
Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix

Being an AI is different to being a human or alien. But being a human then turned AI in mass effect is strange. But earth and the current scans of shepherd doesn't match with humans my database. Disclaimer I dont own any of the rights to Mass Effect or other things I pull from any other Sci-fi game.

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02 Rewrite

That pure silence bar the humming machinery. Getting board of the silence I begin reaching out to dormant networks and planets that should be nearby.

[Error cannot connect to Sentry array]

[Error cannot connect to archive worlds]

[Error unknown interference detected]

[Error cannot detect drednought]

[Error cannot establish connection to resource network]

[Error star maps wrong]

What is interfering with the networks. Strange it can be solved with time, information and research. I'll send ships to survey my surroundings, those droids can begin constructing a T-1 Matter Singularity. And now we wait.

*Pov Shepherd*

What? Those error messages why and is it just going to ignore the fact that humanity is created by his people. Sensor. Archive. Interference? Nexus? What's happening. Why does he keep switching subjects.

"What are all those errors for. And what about the star maps?"

"Those can be solved over time but not connecting to the archive can have severe consequences, it houses all the knowledge that I should have access to. But some unknown source is interfering and the star maps that your ship has doesn't match the predicted location I have of the stars."

What does it mean predicted locations of stars. How can it predict the locations of stars wait I remember something about scientists ble to do that.

"You mean historical archives like, how your civilisation was ran? The history and how the daily life was?" Liara enthusiastically asked.

"Yes and no the archive is everything to do with the history, media and culture of the terran people." Oh maybe we can find technological advancements there.

"Wait you hacked our ship can you release it? And what did you want with the data on my ship?"

"No protocols hacked your ship and I just pulled data while it's been docked. For gathering information about the current galaxy and its inhabitants. " It's gathering information for what?

"What do you want with information on the galaxy boshet, are you going to kill us all?" Tali shouted. All the crew tensed up at that statement.

"No I am looking for terran structures but I'm interested in this element zero and the mass relays." Why ezzo and mass relays?

"You dont use ezzo or mass relays why? What do you use for ftl? How do you move massive amounts of resources." Sounding interested liara continued asking questions but it never responded.

"You do know ezzo tech cannot lead you to the same heights we terrans have reached." That's it's only response then why dose it want to know more? What does it want with ezzo then.

"What do you mean? Ezzo is apart of everything we use." Liara nearly shouts. Sounds about right, it is in everything.

"From scans of your ship the ezzo core could be put inside your cruisers. And that's it you would need a bigger, better refined core to build bigger ships. That's not including the limited supply of ezzo you have in the galaxy." Wait now that i think about it it's too costly to build ships bigger than a drednought.

"Your error message said cannot detect drednought? Why is it supposed to be here?"

"There is a exploration fleet heading to its last known location along with a construction ship to begin repairs on its dry docks while other construction ships do the tasks given to them." Construction, exploration ships? So many different types.

"Tell me how this citidel council works and could I pass through their territory without problems?" It asks as if its searching for things.

"Why? What do you want in the council space?" Silence overtakes the room.

*Pov OMAC*

Let's see what is needed on those 2 equmonplis worlds. Ahh power for you so you can begin storing resources, and a repairs to your spaceport. So that's now in the works I should have access to your resources.

Then onto the system outposts and sensor array and finally planetary rings so moving resources is faster.

Right those people. "I am searching for ruins of my people so I can burry any remains, re-establish connection with important worlds like the archives and so I can learn more about the galaxy." Should construct a combat droids.

"You should return to your ship and return to your people. After I leave a combat mech on your ship incase you need it. Or I wish to join you on this mission of yours." Let's see what you think about that.

"Join us on missions? Why should we let you?" Sheperd accusingly asks.

"Because the recording of Liara's mother is intriguing. It seems like she has been brainwashed without her knowledge. And I would like to see the mass relays in action." I should send a stealth destroyer to help them.

"Why do you want to see if my mother is brainwashed? And what will you do if she is?" Concerned and scared. While the rest look confused.

"Why would a person far older than this former spectator follow them. Unless they truly believe in them or they dont have a free will. You can kill her if she is doing it willingly, if she isnt I'd like to run some tests to see if it's similarto a brain editing technique that my people created." They seem conflicted.

"Only if I can watch what happens! She is my mother I want to be there for her when she is free." Little child doesn't know what's coming her mother does this will help them prepare for the coming storm.

"Granted! I shall prepare a stealth destroyer then do you wish to use the destroyer as back up or shall we all go in it?" Joker looks offended that there is another stealth ship.

"We didnt see any ships in the hanger." Tali seems offended I'm joining them. Well duh there more hangers.

"There are over 50 small, 20 large and 1 mega hanger in the ringworld. Plus you landed on the opposite side to where the ships are." They think there was only one? I should construct droids to act as security for the ships and other places I will need to protect.

Ah the T-1 matter singularity is done let's put it so it focusing on upgrading to a T-10 matter singularity. Once that's done we should have it produce the resources for a Dyson swarm and combat droids for the protection and defense of this place and my ships for if they are boarded.

"When are you leaving for this Noveria if your going back to Sol II I'll send a exploration fleet with you. And have the destroyer meet you there." They seem confused at why I'm sending an exploration fleet to sol.

