
Master of Realm: Choose Your Own Fate

You are the son of the Count of Ellandhar, a part of the Kingdom of Merovia. Your life is fun and your country is safe, so you can still play games with your friends every day. But those peaceful days won't last long. Various kinds of threats are waiting in all directions, ready to emerge at the most unexpected moments and destroy everything you have. Are you ready to become your father's successor and become the leader of your country? And if the opportunity arises, will you be able to reach the higher positions, to become the master of your realm? Choose your path wisely. Your fate is in your own hands. This is a choose your own adventure story. At the end of each part, there will be a poll. The story will progress according to the choices you make. --- Follow the rest of my story in Royal Road.

RD_Villam · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Part 8 ~ The Passionate Adventures - 2 [NSFW]

You dare yourself. "I will stay."

You choose to stay with the elf.

You know that's a crazy choice. What can you gain by staying in this cave? What will you be then? But not without reason you choose it. The first reason, of course, is that you owe the elf your life. The elf has brought you back from the dead. The second reason, you're curious, is how the elf did that to you. Did she use some kind of magic? Or something more than that?

You can't deny that you're a little scared, and one day maybe you'll regret this decision. But, if the worst thing ever happens, you don't mind dying again, because you know your new life is no longer entirely yours.

Besides, you are Gerold, right? A pirate who is always able to escape various dangers. You always have faith, even if only a little, that you will be able to escape death every time you need it, as long as you can realize who the people near you will be the traitor or know what kind of danger you will face. Always dare to make choices, but full of calculations, that is your strength. You can do it again now, and get out from this cave someday if necessary.

"A wise choice," says the elf. "I thank you. Your choice saves our lives."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you. Come on, come with me to your new home."

You follow the elf further into the cave. As you walk, the pond near you that has been calm is now churning. Rolls of water pop out and envelope all the corpses around you. They pull all the corpses into the pond. You catch your breath, as soon as you see all the corpses disappear after entering the water. You remember the story of the boat people, who said that people who went to the cave disappeared because they were eaten by the mountain demon. The truth is that it is the water and the mountain that directly eat them.

You arrive in front of a large, glowing purple stone the size of a door leaf. It seems that it is indeed a door to enter the next room in the cave. The elf holds your right hand with her left, while her right-hand reaches out to touch the stone. Her hand dips into the purple rock as if it is a water wall. The elf walks into the purple rock. You hold your breath and follow her.

You arrive at the next room, which turns out to be spacious, bright, clean, and complete with sofas, tables, bed, and other objects, which is almost no different from your room or the luxurious living room at Valerin Castle. The difference is the walls in this room, which are entirely made of glowing purple stone. Not only do the walls, the floor, and the roof also seems to be made of the same stone and blend together, as if you are inside a purple stone the size of a house.

This is a place that seems comfortable and makes you relieved. You wouldn't mind this being your home for the rest of your life if you have to.

"Take off your clothes," the elf says. "You don't need it here."

Weird request. But maybe not, because the elf herself isn't wearing any clothes either. You take off your shirt, your pants, and finally your underwear so now you're completely naked. You don't even bother covering your hard-standing cock, because why would you have to do that? The elf asks for this, so she will get it. If the elf wants to make love to you now, you're ready.

It seems so. The elf invites you to the sofa. She turns, looks at you with her reddish-brown eyes, then her lips kiss yours. You reply, hugging her tightly. But your cock pressing against her stomach made her break the kiss. Her finger pushes your chest until you sit on the sofa. She stands in front of you while smoothing her long black hair back so that a pair of her breasts are now displayed in front of you. You sit waiting, with your cock ready.

The elf grabs your shoulders, then prepares to sit on top of you. Slowly she lowers her hips, directing her pussy over your cock. Once you find the hole, which turns out to be wet already, your cock goes deep. The elf looks at you, her smile is lovely. You look back at her. Is she in love with you?

"May I know your name before we do this?" you ask.

"Kiss me first," she replies.

You kiss her lips. Down below, your cock starts to move up and down.

From her lips, you move to kiss all her face, then down her neck, to her chest, and finally to her pink nipples. You lick the nipples, play it with your tongue. The elf whimpers with pleasure. Your cock pokes her hole faster. Her body is jumping up and down and her breasts swaying. Your mouth catches her breast, then sucks it. The elf's moans grow louder. You quicken the movement of your hip until finally, she screams. Her body trembles, her ass shakes, and you could feel the twitching walls of her pleasure hole squeezing your cock.

But what you least expect is that her body seems to emit light, which gets brighter for a while. In her first orgasm, the elf hugs your body. Her breath hitches as she buries her face in your neck. Slowly the light on her body dims until she looks back to normal. You hug her, with your cock still stuck.

She knows you're still far from the peak. She stands up, releasing her body from yours, then she lies face down on the couch next to you. She lifts her ass, showing it to you. You stand behind her, then slowly insert your cock into her pleasure hole again. With a rhythmic motion you back and forth your hips with the cock stuck deep in the hole. The elf's moans are heard again.

Pleasure begins to envelop you too, with its center on your cock. You're moving non-stop, long until you finally start to get impatient. You want to continue to fuck the beautiful body in front of you longer, but at the same time, you also want to vomit all your fluids and enjoy the peak of pleasure.

"Oh… I… I can't hold…"

"Cum …" says the elf between her moans, "…inside me."

You poke your cock deep, and it explodes, spitting your cum in her. At the same time, the elf let out a long groan too as soon as she reaches her second orgasm. Her buttocks shake, and her entire body glows brilliantly again. Losing strength, you drop your body on top of her, and hug her.

The elf turns around. She looks at you deeply, then kisses you.

You kiss back, before letting her go, "Now can I know your name?"

