
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Autres
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Citadel Part 14 No ship but a nice meeting

The Normandy stopped at the Citadel getting some quick repairs and the crew meeting for a full check-up. Something about a possible chemical spill on the ship. Even though there definitely wasn't one.

Leo spent the majority of time with his people on board. Him and Maya never getting to continue were they left off, unfortunately. The good news, she was more relaxed and seemed to enjoy her time on the ship more. Even having conversations with the various Xenos.

The only other thing to do was physically meet with a few members of the Initiative. But, unfortunately, most were running late or too busy for a quick meetup. So they kept to communications via encrypted calls.

Only one member of the project would meet with him later, which was good enough.

Meeting with Jane, Leo was not expecting much of anything, really.

For the next two hours, they talked about what was all going on between the two. The biggest problem was their conflicting attitudes. There was to much of a difference in personal views. The other Leo, before he awakened was more technical and Ruthless. He would fight anyone and was very aggressive to injustice overall in the Alliance.

The awake Leo was manipulative and shady. Despite acting above the board as he put it, she didn't see it that way. He would avoid fighting unless it was necessary or if it allowed experimentation to develop.

"Just want a chance to know you," Jane said as she placed her head on the table. "Is that so wrong?"

"No. Not at all. But you know I can't just be what you want. I am my own man and have my own objectives. Your scope is confined to the Alliance to much. In the end, it is just an organization. An interplanetary gang really. The same as every military."

"Huh, we are not a gang." Jane said incredulously. Thinking about the way matters are down with the Alliance and the Council races initially, she didn't really believe that actually. "I am sure we can wrap this long enough for you to go and have fun."

Leo picked up his warm juice and started to drink it.

"So those Asari.. what is really going on with them? It is my ship after all Leo." Jane was phishing for information. It was either for herself or for the Alliance. Either way, he didn't care. "Not classified is it?"

"No. But it revolves around Medical & Information Sexual.. tendencies. Unless you received a degree in any of those fields.." Jane responded looking at him in the corner of her eye with a pensive look. ".. that is what I thought."

"You talk to your son again. I am sure he would love to know his father."

"Pftt," Leo spat his juice out hitting the adjacent table. "I am sorry but that was an abrupt joke."

"Not a joke," Jane said looking up with a smirk. "You still have a duty to them."

"Yeah, no I don't." Leo got up to clean the other table. "Your way of thinking is very reminiscent of the 20th century. But the fact is, she made her decision for the child. Without me. No input or consideration to me at all. Now that she ran into an issue, I helped her and you want me to adjust my life to accommodate this, the amount of nonsense is shocking."

"But he is your blood Leo." She received a shrug to that. "Mom.. mom wants to meet him."

"That has nothing to do with me at all." Leo finished cleaning up and walked back to his seat. "If you want to play aunt go for it, but leave me out of your games. Let the child ruin his life without my input."

"You can't be against kids. I mean.. you are in a few sperm banks and have donated money to different children's development centers." Jane had used her status as a Spectre to access his files. It was after receiving a report from the Alliance about a few contacts Leo made recently. Namely Maya Brooks. "So what's really going on?"

"Not your business." Leo shook his head at her prying. "I help who I want to help and kill who I want to kill. Those matters are so normal for me, I don't give it much thought."

"Haaa, if that is the case why not.. I don't know, help them further? Wouldn't it be the same to do so?"

"No, they did nothing to deserve it. Birth does not mean care or certain influence." Leo's alarm went off as it was time for him to go. "Anyway, you go play family to strangers I will go about getting things ready for my family."

"I will do just that Leo, make sure you make it back to the ship before it's to late." Jane rubbed her temples annoyed. She turned on her Omni-tool making a call. "Yeah, he didn't change his view on the matter. I don't know what to do now."

Zaed: Give me a crack at it. I don't want him ending up like me.

"For a mercenary, you have a bit of a soft it seems." Jane thought it odd when the old merc approached her about the matter but was grateful for his help. "Have a go at it and hopefully you have better luck than I did."

Zaed: I think I might have something to convince him. You still meeting up with the kid and mom right?

"Yeah, why?" Jane listened to his plan and almost hung up on him. It was a stupid plan but better than anything she currently had.

Leo double-timed it to his meeting and made sure to activate his stealth technique. Better to not to be late with this person.


Andromeda Initiative-


She was not the first billionaire he came across. Whether it was this life or the next one. Getting past her security was easy with the help of the A.I. disrupting things and creating distractions.

In her office, Leo made sure to scan the room disabling all the bugs inside the place. Had enough that he thought the woman's whole life was on complete display.

