
Master - Disciple System X10000 Returns Reward

Traversing the realms of fantasy, Lin Xuan found himself becoming the youngest inner sect elder of Shentian Sect. Upon activating a potent disciple recruitment system, each disciple he accepted promised him an amplified version of his inherent magical prowess. To his surprise, during the initiation ceremony, Lin Xuan encountered the mischievous Ye Hao—a youngster with immortal bones destined for greatness! As Lin Xuan was about to take Ye Hao as his disciple, an unexpected twist unfolded. The royal family of Ye Kingdom, who had callously seized Ye Hao's extraordinary bone, intervened to halt Lin Xuan! In defiance, Lin Xuan declared, "I am accepting disciples; why should others interfere?!"

Manga_Tacos · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter Fourteen - Supreme Talent

"Brother, you go quickly! Don't mind me!"

A young girl, only in her teens, held a long sword to her own neck.

After saying this to her brother, she shouted at the group of clan elders:

"Let my brother go! Otherwise, I'll die right in front of you, and you can forget about the marriage alliance with the Sun family!"

The group of clan elders looked at this scene with shameless eyes. The girl threatened to commit suicide, but it didn't make them feel a bit of shame. Instead, in their hearts, they were only considering the loss they would suffer if the girl died.

They would lose the chance to ally with the Sun family, putting them at a disadvantage in competition with other families in Cloud Distant City. In essence, the ruling power in Cloud Distant City belonged to the Sun family; the City Lord's Mansion was practically the Sun family's.

If they could rely on the Sun family, they could still maintain a position in Cloud Distant City and avoid becoming a bottom-tier family. Moreover, their ruthless deal with the Sun family had already been agreed upon. If Sword Dust's sister, Sword Spirit Er, died, how would they explain it to the Sun family? They would incur the Sun family's anger!

"Elders! Are you going too far? My father is not here, and you treat my sister like this?!"

In the distance, the young man glared angrily. The shamelessness of these clan elders made him feel disgusted.

"Sword Dust! Your cultivation is now crippled. What else do you think you can do? Your sister marrying the young master of the Sun family is her good fortune and also the good fortune of our Sword family!

There, she can enjoy wealth and prosperity. Following you, what can she have? Moreover, as a woman of the Sword family, if the family is in trouble, she should contribute to the family, right?!"

"Sword Dust, do you think the family's decisions need to be discussed with you, a junior? Do you think too highly of yourself?!"

Hearing these words, the young man's palm clenched tightly. The shamelessness of these elders exceeded his imagination. They were the ones who first sought glory and hooked up with the Sun family. Now, when something happened, they only thought about using his sister to appease the Sun family and even gain benefits.

Since his cultivation fell, since his father disappeared and never returned, since the moment when Nangong Youran publicly humiliated him by canceling the engagement, he had never felt that the family was so ugly! It was nauseating!

"Capture him for me!"

To prevent Sword Dust from interfering with their plans, several clan elders shouted, wanting someone to catch Sword Dust.

But the young girl shouted again:

"Do you dare! If you don't let him go today, I will die right here!"

Hearing this, those elders stopped their actions angrily.

Instead, her eyes looked at the front, and her meaning was already clear: Go!

The long sword pressed against her pure white neck, and a trace of blood oozed out.

"Spirit Er..."

Tears filled Sword Dust's eyes, his body trembling incessantly. He hated himself. Faced with his sister's predicament, besides having his sister Sword Spirit Er protect herself and leave, he couldn't do anything.

The young man's eyes were filled with blood, but he had to turn and leave.

Those elders, watching Sword Dust escape, were slightly unwilling, but what use was a person whose cultivation had regressed and who had become useless?

As long as Sword Spirit Er could successfully marry the young master of the Sun family, they could preserve the interests of the family and their own interests!

Watching these scenes unfold, Lin Xuan let out a faint breath, and his face was full of sighs.

The Sword family, where this young man was, and these elders, not to mention Sword Dust, even he, as a bystander, couldn't help but feel angry at the shamelessness they displayed!

To use a teenager to exchange for benefits, these elders, if one word could describe them accurately, it would be: beasts! Truly, beasts!

"So, you persisted for this reason..."

No wonder Sword Dust would kneel before his attic in that manner, and today, he was willing to risk his life to complete the Inner Sect's Eighteen Checkpoints. More importantly, it was all for his sister, Sword Spirit Er.