"Call me Adrielle."

"Adrielle, I think I'm in love with you."

"As am I, Gerold." The elf smiles. She releases herself from your arms and sits next to you. Her hand is still holding yours, "It's happier like this, isn't it? Much better than if you killed me."

"I didn't want to kill you," you sit beside her. "You saw that I tried to prevent my men from attacking you."

"I saw that. But, you also need to see this."

Adrielle raises her left hand forward, then opens her palm. A ball of wind appeared above her palm, spinning slowly. When the circle stops, there is a dark-skinned girl who was staring right at you. She was moaning while moving her hips above you. She's the shaman girl, and you remember when this happened. Last night, when you had sex with her.

"You saw us do this?" you say to Adrielle.

"Well, I did. But that's not the point. You may be wondering, how was that possible? Well, I can see this, through that purple stone on your necklace." Adrielle points at you.

You look down, see the stone on your necklace, and suddenly get scared.

"I also heard everything you two were planning," Adrielle continues. "I'd better tell you, so we don't need to see this." She closes her palm. Instantly the ball of wind above her palm disappears. "I heard the shaman girl tell you, how the necklace can protect you. Yes, it can indeed protect you from magic. Magic won't work on you now. But the necklace can't protect you from me. Why? Because that stone came from this mountain. The stone was mine. A long time ago it was stolen by the boatmen, then changed hands several times, until people no longer knew where it came from, and it was finally in the hands of the shaman girl. What a coincidence, isn't it? The stone finally returns to this place. Maybe this is how it is. Isn't that right, Gerold?"

"Adrielle, I can explain…"

"That shaman girl also told you, you must try to approach me. If necessary, you must kill your men so I can trust you. After that, once you can get close to me, you can kill me, when I'm off guard. Then you'll take all the valuables that are here, and share them with the shaman girl. Good plan, I must say."

"Adrielle, it was just that girl's plan! I agreed so I could enter this cave. Not that I'm going to kill you. I'm a ruthless pirate and often kill people, but I've never done it recklessly. At least lately I've always considered, and never again kill carelessly. I don't kill people who don't deserve to be killed!"

"You have a dark past, Gerold. People hunted you because of that. But I trust you. As I said, I can see your soul. You're not lying. You're a good person. That's why I chose you to be my protector. To protect me from people who want to kill me. So when your men killed you, I held your soul, then turned back time to moments before the incident, and returned your soul."

"So… that's what happened. But I still don't understand how you do it."

"It's just an old trick I can do."

"Okay, you don't have to tell me the trick. But, basically, you can't be killed? Because you can always turn back the time?"

"It takes two souls for this trick to work, and not just an ordinary soul. It needs a special one. At that moment I have yours. And because of that, Gerold, now our souls are bound to each other. If you die, I will die. If I die, you will die. That's a guarantee for me, in case one day you change your mind and really want to kill me. If you do it, you will die with me."

"Adrielle, I wouldn't do that."

"I know. I trust you. But I still need to tell you the situation."

"You said earlier, my choice saves our lives. What does it mean?"

"If you choose to leave from this cave, you will return to your life as a pirate, won't you? With that kind of life, you will die sooner out there than living here with me. Here, you can live longer than an ordinary human, twice your age, and at peace. I can protect you too. I can turn back time if we need it, as long as you're here. But if you're out there, I can not do that. We both will die."

"In other words, you keep me here, so you can live longer."

"The two of us, Gerold, not just me. Please remember that. I already live longer than anyone. It's not something I want to pursue. As a matter of fact, by doing this my life has become shorter than it should be. Also, I'm not holding you back. After you hear this, you're still free to go, if you wish."

"Do you mean I can go now? Just like that?"

"Yes." The elf nods. "The door is there. Do you want to go?"

You look at her, then shake your head. "No. For now, I want to be with you. But you know I can't guarantee what will happen in the future."

"I know. For me, that's enough."

"But, Adrielle, I'm still a human, not an elf like you. Though I can live longer than everyone else, my life is still short compared to you. Eventually, I will get old. Do you want to die with me, when my time comes?"

Adrielle smiles. "An elf is used to living a long life alone. But I've come to a stage where I must ask, what's the point of living, if only alone?"

"Hmm. Yes." You nod. "It must be really boring."

"As I said, by doing this my life has become shorter. But I accept that because, with you here, it will become more wonderful now."

"I understand, Adrielle."

"I'm glad you understand, Gerold. I'm sorry for making you like this."

"No, don't apologize. Because of you, I'm still alive, so I should thank you instead. After all, as I said earlier…" You get up from your seat and stand in front of her. Your cock is rock hard again and is now directed to her face. "… I love you. I'll do anything for you. My life is yours."

Adrielle sees your thing and laughs. "Oh my, now I'm scared to imagine what my life will be after you're here with me. But, I already love it. I'll do anything for you too."

Both her hands grip your cock. She kisses it, then puts it in her mouth.

You know, soon you will enjoy heaven.


"Young Master."



Please don't stop ...

Yes ... like that. Don't stop.



"Young Master."

You wake up suddenly. Your chest is pounding and your heart feels like it's about to burst. You're out of breath. For a moment you still feel floating. You don't know where you are and what just happened to you.

It was only a few seconds later that you could reach your consciousness. You can see that you're still in the bathroom, in the bathtub. The water is cold, and the soaps are gone. How long have you been asleep here?

Is it still night? Or is it morning already?

You look down and see your little brother is already up and strong. Alright, it should be morning then. 6 o'clock maybe.

You still have a lot of time. You can still enjoy it for a while.

What would you do?

A. Enjoy the time and take care of your little brother.

B. Take a quick shower and start your day immediately.

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