assassin sprinted along with his chaser, the man gnawed his teeth in anger and pain, "Screw that assassin! How dare he snatches my report paper!"

Hearing the man mentioned a word paper, Exia's eyes perked up before shifting his eyes between the man and the paper he held. After a moment of hesitation, Exia tugged at the man's clothes to draw his attention.

Feeling something pulling the corner of his clothes, the man turned his head, only to find a skinny-child with a pitiful appearance staring at him. Feeling a slight of sympathy, the man heaved a sigh before spoke softly, "Sorry, kid. I got no money in my pocket now."

Exia rapidly shook his head and shoved the paper he held on his right palm, "Paper!"

"Paper?" Although the man was puzzled about the boy's intention, he nevertheless takes the paper.

As he studied the paper given to him, the man's expression changed into joyful instantly. Shifting his eyes to Exia, he exclaimed in happiness, "Thank you, kid! You don't know how valuable is this paper for me. Is there something do you want? If you want money, you can follow me to my house."

Hearing the man's offer, Exia firstly eyed the man's appearance. The man was wearing a slightly crumpled dark suit that looked almost burst out due to his fat stomach. A pair of black trousers that seem so tight and extra-large black shoes. In all, the man's style was completely out of the world compared to other people who simply wear clothes made of linen.

Thinking the man was well-off, Exia about to nod his head on his offer when a thought crossed his mind.

'Since I couldn't read or write, wouldn't it be wiser if I choose to study about this world from him instead of asking for money that eventually will end up in mister Braun's pocket?'

If the man agreed to his request by any chance, he could also learn to write and read in the process.

With that thought, Exia stared at the man for a long time before opening his mouth, "I don't want money."

"Oh?" The man said with a hint of surprise as he didn't expect Exia would reply with such an answer.

"I want to study to read and write. Can you help me?" Exia said with a pitiful-tone and gazed at the man with puppy-eyes. Since he has been bestowed this kid's body, Exia thinks he should use his advantage to its fullest.

"Umm..." The man mumbled hesitantly and seemed to be in conflict feelings inwardly. Staring at Exia's pathetic figure, the man keep opened his mouth and closed it.

Realizing his request probably too overboard and causing the man to feel awkward, Exia embarrassedly scratching his head, "Ummm...Money is fine, sir."

Either way, receiving money also not bad for him. The only thing he must do afterward is searched the spot where he could store them stealthily from mister Braun. Considering mister Braun's position as a somewhat gang leader, he ought to have many underlings below him. And because of it, it would be difficult work to do.

'How troublesome.'

"Cough is not that I don't want to teach you. But I simply got no time for it. How about I send you to one of my friends who might help you?" The man resolved his mind after watching Exia's behaviour that knows its place.

"Really?" Exia joyfully exclaimed, but soon after, his face becomes gloomy once again, "But I don't have any money to pay the tuition fee."

After performing as a beggar for half a day, he realizes the earning he got wasn't as much as he expected. He estimated that the accumulated coins he got currently were only 20 coppers. And that was only comparable to one loaf a crusty bread if he exchanged it to mister Braun. But, if he bought the bread outside, 5 coppers are sufficient. That's four times cheaper! Four times!! When he discovered that fact, he was outraged and probably would punch mister Braun's face if he didn't feel scared about getting beaten otherwise.

Surprisedly, the next words the man said cleared all Exia's worry, "You don't need to worry. I'll ask him on behalf of a close friend and mention your great action by helping me out. However, he's a grumpy man and hard to satisfy. Hence, you probably had to pass some of his tests to prove yourself worthy to be taught as it will consume his precious time."

Exia nods his head slowly at the man's word. For him, it could be trouble if the test was too difficult. Knowing his IQ was average back then on Earth, he doubted he could pass a test for genius in this world.

"Alright, that's settled then." The man then took out a piece of paper and pen before scribbling on it briskly and handed it over to Exia, "Here's the address of my friend's place. Make sure to get there precisely at 11 a.m because I'm not a patient guy."

Accepting the paper, Exia stared at it dumbfounded, "But I can't read, sir?"

How am I supposed to read whatever written in the paper when I'm still on the zero learning stage here??

The man also getting dumbstruck for a moment hearing Exia's statement and quickly cover it by broke into an embarrassed laugh, "Haha, I'm sorry. I forgot about that fact."

He then cleared his throat before continuing, "It's a place called Smith's Blacksmith you need to visit tomorrow. It's quite famous here in Lite City. Thus, you can inquire about its location from random people."

'Blacksmith?' Exia wanted to subconsciously asked but stopped as the man cut his words off, "I'm sorry, but I'm actually in a hurry to send this paper. Once again, thanks for the paper."

"It's okay, sir. I just picked it accidentally. What's more important is that you should treat your wound first."

"Oh, this wound. It would be healed soon." The man replied mysteriously while stroking his wound. He then waves his hand, "Bye, kid. Let's meet up tomorrow."

"Bye!" Exia waved back as he stared at the man's back slowly disappear into the mass of people.