
Master of Paths, Ascending To The Throne of Universe

[ Rewrite of Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds. The characters will be the same, though there will be some changes in the plot line. If you like the novel, then you can try the rewritten one ] Ryker is born as the oldest of 14 siblings, so he is the one responsible to take care of them all. When given the choice of choosing the easier path or the harder one, he will take the harder, more arduous path, to ensure his siblings will be safe. However, the path he took is hard and long. Ryker must master countless Paths to rise to the top of the world he is on. But he will endure, for the sake of his siblings. He will walk great distance, travel through countless nations and visited the myriad realm, to become the strongest in the world, and later, the universe. Yet, why did all the women he met is interested with him??!!!!!! -x- "Big brother, you are strong enough. You can add more women into your harem," "I already have hundreds, even thousands of women! And you wanted me to add more!" "Yes," "Of course," "For the sake of our bloodline," "It is more fun this way," "I want more big sister," "All of you, huh, fine, I accept, just make sure this is the last one," ( Spoiler, it is not the last one.)

Keeper_of_Time · Fantaisie
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392 Chs

End of Date

After going through the mountain of clothing Hylla wished to try out, they exit the store, with all the clothing she picked.

When they come out, the staffs waved at them, gold coins in their eyes. Since Hylla bought half the store, at least, he is not surprised. The staff would no doubt receive some bonus after this.

"That was fun," Hylla admitted, her eyes twinkling in delight.

Ryker smiled despite the mental exhaustion he feel.

"True," he admitted as well, "but mostly because I'm with you," it might be sappy but it is how he truly feel.

It seem sappy was the needed ingredients as Hylla turned red from it, the gray-haired woman looking away to not reveal the red hue on he cheeks.

"What's next?" trying to change the subject as well as ignoring the chuckle coming out of his mouth, Hylla asked.

"Well, I have a perfect place to end this date,"


Hylla followed Ryker into a park. It is not one of the more famous one though, just a small one.

However, the place is more tranquil, with fewer people so she guess it is the reason why Ryker choose the place.

"Come on, we not there yet," Hylla's brows rise as she followed the silver-eyed man.

Soon, she reach a small pond, with tortoise and fishes swimming in the water, with lotus blooming on top of it.

Near the edge of the pond, there is a bench, big enough for two people to sit on.

Both took a seat as they watched the fishes and tortoise swimming around. Ryker even prepare some bread for them, throwing it into the pond for the animals to feast on.

"This place is, nice," Hylla said, unable to find a better word than nice.

"It is," Ryker agreed, letting the gray-haired woman lied on his shoulder, taking a brief rest for the day.

"I enjoy this date," Hylla said, her eyes on the sun as it started to dip into the horizon.

"Me too," Ryker agreed, finding pleasure spending time with his loved one, even if they are recent addition to his harem.

"How long are we going to stay here?" Hylla asked, her eyes looking at Ryker with some expectation.

"As long as you want," hearing his answer, a bright smile appeared on her face as she put her head on his chest, enjoying their time alone.

As for their guards,

"He is too romantic," the eldest of the Noble Guard exclaimed, shaking his head at how brave Ryker is.

"At least the young mistress enjoyed it," he continued. From the look of it, Hylla are close to falling asleep, though the young man seem ready for it.

He then witness Ryker carrying her piggyback style towards the entrance of the park, with Hylla letting out some noise of content.

Seeing they are leaving, the Noble Guard quickly left the place, only putting some of their younger member to keep watch over them while they head straight towards the Mansion.


When Ryker arrived at his house, he saw a carriage already in front of the house. There, one of Hylla's guard waiting for him, a frown on his face.

"What took you so long?" his question is a common one with the tone he used not being raised. However, if anyone else being asked such question, they would have fainted from such terrifying aura.

Normal people that is.

"We spend our time in the park during the evening," Ryker answered.

The leader of the guard nodded before opening the door.

"Please put her inside. We will head straight to the Mansion," Ryker nodded and put the sleeping woman inside. Once she is comfortable, he exit the carriage, planning to head back inside his lodging.

However, he did not do so, watching the carriage left first before doing so.


By the time the carriage reach the Duke's Mansion, Hylla already awake, stretching her body and her unused muscle.

Thankfully, the sleep inside the carriage is comfortable, courtesies of a formation and allowed her to have a good rest.

Inside the mansion, she planned to head to her room immediately but intercepted by her father.

"Hylla, how was your date?" accompanying him are Agnes and his father butler, Jiam.

"It's really fun," she admitted.

"There are no trouble, right?" he asked again. Hylla shook her head, wondering why her father asked such question.

"It mean the Noble Guard I sent to watch over you are doing their job," the fake coughing of the butler and servant reminded the Duke he is not alone.

He turned towards his daughter to see a look of betrayal on her face.

"I don't send them to watch over you," he tried to explain himself. "I send them to make sure you have an uninterrupted date,"

Hylla's eyes narrowed, "Uninterrupted date?" her voice had an edge to it.

"Yes. After all, some people could come and bother your date, and I don't want that to happen. Hence, I have some people to make sure it did not happen.

Apparently some thugs wanted to bother you but was interrupted by one of the guards I send, inside a cafe during the morning,"

Hylla did remember some commotion with some people running away quickly for no reason.

"What did they report to you?"

"They only reported their intervention. Anything else, they will not report to me unless if they deem it important," he answered honestly.

"How many time do they contacted you?"

"Three times. Each for an intervention where they threaten the one who wanted to approach the two of you," Hylla nodded, accepting her father's word. She might be angry at her father but she knew it is done for her sake, not to mention his order for the guard in question is to make sure the date go smoothly instead of keeping an eye on her, so she decided to let the man off.

However, she need to make sure it did not happen again, "I'm not mad at you father, but I do wish you tell me this first," the Duke nodded, accepting he bone thrown at him.

After few brief words with her father, Hylla retreated to her room before burying her face into the pillow, happy squeal coming out of it.

Outside her room, the Duke could hear the scream,

"Looks like she enjoy the date. I should be more gentle with the boy," he then thought of it some more,


Well, hope you survive Ryker, or this story will be over too soon

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