After this trial in the illusion, Sword Dust had understood what had gone wrong with his sword heart.

With an unsettled heart, how can the sword be calm?

A sword bearer! Should cut through the injustice in the heart!

Recovering Sword Dust's sword heart was not difficult, but it required him to do it himself, to resolve the injustice in his heart! This was the way to retrieve his sword heart.

However, Sword Dust's regression in cultivation was something Lin Xuan did not quite understand. This was the main reason for the silence of Sword Dust's sword heart and the dormant supreme talent in Sword Dao. Otherwise, relying on his talent, he could have become renowned in the world as long as he awakened completely during his growth.

After going through these things in the illusion again, under everyone's gaze, Sword Dust slowly climbed up from the burning mountainside.

At this moment, his eyes seemed clearer than before. After experiencing the endless valley, he also gained more understanding.



"What's going on?!"

Suddenly, everyone felt a huge disturbance around them. They quickly used their spiritual sense to check what was happening.

"Could it be the spiritual veins fluctuating?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

"No, the spiritual veins haven't had any disturbances for many years. How could they vibrate today?"

Another person rejected this explanation.

However, the fluctuation of spiritual power became more and more intense! It was even larger than the disturbance caused by Elder Lin's breakthrough to the middle stage of the Kinghood Realm a few days ago. Some disciples couldn't help feeling a bit panicky.

They could only look at Lin Xuan, hoping to get answers, but Lin Xuan remained much calmer than they were.

Lin Xuan's gaze was still on the tattered Sword Dust. The fluctuation of spiritual power around them was not caused by someone else; it was caused by Sword Dust.

However, it was not for any other reason, but because, after experiencing today's events and being suppressed to the bottom of the valley, Sword Dust's sword heart and supreme talent in Sword Dao were slowly recovering!

Therefore, the surrounding spiritual power exhibited such a situation!

However, Sword Dust was still missing the final trigger to fully recover his supreme talent!

Shen Wufeng, the sect master, was cultivating diligently in the main hall when he quickly sensed the disturbance.

His divine consciousness immediately extended into the sect, and at the first moment, he shared the same thoughts as those disciples, thinking that there might be an issue with the spiritual veins of the sect. This caused a slight panic in his heart.

Because if there were problems with the spiritual veins, it would be extremely challenging to resolve. Suppressing the spiritual veins again would require considerable effort.

Therefore, he hastily began investigating the issue. After searching the spiritual veins for nearly half a day, he couldn't find any problems.

"Could it be not an issue with the spiritual veins?"

Then, he explored the entire sect and discovered that the source of the spiritual turbulence was unexpectedly at the location of the sect's Testing Grand Ceremony.

"This... everything was fine, why would there be spiritual turbulence for no reason?"

After examining the Testing Grand Ceremony, Shen Wufeng still couldn't find the source. Just as he was frowning slightly, he noticed that Lin Xuan was at the outer sect's Testing Grand Ceremony. What was he doing at the outer sect's test?

Then, he observed the young man standing halfway up the mountain, bathed in firelight and blood, facing the challenge named "Raging Fire Incinerates Heaven."

At first, it didn't seem like a big deal, but soon Shen Wufeng's expression turned to shock.

"This! He's actually at the Early Blood Refining Realm?"

He, as the sect master of the Divine Heaven Sect, was well aware of the challenges of the outer sect test. The inner sect had eighteen stages, and reaching the "Raging Fire Incinerates Heaven" challenge at the Early Blood Refining Realm was almost impossible.

It had never happened in so many years!

But now, he witnessed a young man at the Early Blood Refining Realm standing there!

Looking at Lin Xuan's gaze, he seemed to understand something. Indeed, it was him again, always bringing surprises.

What shocked him even more was that the spiritual turbulence in the heavens and earth seemed to be caused by this young man!

Shen Wufeng's eyes were filled with incredibility and a hint of frustration. He had managed the sect for a long time, so why hadn't he discovered such a disciple?

Once again, he felt that saving Lin Xuan in front of Emperor Ye was an incredibly correct decision.

Back to the Testing Grand Ceremony.

The spiritual energy in the heavens and earth continued to surge under the influence of Jian Chen, while Jian Chen kept searching for the last trace of opportunity.

