
Master of Paths, Ascending To The Throne of Universe

[ Rewrite of Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds. The characters will be the same, though there will be some changes in the plot line. If you like the novel, then you can try the rewritten one ] Ryker is born as the oldest of 14 siblings, so he is the one responsible to take care of them all. When given the choice of choosing the easier path or the harder one, he will take the harder, more arduous path, to ensure his siblings will be safe. However, the path he took is hard and long. Ryker must master countless Paths to rise to the top of the world he is on. But he will endure, for the sake of his siblings. He will walk great distance, travel through countless nations and visited the myriad realm, to become the strongest in the world, and later, the universe. Yet, why did all the women he met is interested with him??!!!!!! -x- "Big brother, you are strong enough. You can add more women into your harem," "I already have hundreds, even thousands of women! And you wanted me to add more!" "Yes," "Of course," "For the sake of our bloodline," "It is more fun this way," "I want more big sister," "All of you, huh, fine, I accept, just make sure this is the last one," ( Spoiler, it is not the last one.)

Keeper_of_Time · Fantaisie
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391 Chs

Aftermath Of Kilrun-Mizalas War: Duke Zalrus New Title

Two weeks after the war ended

"Looks like the messenger of the Birak Kingdom will arrive soon," the Grand Advisor commented.

Besides him was the Marshal and the newest Grand Captain and High Captain, though weaker than the previous one, they show great potential.

"I'm not surprised, the Duke is a Noble expert. They probably want to award him as well as making sure he will stay loyal to the Kingdom," the newest High Captain said.

The others nodded in agreement, able to see such possibility as well. Being part of the Duchy's higher-ups, they knew a certain things regarding the action the Kingdom will take.

However, they are not certain what kind of action the Birak Kingdom will take when a Noble realm cultivator appeared in the periphery territory.

After all, there was no such precedent in the long history of the Kingdom that a Spirit Grand Realm cultivator ever appeared at the periphery territory.

"Looks like the messenger has arrived," suddenly, the Marshal said, his eyes trained towards the sky.

As he said that, the gathered people stood in attention, eying the descending figure.

The aura he let out immediately cause them to feel fear, as it surpass their current strength. Even the Duke seem lacking in front of the man.

'A Noble realm expert!' they all thought. That was the only reason for him to possess greater power than them, even eclipsing the Duke.

'Looks like they wanted to show a message. This is both a threat and a sign of recognition,' the Grand Advisor thought.

The former is obvious. As for the later, it showed that the Birak Kingdom see Duke Zalrus as someone that can be important in the grand scheme of thing, and so, they send a Noble expert, someone equal to the Duke to negotiate with him.

The messenger, after landing, looked around with disinterest. His interest was only piqued when he spot the Duke, arriving slightly later than him.

"Duke Zalrus," the man bowed towards the Duke despite being slightly stronger.

"Messenger," he bowed in return, to show the other side the respect he deserved.

"Call me, Lord Furan. We have much to discuss about," Duke Zalrus nodded as he lead the man into his office, where the discussion will be hold.


"Don't mind the clutter. Despite us winning, it still hectic for all of us," Duke Zalrus said, as Hylla appeared and pour some cup of tea for the two men.

"I understand. Especially when my visit was just two weeks after the biggest struggle you ever faced before," the man said amicably, a smile on his face.

Duke Zalrus smiled in return, before his face turned back into it serious form right before,

"Now the pleasentaries is out of the way, what does the Kingdom wished to convey to me?" Duke Zalrus asked in a cold tone.

The man in front of him might be stronger than him, but as a leader, he will not bow down to a mere messenger.

"You asking the right question, and I like someone that did not beat around the bush," he took a sip of his tea before explaining some more.

"The Kingdom wished to give you the title of High Duke due to your current strength," Lord Furan told him with a straight face.

"High Duke. Isn't such title only granted to the strongest Noble experts who contribute the most to the Kingdom?" Duke Zalrus asked.

"You are well informed, but yes. Normally, only those at the peak of Noble realm could hope to receive the title.

However, the reason for your title is simple. The Kingdom wish for you to be the official leader of the entire periphery territory,"

Duke Zalrus' brows scrunched.

"Leader. Of the entire periphery territory?" he asked slowly, barely able to comprehend what the man just told him.

"It's what the new job entailed. After all, as a High Duke, you will need to be given a job fitting for your station.

Of course, you will receive payment in the form of resources, which should help you build more Noble Tower," Lord Furan said.

"Why me? Why don't you pick anyone of the older Noble realm experts in the core region of the Kingdom?" he asked.

"The same reason why the Noble experts all went to the core area, the resources in the periphery territory was not enough to satisfy the needs of Noble experts.

Even if we give some resources to them, there was no certainty they would do an excellent job.

However, you, a Duke that reside in the periphery territory more than an excellent candidate. The fact you are now a Noble expert only made you more perfect.

So, I ask you once more, will you take the job as the leader of the periphery territory of Birak Kingdom?"

Duke Zalrus gave it a thought. However, he knew there was only one real answer. Instead, he asked something else,

"Can we change the job description a little?" Lord Furan smiled as he nodded.


"What do you think they are talking about?" the current High Captain asked.

"I'm not sure, but hopefully it will be good for the Duchy," the Grand Advisor said.

Few seconds later, the messenger exit the office before exchanging bow with the Duke. After which, he take his leave.

"My Lord, are you alright?" the Marshal asked.

"I'm fine, but we need to gather everyone for the news," he said.

"I will get the young Lord and young Lady," the Grand Captain said before leaving to get the two.

Soon, the entire higher-ups of the Duchy, not including the Great Families appeared, waiting for the news.

Seeing everyone in place, the Duke repeated what he just told by Lord Furan.

When he finished, he watched as everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"So, you manage to become the leader of an alliance made up of the vassal nations of the Birak Kingdom? And you will get plenty of resources in return," the man nodded.

"Well, this is unexpected but a large boon for father, especially since he don't need to use his expenses to obtain the resources a Noble expert would need," it is probably the reason for the large smile on the man's face.

"So, when will it began?" Ryker asked.

"It will began in a year times. After all, it is a large attempt to turn the vassal nations into a stronger force.

In the mean time, they will still give me some resources. This would allow me to create one more Noble Tower, at least while also expend the territory," the others nodded, agreeing with their leader.

"I will assign new duty to all of you afterwards. Right now, we shall focus on the rebuilding efforts, understand?"

They all nodded before they leave the office, leaving the Duke to his thought.