
Master of Paths, Ascending To The Throne of Universe

[ Rewrite of Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds. The characters will be the same, though there will be some changes in the plot line. If you like the novel, then you can try the rewritten one ] Ryker is born as the oldest of 14 siblings, so he is the one responsible to take care of them all. When given the choice of choosing the easier path or the harder one, he will take the harder, more arduous path, to ensure his siblings will be safe. However, the path he took is hard and long. Ryker must master countless Paths to rise to the top of the world he is on. But he will endure, for the sake of his siblings. He will walk great distance, travel through countless nations and visited the myriad realm, to become the strongest in the world, and later, the universe. Yet, why did all the women he met is interested with him??!!!!!! -x- "Big brother, you are strong enough. You can add more women into your harem," "I already have hundreds, even thousands of women! And you wanted me to add more!" "Yes," "Of course," "For the sake of our bloodline," "It is more fun this way," "I want more big sister," "All of you, huh, fine, I accept, just make sure this is the last one," ( Spoiler, it is not the last one.)

Keeper_of_Time · Fantaisie
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392 Chs

Information Of Grand Auction

"Ryker, you have never partakes in any auction so far, don't you?" during one of the misison briefing, Sophia asked him the question.

"So far, none of the auctioned items are of any interest to me, well, those that I can try to get my hands on anyway," he replied.

The brunette nodded, understanding of his current priorities. After all, she had ordered any information of him to be gathered so she would know more of the man she was interested in.

And so, she learned most of resources he obtained would be used by him of his wives, depending on the suitability. She could also see it from his current strength, which already reach the 5th Stage Genesis Lake in the span of 4 weeks.

A terrifying progress, especially when she could see that his foundation is solid instead of suffering from the lack of it due to his speed of advancement.

She sighed, knowing it would not take him long before he reached the Noble Realm.

"So, are you interested for this week auction?" she asked.

"Unless I know what would appear, it hard to get interested," chuckling at his blatant attempt to learn of the auctioned items, Sophia did not admonished him but even gave him a book.

"This book will changed content and would depict all the items that would appear in the auction. Even if none of the items you wish for appear, at least you should participate in this one," she tried to persuade him.

"Why's that, Lady Sophia?"

"This auction is one of the three auction during the Last Half of the year. The three auctions are the biggest one during this time of the year. During the three auctions, we will get items from all over the Kingdom, and sometime, out of it as well,"

Ryker whistled in amazement. After all, Birak Kingdom is one of the many nations in Boluron Continent, but it also big for someone like him.

To obtain items from outside the Kingdom would be difficult and showed how grand the auction would be. Though, he still have some question.

"What is the three biggest auction in the Last Half of Year?" Sophia made a humming sound, seemingly anticipating him to ask such question.

"The three biggest auction is one to celebrate the Last Half of the Year. The last half of the year would have 36 weeks, so the three auctions would be held each in the intervals of 12 weeks.

As for when it would happen, the first one usually happen in the 6th week. As for the second one, it would happen in the 18th week and the last one would be at the 30th week.

So, you can expect the auction house to be very busy during those time. Though, since you will only be staying for another 2 weeks, you can only participate in the first Grand Auction as we call it.

So, you should the time to visit. Maybe you will find something you want," Ryker nodded, though he did not give her any answer.

Not deterred, Sophia handed him 5 golden tickets.

"You can invite four more people to join you in the auction. For today's job, it would be canceled so you can make your decision. But please, don't try to sell the tickets,"

"Alright, I will not do so," he promised before he take a seat before he flipped through the pages, searching for any items of interest, while being in his range price.

After flipping the Grade 9 section, he stopped at one item of interest.

"A Blue Dragon Scale Lotus," he exclaimed, surprised to see such item.

Blue Dragon Scale Lotus is a Lotus that only formed in places that were inhabited by dragons as well as having rich water energy in the area.

Only then, can it be formed. Though, for such thing to be formed, there need to be dragons, and he did not think Boluron Continent have any population of such creatures, at least not Dragons that is part of the Monster Race.

He then read the description, hoping to have his doubt answered.

"Instead of dragons, the place where the Blue Dragon Scale Lotus was found was inhabited by wyvern and drakes,"

Making a noise of understanding, Ryker's found the answer to it. In the end, there are only wyvern and drakes, creatures classified as lesser dragon due to them having dragon's blood and lineage, but have been diluted to a certain point.

While they could not compare to true dragons, they still considered one, albeit weaker, hence lesser dragons. Still, despite being lesser dragons,it seem their presence were enough to allow the birth of such wonderful treasures.

Ryker was interested in the treasures, though it would not be for him.

"Mashia likely would improve with the help of this treasures," he mused. He would have to consult the dragon girl, but it's likely would be useful for her.

He then looked at the Noble Grade Items, wanting to see the most expensive ones just yet.

A mere look almost gave him a heart attack due to how expensive they are.

"Noble Grade Sword, considered to be a powerful artifact. A 3-star Noble Artifcact," Ryker swallowed his saliva, admiring the sword. He wanted to replace his current one, as while it was a High-Grade Genesis Weapon, it could barely handle his strength, especially when he combined his qi, which often cause it to look like it would break.

Though, the prize was more than enough to stop the daydream.

"Spirit Gold," he uttered, seeing the starting bid.

Spirit Gold is similar to Genesis Gold, but it only appeared in Spirit Grade Energy Vein. Spirit Gold is used as transaction items by Spirit Grand Realm experts, due to its rarity and the fact it did not have any other uses.

Being just a rarer gold, it is much better to use it rather than using the Spirit Crystal, a higher grade of Energy Crystal and significantly harder to find than Genesis Crystal.

He did not even have a single Low-Grade Spirit Gold, not to mention, he would need at least 400 to even start the bid.

'Let's not dream to big. Let see what else in the auction,' deciding to skip the Noble Grade Items for his sanity, Ryker soon find more items of interest, though it could not be compared to the Blue Dragon Scale Lotus.

"Thank you Lady Sophia for the information. It seem I will join in as well," he gave his answer, before saying his farewell to his biggest benefactor in Elkom City.

The Noble Realm expert merely smiled in return as she head towards her office and made the necessary preparation for the Grand Auction.