However, it remained elusive.

Lin Xuan looked at him and spoke a few words slowly:

"In this world, thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river, why worry for a moment? Reclaim it someday!"


Just this short sentence seemed to have inexplicably touched Jian Chen's expression. The spiritual aura in the heavens and earth started to vibrate even more!

"This... My God! This spiritual energy fluctuation is actually coming from Jian Chen! How is that possible!"

"Jian Chen, actually having such power?!"

"What... what did Jian Chen do to be able to manipulate the power of heaven and earth!"

They thought that the disturbance, even if it wasn't caused by issues with the spiritual veins, might be created by Lin Xuan, judging from Lin Xuan's calm expression. However, they never expected that this disturbance was actually emanating from Jian Chen!

At this moment, when Jian Chen's eyes showed a divine light, as if overlooking the heavens and earth, they understood that what Elder Lin said before the Testing Grand Ceremony was not an empty promise. If Jian Chen could obtain the first place in the Testing Grand Ceremony, Elder Lin would indeed accept him as his disciple.

Elder Lin was really going to accept him as a disciple!

As for Jian Chen, after hearing Lin Xuan's words, his entire sea of consciousness seemed to have stirred up a massive storm. The impact of these words on him was extraordinary.

"Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river!"

"Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river..."

He stared straight into the void, constantly pondering over these words.

After a long time, a relieved expression appeared on his face. "I understand now! The way of the sword should be like this!"

His whole body relaxed slightly, as if bathing in divine light in an instant. The turbulent spiritual energy that had erupted in the air began to roll in the entire void, as if waiting for Jian Chen's command!

Jian Chen scanned the entire void, then raised his head high. A majestic aura emanated from his chest, and a voice resonated from his mouth, echoing throughout the Divine Heaven Sect!

"Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river!"

"The way of the sword should be like this!!!"

A swordsman not only cultivated the heart but also needed to accumulate strength. Three years of patience, a sudden and extraordinary achievement!

"Jian Family, wait for me!"

"Nangong Yuran... wait for me!"

He said this with an extremely calm tone, but it conveyed an immensely powerful force to everyone in the Divine Heaven Sect!

As if it were an unwavering belief that would surely be achieved!

As he spoke, a rumbling sound echoed!!!

The entire spiritual energy of the Divine Heaven Sect, including the previous turbulent spiritual energy, seemed to respond to Jian Chen's call, rushing towards Jian Chen's body!


Like the roar of thunder, it reverberated above the Divine Heaven Sect!

The vast Divine Heaven Sect seemed to change its colors like the wind and clouds, and the entire void had turned gloomy due to the endless spiritual energy interference.

The condensed spiritual energy, because of excessive accumulation, turned into droplets, dripping down from the sky!



Watching the gradually falling raindrops, Shen Wufeng was shocked. "Spiritual energy raining down! It's actually raining spiritual energy! What kind of talent is this!"

"Lin Xuan, where did you find such a monstrous talent!"

In an instant, Shen Wufeng even felt as if the Divine Heaven Sect was favored by the heavens!

Not enough!

Still not enough!

Back then, Ye Hao only condensed the embryonic form of a Supreme Bone, but it emptied the entire spiritual energy of the Divine Heaven Sect. Now, what Jian Chen awakened was the talent of the Supreme Sword Dao. How could it be so simple?


Outside the Divine Heaven Sect, spiritual energy from thousands of miles seemed to be attracted by Jian Chen in the Divine Heaven Sect, surging towards this place!

Spiritual energy condensed, emitting waves of purple light, as if auspicious clouds were coming from three thousand miles away!

In the mountains and forests, countless beasts, under this disturbance, began to run around!


Then, after a while, above Jian Chen, in the void, a divine light seemed to have condensed! Emitting dazzling brilliance!

Looking closely, it was the embryonic form of a sword!

Above it, there was something called "Intent" slowly rising!


I am going to go much further ahead with the story on my patreon, so if you could support me there please go to https://patreon.com/MangaTacos

I also have plans to turn this into a manhua which I will be funding with the monthly donations I get from Patreon. My goal is to reach about 100 patrons to get the artist started. The more patrons I get, the more artists I will be able to hire and get the story into a manhua much quicker.

I am also writing a light novel series which is more of a Shounen style story. I hope to see you all there!