
Master's Secret

After fleeing the Assassin's Guild, Aria and Sebastion find themselves teaming up with A mysterious man. He wishes not to reveal his identity and no one is allowed to question him. Their goal is the same, bring down the guild. But is their something more to this mysterious man? What could he possibly be hiding?

Woodnessa_98 · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

Master has returned

Sebastion and I had been called into the Master's meeting room. We stood before him, his silent demeanor causing discomfort. The air was full of such angry energy that you could tell he was seething. Something must have happened on his trip for him to be so angry. His back was pressed firmly against his chair as he faced us. Of course we couldn't see his face so it was difficult to tell if he was staring at us, or if his eyes where closed in thought. Either way he was making me uneasy as his fingers drummed on the table.

"Master, it is good to see you have returned home. But something seems to trouble you. May we inquire why?" I broke the silence. The Henchman hissed angrily through his teeth. I was unbothered by his anger and that seemed to piss him off further. Drake, who was leaning up against a support beam, tried to hide his smile.

"I expect this behavior from your foolish brother. What makes you think you can speak out of turn!" His crisp voice filled the air. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. It was better than sitting in silence. Besides why was it so wrong to ask if there was something up. Where we not a team that needed to communicate to one another?

"Listen Henchman, if there is something we can do to help I want to offer my services. Sitting here in silence is not going to get us anywhere." Henchman sputtered angrily, spit coming out from inside his cowl. Drake raised an eyebrow at me at the mention of his nickname, but I refused to entertain him. I just wanted answers. Master waved his hand to Henchman and he went quiet, but you could still tell he was seething underneath his cowl.

"You have grown bold in my absence, Aria. What has changed?" His mood went from brooding to amused. I have not changed, why is everyone assuming I am changing. Just because I am an obedient soldier, doesn't mean that I don't have times where my temper runs thin. Besides I use to be a General myself and I hated being around the bush. So didn't the others.

"Forgive me Master. Being a General myself once, I know how imperative it is to disperse important information." Sebastion bit his bottom lip, trying to suppress his laughter. I elbowed him into silence. These where our leaders, there was no need to further spur them on.

"You brat. Have you no respect? You think you can talk to him this way? Nothing bunch of disobedient-" Master cut him off with a shift of the hood. The Henchman quieted down, but you could still tell he was angry with the way he trembled. I knew I crossed the line, but I wasn't sorry for my actions. War would not wait for his reply.

"Leave us. I wish to speak with Aria and Drake alone." Sebastion stiffened in response. He never spoke to us separate before. Would I get the lashing Sebastion always got away with. I could feel fear creeping up my back. I could feel the paranoia as the beatings coming. I kept my face composed though, trying not to display my fear as Sebastion and the Henchman left the room. Leaving me alone with the Master and Drake. Master once again fell quiet.

"I won't hurt you Aria, if that's what you are thinking. You are far to important to me. We also don't role that way here. So please feel comfortable to speak up if you feel the need. Don't let 'Henchman' as you call him, ruffle your feathers." There was a hint of a teasing tone as he clasped his hands in front of him. Drake's face lit up amused.

"Again, forgive me if I am honest. But not once in my last 15 years have I stood alone in a room with two men and not have something serious go down. Naturally, I do not trust you." I spoke quipped, eager for this to already be over. Deep down I knew they would not hurt me, but that wasn't keeping my body from screaming out danger from and wanting to leave the room.

"I am well aware of your discomfort Aria, but this is important." His tone was grim and dark. I stole a glance at Drake who was just as grim. So this was something serious. I wonder what happened that made Master so tense? But he leaned forward casually and propped his elbows on the table. Almost as if he was amused.

"But do tell, what made you open up so much. Three weeks ago you wouldn't had the gall to stand up to me like that. Normally you are the one to keep your brother in line." Just as I suspected he was very amused. I gnashed my teeth together annoyed. I suppose if I had to repeat myself, then I might as well do it again and clear their thick heads. They where not getting me to open up.

"First off, that standing up to you part wasn't me opening up. I was a first General. Information that was imperative was obviously delivered with fast rates. War plans and skirmishes where not built on brooding silence and angry frustration. They where made with communication and leadership. I am not questioning your leadership either, I have to much respect for that. Secondly, I am not some flower. I do not bloom, and I most certainly do no open up." Drake raised an eyebrow, a smirk against his lips. His eyes where on me the hole time I had been talking. I wish I could just smack the smirk of his face. This really wasn't funny.

