
Master of Paths, Ascending To The Throne of Universe

[ Rewrite of Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds. The characters will be the same, though there will be some changes in the plot line. If you like the novel, then you can try the rewritten one ] Ryker is born as the oldest of 14 siblings, so he is the one responsible to take care of them all. When given the choice of choosing the easier path or the harder one, he will take the harder, more arduous path, to ensure his siblings will be safe. However, the path he took is hard and long. Ryker must master countless Paths to rise to the top of the world he is on. But he will endure, for the sake of his siblings. He will walk great distance, travel through countless nations and visited the myriad realm, to become the strongest in the world, and later, the universe. Yet, why did all the women he met is interested with him??!!!!!! -x- "Big brother, you are strong enough. You can add more women into your harem," "I already have hundreds, even thousands of women! And you wanted me to add more!" "Yes," "Of course," "For the sake of our bloodline," "It is more fun this way," "I want more big sister," "All of you, huh, fine, I accept, just make sure this is the last one," ( Spoiler, it is not the last one.)

Keeper_of_Time · Fantaisie
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392 Chs

Marriage of Ryker With Hylla, Myna & Eris

When the sun comes out, only then did she get some sleep. However, she forced herself to stay awake.

At thar time, she was glad for her cultivation to be so high. It allows her to be able remain functional despite the nearly non-existent sleeping hour.

She then went towards Ina, who already awake. Brea quickly put up her best fake smile as she asked,

"What can I do for you today, mistress?"


Brea feel like dying as she was forced to do chores, Ryker was telling what had transpired inside the Duke's Mansion to both Eris and Myna.

"So, our wedding will be in 5, no, 4 days?" Eris asked.

"Yes. It better to get this out of the way before the Mizalas Duchy could do anything to ruin it," he replied.

They had learnt of the Mizalas Duchy about the same time as he did when they are looking for information of the Kilrun Duchy.

However, only today did they learned of the bad blood between the two Duchies.

"At least we will get married sooner than expected," Myna replied, trying to see the positive of the situation.

"Oh, what about Rina? Why don't she married you as well?" Eris asked, confused by him leaving out the former slave turned servant.

"It's because of my current position. I am still a servant, so, I will not married him yet. Besides, we have agreed for me to become a servant for a full year before we get married," Rina replied.

The two nodded. They don't understand the reasoning behind it but decided since Rina agreed on it, then there must be a reason for it.

"Oh yeah, Eris, Myna, the Duke asked you to come to mansion to get a proper wedding dress," at the mention of it, both women light up, their face as red as roses.

The two shyly nodded as they prepared to head to the Duke's Mansion. Ryker did not mention there is a carriage waiting for them.

He wanted to surprise them a little though they might hit him for it.


And so, the preparation for the wedding happened, though very few knew of it.

It is a private affair after all, and so that the daughter of the Duke could get married in peace.

After the wedding, the Duke wanted to reveal Hylla's true identity. The fact they are not blood related not withstanding.

As for Ryker, Hylla, Eris, and Myna requested him to not be present during the preparation.

Aside from having his wedding suit prepared, he will not be contributing to his wedding. Ryker accepted this, acknowledging his lack of knowledge regarding marriage.

So, in the days before the marriage, he took the his wives for the date they deserve. Though, he could only do so for the first four women who joined him, to give them the attention they deserve.

So, only Ina, Era, Miriam and Mashia get their dates, though Ryker intend to continue with the others after the wedding is over.


"Master Ryker, you look excellent," Hilar said. The Duke and Ryker had agreed to appoint him as his best man, a task he readily accept.

While the man is his best man, his wives would assist his groom with their preparation, and the Duke agreed to become both Myna and Eris acting father as well.

With all the important position filled by his close one, Ryker are eager for the wedding to begin.

As he waited for them, he hear the sound of the gate opening. He looked at them and found his breath caught by their beauties.

All three of them are already beautiful, yet their wedding dress seemed to enhance it, despite Ryker knowing logically it just a brand new garment that will only be used once in a lifetime.

Myna's long brown hair was braided for today, making her look enchanting as she wore a white glove reaching to her elbow with floral pattern decorating it.

Her wedding dress has some slit at the lower part, allowing Ryker to see her long white slender legs. Her brown eyes shine with mirth as she looked at him with a smile.

He then looked at Eris, who wore similar wedding dress like Myna, except, her gloves were in the pattern of snowflakes, cold yet fragile, which is just like her.

Her blue hair was adorned with white headband, with black flowers adorning it. Her neck also receive a golden necklace, giving her a regal look with how her blue eyes shine with a certain coldness, yet having spend nights with her, he could tell she was a little shy.

The woman, who is taller than Myna, exude an air of frigid nobility, her eyes cold yet when it laid it eyes on him, it seem to melt, just like a snowflake does when it touch the skin of a person.

Then there is Hylla. Her short gray hair receive some flowers, decorating bot the front and back of her hair. There is also a circlet made out of silver on it as well.

Her dress was longer and covered more of her skin, though it did get her bust to be emphasized while her white shoulders were revealed to him.

However, her most discerning detail are her yellow eyes, which scream of mirth and happiness. In fact, looking at it, Ryker could tell how joyful she was and still is.

His stare must have trigger something though as she blushed from it.

"You are one lucky man, and you still have more wives," Hilar whispered, causing Ryker to roll his eyes as discretely as possible.

"Why don't you have many wives then?" he retorted, causing the guard to snort.

"Me, maybe latter on," was the man only reply before they shut their mouth as the Duke of Kilrun lead the three women and give it to him.

As the three women lined up in front of him, the Grand Advisor of the Duchy, began to service.

However, Ryker ignore him and paid all his attention to his lovers turned wives. Especially on Hylla, something she must have notice from how her cheek turned redder all of the sudden.

Ryker still pay some attention though as the moment he had been waiting just come.

"Do you, take these three women, as your wives?"

"I do,"

"Do you, take this men, as your husband?"

"We do,"

"You may kiss the brides," Ryker proceed to claim Hylla's lips in front of the guest, before doing the same with Eris and Myna.