
Mask Off

Violence, in the right circumstances, is like a budding flower. It takes root and spreads like a disease. And when it flowers, POOF! Annihilation. For the longest time, this small group of wildly different people thought the world to be fair. Until they had what they loved wrenched from their hearts. So they arrived at a town where misery breeds and festers like disease. Where they released their pent up feelings like a wave that curses all. ----- One last chance. They deserve just one more chance at life. They were raised like villains, lived like criminals and died as lunatics. What if their environment caused these things? I'll give them a push into the cycle of reincarnation. Let's see how much karma they built. Will they be reincarnated as insects? As Tigers? Huh? Did he just unconsciously force his group to follow him into a single body? Hey, you can't do that! ----- Characters heavily inspired from Hotline Miami. First Time Writing Some of the more gory scenes will be talked about in detail. The main characters aren't good people. Maybe romance? Not for children.

Nemesis_T103 · Politique et sciences sociales
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Massacre (2)


My vision was full of blood.

The gang needed me, yet I couldn't do much but sleep.


Swinging the corner, I flung my arm forward - Uzi in hand. Flicking down the trigger, I emptied my clip into a group of pigeon scum. They collapsed like cards, screaming as they had not much time left.

"GO, GO, GO!"

Hearing the yell from through the doorway behind me, I snuck to the side of the door for cover. Hiding by the wall.

"Damn, another team is dead! Quick spread up and search!"


As they split up, one unlucky fellow chose my doorway to come through. Once he fully crossed the threshold, I quickly grabbed his neck, pulling back forcefully - tearing his throat out. A splatter of blood spitting onto my mask. Pinning him to the wall, I crunched down his knee, picking up his clips and a new gun - a shotgun.

Twisting past the doorway I sprinted full force into another troop. Quickly smacking my barrel into his neck, cutting off his voice. I rammed my shotgun hard into his nose before pulling the trigger, painting the wall red.


"Hehe, found you~"

The whole place turned quiet as this new guest arrived. I couldn't help but wonder which cunt had the gall to come in here, acting like my club was his own. As I was ready to beat this fucker up for ruining my night, I caught a full view of what lay under his hood. A Fox mask. If anyone didn't know this mask, they were either ignorant or new to the town. Because this mask signified a massacre was approaching. He bore into Kate with his eyes, seeming to find the situation rather funny. And when I glanced back to Kate, I couldn't help but feel shocked when I noticed her mild annoyance... Annoyance? Not fear? Was she crazy?

"Can you stop following me Mr. Fox?"


The room turned to ice. Everyone turned wide eyed to the fox, hoping to see the same amused look in his eyes. But when I looked back, the fox's smile receded completely as he stood with an indifferent look on his face.

"Tell that to T."

T? Was that a nickname of sorts? After having spoken, he quickly strode forward before snatching Kate's wrist and dragging her out of the building. What the fuck kind of girl was I going to drug?


Yet the shocked Chris had no idea his night was far from over. Giving the masked friend a quick thumbs up, I pulled my hood low over my head before meandering carefully out the back door. Feeling the light drizzle of rain on my hood, I closed my eyes.


After a moment of silence, I reopened my eyes, ready to end the party I set off.


The door swung off its hinges, colliding with the single guard in front of the boss' desk. Upon being knocked to the floor, he passed out cold. A splash of blood flying into the gang leader's face. The man behind the desk flinched hard and gave a wide eyed face of shock to his newest guest. As soon as I saw that look, my smile widened. My eyes curved upwards from under the shade of the mask, and the blue of my iris seemed to glow in the darkness. My once white outfit was bathed in blood all night. It had become red. A cold, metal rifle, soaked in the same shade as my suit. Hair and other bits still stuck to the dried blood on my knuckles. Looking at my newest target, I could tell he wasn't another dumb, inherited mobster. In fact this kid had a good head on his shoulders. I mean, to make a gang like this you had to have one. But the one wrong decision he made in his career was hiring some dumb shit who got too big for his boots. Nah, actually, I'm sure we would've got round to this place sooner or later.


The leader quickly swiped under his desk, grabbing hold of the gun, locked into a holster that was taped to the underside of the table. He could feel the cold steel of a M9 pistol. With a hard pull, he swung it out and aimed forward. *BANG* One bullet flew. And the one bullet that came out of his gun was way off. Reason being a spinning metal rifle just smacked into the side of his head. His brain shook and he lost control of his legs, stumbling back and dropping the pistol to the floor in his nausea. The bear approaches. He reached to the ground. With a quick swipe of his hand, the gun was now in a killer's hands. But he had no plans to end the fun so soon. As he kneeled over the still trembling man, he whipped the gun forward, right into the dizzy man's face. *Crack* A large cut split his cheek open as the dead man yelled in agony; cursing out profanities as if his life depended on it. The Lunatic couldn't help but laugh. Clenching down tighter onto the injured man's torso, he wrenched the man's arms into submission with his knees. Raising his fist up high, he brought it down, a comet covered in blood. The world was soon to end.