"Are you sure? You are quite the spit ball this morning. I honestly think this is the most you have talked. Normally you are stoic and tight lipped much like myself. I must say, it's refreshing to see you angry as opposed to a robot soldier." He mused sitting on the edge of the table.

"Not to mention the way she stood up for Lola the other day. Didn't you say she normally turned the other way?" Drake casually spoke as he made his way around me to come a rest at the desk. The audacity of both these idiots. My blood was boiling now.

"You two give me such a headache." I placed my head in my hands, trying to quiet the growing irritation inside me. Master's shoulders shook slightly. Was he laughing? What the hell was happening?

"Yet here you are, still entertaining us. Normally you would walk out by now." He countered. He still only furthered my frustration. I use to like the appreciate the Master for his short cut and straight to the point meetings. But since Drake was in here, he seemed to really turn up the teasing. Something I did not appreciate.

"Are you quite done, Master? If so, I would like to continue training Aspin." Even the sentence sounded weird to my ears. Since when had I started to cave? When had I decided to start changing my ways? I growled in annoyance upon the realization and said nothing further. What kind of mind games where they playing?

"How about some field work? Drake would be attending of course." Master waved at the still smirking Drake. Of course he would. Why not have him tag along? Then we can go skipping through fields and pick flowers while weaving them into weird and ugly looking flower jewelry. I thought grumpily to myself.

"Of course Master. Sebastion and I-" He stopped me with a wave of his hand. He shook his head slowly in response to my unfinished answer.

"Sebastion will stay here and continue training Aspin. I hear you like to dress indecently around him and it's distracting. You will just be alone with Drake on this mission." What? There was no stopping the wave of panic that coursed through me. I passed a glace at Drake who was watching for my reaction. There was no way I could go without Sebastion. We literally did everything together. Even as children, he was the only person to have my back when he came down to getting dirty. Master must have sensed my panic because he stood and placed his hands gently on my shoulders reassuringly.

"I know it is a lot to ask that you put faith in my men, but I need you to step out of your comfort zone. I wouldn't be asking you to do this if I didn't trust him utterly and completely. He poses no threat." I gave a tiny scoff and stared down Drake. It's not like they had any idea what it was like being harassed and beaten by men for 15 years.

"No offense to you and your, friend...but your version of threat and mine are different." I stated blandly. "Through all my years in the Guild, Sebastion has been the only one who would not hurt me. Even took beatings when he refused to participate in my pain. You may have saved us, but that doesn't make me trust you anymore than you would trust me." He was silent, calculating. Would he change his mind?

"I still stand by what I said. I suppose it's time for all of us to learn a little bit of trust." He let go of my shoulders and gracefully walked back to his chair, sitting in one fluid motion. I gripped my hands into fists, knowing I was defeated in the argument. This was absolutely the worse. I suppose there was no point in arguing. We may not agree on the situation, but he was still my leader. I shoved my hands behind my back and gave a quick nod.

"Very well. I will do ask you ask Master." I muttered. A single nod was all I received. Pleased with my submission. "What's the mission?" He leaned forward in his chair.

"It's a simple scouting mission. On my recent visit out, I investigated the attack on the North Eastern Kingdom. It appears they where setting up an attack against the Guild and they found out through a leak. I learned that the guild is meeting up with an allied Kingdom this coming week. I want you to listen and to report back anything you find out." I gave a curt nod. "And Aria, do keep your hands clean. I know you still hate the Guild, but we don't have the fire power to handle them yet." He clasped his hands together on the table. I could read between the lines. Don't let your thirst for blood get out of control.

"Of course Master. I will not intervene with the meeting. Or any one around the meeting." Drake nodded once with approval. Master fell silent as he watched me. I waited for his usual signal to dismiss me, but he sat, watching me. Drake passed him a funny look as he sat in silence.

"I'll be out of the building as well conducting my own investigations. Drake will be your commander while I am gone. Play nicely Aria." I couldn't help role my eyes as Drake chuckled from the desk.

"Tell him to play nicely. He is the one that get's into my personal business." I muttered under my breath and glared at him. Having heard enough and knowing what I was suppose to do, I walked out of the room. I shut the door behind me, not quite slamming the door, but enough to show my displeasure.

Sebastion sat patiently in a chair at the table. He sighed with relief when I emerged, unscathed. But he sensed my irritation and said nothing. Who was he to tell me to play nice anyhow? They where the ones playing mind games.

They both had the audacity to keep saying I was opening up as well. They couldn't take credit for it even if it was true. I make my own decisions. No one else.