Droids in storage are ready to go as well as nullification fields, let's set the destroyer off. I need to make a list of things to do in the citidel networks.

1. Open a bank account under a believable life. And reate a program witch skims 1 credit from everyones transactions.

2. Start a company that will buy out a few small construction and a few mining companys on the homeworld of every race.

3. Keep all the people in there positions and have the hiring staff begin hiring more people as well as setting up an effective HR department. Hire scientists, cooks, and a bunch of other crew to support the construction and mining crews.

4. Contact a architecture firm and have them design a bunker that can house 10 million people for a few years if shut. Also have a bunker designed for pure research underneath Mount Everest. Bribe the UNIN so I can build it.

5. Create a bunch of false rumours make people believe the citidel council knows of an incoming threat and is doing nothing.

6. Spread rumours about the condition of the Quarian migrant fleet and how they are starving and that's why they steal from everyone so then can feed there people. As well as repair there ships because they can explode at anytime.

7. Begin investing in shipyards on the conditions that they hire and expand the current shipbuilding capacity. Begin construction on the bunkers and have scientists look at any research they want.

8. Send destroyer wolf packs out to hunt pirates and slavers. Begin stealing batarians slave money to use in the company.

9. Watch the citadel council panic and batarians rage because they cant get slaves.

Now we have goals to complete and till Shepherd dies or do I intercept that. Hmmm choices.

"Can we leave I need to report back to the Admiral." Ah he does.

"You can leave any time I'm not stopping you but I would like to know is I can send a combat droid so you can talk to me if you have more questions." Can just leave a simple vi with instructions to contact me if they need me.

"Anyone object?" Everyone remains quiet. "That's a yes then." Shepherd states.

"The droid will be waiting at your ship. Mr Moreau if I could have a blood sample I can look into your condition. If I can fix it because its something my people have encountered before I'll let you know otherwise you will have to wait till I can reconnect with the research nexus." Joker looks shocked.

"Why? Why are you offering to help?" Anger?

Cant tell him about what happens to his sister. Or how his life was only in a game to me. "Because my job is to protect and help lesser humanity. Direct orders from the Terran Ascendancy Council before they died."

I'm sorry for this joker but your family will be saved when they come. I will send droids and move them to Alpha Centuri or here where they will be safe. It will save you the pain later.

"I accept its Vrolik syndrome it causes extreme brittleness in the bones. I was born with multiple severe fractures in my legs." He sounds upset. And disgusted with himself only a little.

"Osteogenesis imperfectia aka brittle bone disease. I can make a genome cocktail that will rewrite your genetic material so it corrects the error in your gene's. It took us a while to make a cure for that one. But you will have to wait till after Noveria." The joy that flashed on his face till I said he as to wait. Right let's get the destroyers medical bay to make BBD genome cocktail for him.

"Thank you" the relief, happiness and sincerity is insane. "I can not allow you to give unknown and untested things to the crew of an alliance ship." Ah the doctor.

"It is why I was going to invite you to watch this and his vitals and the rest of your crew after noveria while I possibly remove the brainwashing on Matriarch T'soni if it's the one I think it is." Doctor looks angry.

"Mr Moreau a wheel chair for you to rest in till you get back to your ship. Please allow the droid to take bloods while you sit. They will also help you return to your ship."

"Let's go everyone we have to return to report and the set off to noveria to stop saren." As Shepherd leaves with his crew he turns back one final time. As if dont hurt my crew or I'll find a way to stop you.

Destroyer is prepared now needs to wait for the BBD gene cocktail. Let's build more exploration fleets because mass relays allow for the exploration of 1% of the entire galaxy.

1 billion stars out of 100 billion. Most if not all will harbour no life because of the reapers, such a shame I have so much free real estate.

The only downside to being an ai is not being able to sleep and the loneliness. I could create a new ai just for conversation but it's going to be boring. I should probably create one to monitor the combat droids and one for cataloging what the exploration fleets find.

I should look through the tech to see if I can reverse Barnard's stars aging.

*Pov Normandy crew*

As they arive in the hanger they can see outside towards the equmonplis worlds. Watching as dozens of ships travel to and from the place. The number is steadily growing as time passed and more ships join them.

As 3 ships come to a stop just outside the hanger joker looks and asks "are those the exploration fleets?"

"Indeed Mr. Moreau 1 science ship and 2 escort frigates." He seems impressed.

As they enter the droid follows them and seemingly powers down at the side of the hanger.

What nobody else sees is a black liquid slides out of a tiny hole in the side of the leg and pools at its feet in the shadow before sinking into the ships metal seemingly disappearing.

Implanting nanite trackers into the ship. And passively pulling communication data from the ship. To gather more information on the wider galaxy and where all planets are.

Looking at Shepherd the crew watch as he signals for them to follow him further in the ship.

A low hum returns to she ship as they come up to the bridge. Stopping shepherd turns to everyone, "I'll debrief Admiral Hackett the rest of you are to not speak of this to anyone this information could ruin the systems alliance standing, and our reputation to the public. I mean tell no one not even your family or a therapist in alliance medical bar Dr chakwas who knows what we are on about."

Everyone agrees and gets the signal to return to their posts. To complete the promise that was made when he became captain of the ship.


So I want your thoughts and feedback please.