*Boop! Boop! Boop!* A signal went off as to alert the woman to get ready. Jien Garson was slightly nervous which never went over well.

"Haa, here goes nothing." She sighed leaning back in her chair.

"The eccentric, beautiful, and oh so smart human billionaire responsible for spearheading the Andromeda Initiative beginning in 2176, looks really exhausted." Leo's voice sounded a little sad. He appeared out of stealth right across from the woman." Ms.Garson leader of the expedition doing the briefing of Initiative recruits and on the mission-critical information regarding the new Galaxy."

"You really know how to keep me on my toes." Jien visibly relaxed seeing him. Keen eyes taking in the changes. "You have gotten bigger.. and look more lively. I like the new look. Care to share the wealth?"

A.I.- Find out how much she needs then transfer double over. The amount of credits earned is primarily for the Andromeda Galaxy after all. However, it will increase her odds of surviving and fighting against her natural Fate.

"How much?"

"Heh, a few million will do to to help shoe investors a thing or to." Jien wished credits would fall out of the sky but that wouldn't happen. Instead, it would come directly to the Omni-tool. "500 million would shut them up."

"Here is 500 million now and another will come after we talk shop." Leo made the arrangements give her a full look over. His spiritual sense and Omni-tool both scanning her. "Your stress levels are high as hell, your cholesterol is up, and not to mention the fatigue. So I am gonna need you to take better care of yourself."

"Yeah.. yeah.. I will." Jian sent the credits to her people to get started on what was needed. Looking Leo over she still had trouble wrapping her head around this. His help and the overall way he maneuvered into the project. "I don't know how I will ever thank you."

"All kinds of ways. But for now, your health is what matters." Leo moved over taking a knee near her. "Hands, now." She did as she was told. "Tell what is going on."

*Tssh!* The injection was a dose of condensed spirit energy as well as a programmable virus. Since Jien held a probationary contract with him, she was able to take his spiritual energy despite not having a cultivation manual. Which he was about to change.

"Funds, Protests, Xenophobia, overall Fear." Jien went on and on but those were the key points. "I just want to really get there at this point."

"You will get there, I will make sure of it." Leo didn't look up as he tended to her. Poke her gently and making sure he told her what was found. "The problem is when you get there. My "intel" is clear possible cluster storms and the different planetary issues."

"Can you provide this to me?"

"I will not. Just if anyone brings up those concerns you can confidently say plans are in motion to deal with that." Leo moved up to her neck rubbing and checking her vertebrae going down. "TO tense, make sure you take a day off soon."

"To bust to.. ooh. I guess I can manage that." Jien gave an embarrassing moan. "When is the next time we can meet?"

"I don't know, doing some strange stuff with the Alliance for now. Might have to pull something to get removed from them. "No arrested though. I have someone you can hire for your security team, not a spectacular candidate but good muscle to keep you safe. Well, safer."

The dossier on Zatar Alenko, and a few other prospects he was about to recruit was sent to her. As well a better security system for her omni-tool with a list of all the bugs he disabled upon arriving.

"Thanks, I will look them over on my downtime." After a quick glance, she left it for later. Wishing he kept applying pressure as the injection started taking effect more. "So, still loose with your morals and what you do?"

Leo looked over at her smiling. That gave her the only answer she needed.

"Before I forget, be careful of the Quarian Ark and it's people. Quite a few are up to know good. You may want to increase the security checks for those who are going to want access to the Arks in few years. The "get" activity that is hitting the news is bigger than you think."

"You just have to give me that bad news." Jien leaned back grabbing his hand and holding them. "Sometimes, I think you are the only real friend I have left."

"Not true at all, I am a bad man after all." Leo pulled her back staring into those beautiful eyes of hers. "Everything you are doing lines up with I want and have to do. But I am out for your best interest. And will take care of the bad ones that pop up."

"I will take what I can get." Jien's omni-tool went off, unfortunately. Breaking her moment of partial peace. A problem with a shipment that needs her attention. "We will have to pick this up another time."

Leo sealed her talking with his lips. His spiritual energy completely wrapping around. Passing over a Cultivation method from his brother's archives that increased health and overall brain function.

"Benefits of the provisional contract. Something for you to think about. Keep yourself safe." Leo let her go activating his stealth technique. Jien looked towards the door but he didn't leave from there. THe window however opened up.

"This is the.. 45th floor." She mumbled fingers touched to her lips. "I am too old for romance. But not a dalliance. Leo better stay alive long enough to ake it to the Andromeda Galaxy as well."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth

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