
Marvo's Legacy

"Where did my fat go!?" Our protagonist wakes in a room with a body and memories that aren't his own, with only the clothes on his back, a miniscule amount of money and a strange ring. After getting his bearings, he will go on a journey that surpasses his imagining. Meeting different people, encountering danger, making references that no one understands, ect. Let's see where this goes...

NalyDMOC · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

Getting a job

In a place far, far away.

A man and a woman were meditating side by side in a dimly lit room, incense was being burned, filling the room with a fragrance that seemed to improve the bodies functions. They both looked young, however they were much, much older then they looked.

The room was silent, save for the gentle breathing of both the man and woman.

All of a sudden the woman's eyes shot open, a fierce aura shooting out into the room. The aura disturbed the man, and he quickly rose to his feet in a defensive stance.

He looked around, sending his energy all around him, looking for hidden threats, however he found none.

He looked over at the woman and frowned "Daria, what's the matter? Why are you disrupting our meditation?" he asked in disapproval.

The woman 'Daria' stiffly stood up and turned to the man.

"I sensed him... I sensed our son. It was only for a second, but it was him, I could never mistake it" excitement slowly starting to seep into her words.

The man gawked at her, closing the distance and grabbing her shoulders.

"WHAT?! OUR BOUNCING BABY BOY CAME BACK?! WHERE IS HE?! WE WILL GO-" the man was interrupted by a smack to the back of the head.

"Don't shout at me you damn ox, your spitting all over me!" the woman smacked the man upside the head again, causing him to cower in fear.

It seems we know who wears the pants in this family.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. He's been missing for centuries, anyone would get excited over finding him. So tell me, Where is he?" The man gazed at he excitedly, like a puppy, causing her to break into am unwilling smile.

"It was only for a second, but I know the general area, however.." she frowned and started pacing.

"It's really quite far, even by our standards. It will take a few years just to enter the general location, and even more to zero in on the exact spot" Her perfectly smooth forehead crinkled up with worry, then turned into determination.

"No matter! Even if it takes a thousand years, I'll keep looking!" Daria had a deadly serious expression on her face as she spoke.

The man saw that and became just as determined. "I'LL BE BESIDE YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!" the man looked into the sky and swore "WE WILL NEVER STOP LOOKING FOR YOU SON-" Daria kicked him into the wall

"I said stop shouting! Who the hell are you even talking to? Your ancestors? Come on, we have no time to lose"

The man painfully stood up, feeling aggrieved "Y-yes sweetheart.."


The woman seemed surprised that I would request to work here, perhaps I don't seem like the type who would want to read all day.

"We are hiring right now, but..." she stopped to think for a second. Recently, no one has offered to work here, and that's caused a few problems.

As the biggest library in the city, hundreds of people come a day to read or just relax, so it's quite a handful for one old woman to handle the people and also clean the place up everyday.

After a while she looks back at me, studying me more closely. "Do you have.. Clean clothes, a place of residence, and an identification card? Those are the bare minimum that's required" she crossed her arms as she spoke, a hint of nobility leaking out.

I froze. Damn.. I have none of those requirements. It seems I can only bluff my way through this.

Thinking fast, I used all my brain meat to think of something plausible. An idea quickly came to me.

"Why those are pretty simple requirements. It's too bad that.." I pause a hint of sadness oozing from my body language.

"My wallet was pick pocketed, it had everything I needed to get by. My rent was also due last week and I was kicked out because all the money I had was in the wallet."

As I spoke I slumped against the counter giving the best 'sad' expression I could muster. The woman looked at me in sympathy as I spoke.

I continued "Due to not having a place to live and no money, I wasn't able to wash my clothes for the whole week, so I was fired from my last job. I've barely even eaten anything in the past few days.."

Giving her an aggrieved expression, I asked softly "Is there really no chance for me? Am I destined to die in a shithole from starvation? Do I really deserve that?" tears started leaking out from the corners of my eyes.

Damn I'm good.

If the woman was sympathetic before, now she was fighting back tears of her own.

"Oh honey, everything will be ok. You won't die in a shithole cause everyone uses toilets now" she said as she got up and rubbed my back.

Eh? Was that really all she got from that?

Thankfully she continued "That's the saddest thing I've heard happen to someone in a long time, I had forgotten that not everyone can afford to use banks to store their money"

She sighed "If we weren't in desperate need of help, and if I didn't feel so bad for you, I would chase you out the door" as she spoke, she walked into the room behind the counter.

A few seconds later she returned holding a key and a sheet of paper.

"First things first, you will have to fill in this form" she stated as she handed me the slip of paper.

I took the paper with a happy smile on my face. I can't believe I convinced her to let me work here! As I took it, I felt the hairs on my arm stand up as I got a static shock.

Thinking nothing of it, I sat down on a stool in front of the counter and started looking over the paper.

The paper read: This is an contract to start working at St. Harold's Public Library. (SHPL) Before you fill in your contract, there are a few cursory questions you must answer.

Question 1.

Have you committed any crimes such as, theft, murder, use of illegal substances, cheese rolling, ect. If yes please inform active librarian and wait for police to show. Thank you.

Yes. No.

Makes sense to ask this, no one wants to employ criminals, however, it's kind of odd that they would think anyone would even be honest, even if they did commit the crimes listed.

I check the box that says 'No' and move on to next question.

Question 2.

Many accidents can happen at a work place. You will not hold SHPL responsible for any accidents or injuries that befall you? Your bound by the contract to not take SHPL to court if you select no.

No. No.

Eh? Where's the yes box? I only see two no's... I lift my head to ask if it was a typo, then think better of it. It doesn't really matter. What kind of injuries could happen at a library? I select a random no, and move on to the last question.

Question 3.

Mayor 'Feart Treva' is a part of the founding family of Treva City. The Treva's have almost a thousand years of history, and have been the rulers of the city since its founding. You will respect the great mayor and won't undermine his authority?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Fart Treva? I snort at the unfortunate name. Was it supposed to be domineering? Looking at the check boxes I raise my eyebrows. once again it only gives me the option of selecting one answer. Pretty obvious it's not a typo.

I select a random yes, and look at the rest of the contract. Its a list of what I'll be doing and how long I'll be doing it. blah, blah, blah.

I skim it then get to the part I sign my name. I pause.

Heh, having two identities mean's I could put either name down and not be lying. However, I already told her my name was Rei Marvo, so I'll just go with that.

I sign my name with the symbols of this world, the symbols just appearing in my head. Once again I got shocked with static.

After I finished. I handed it to the patiently waiting librarian who looked it over and glanced at me.

"No backlash. Good. Seems you were honest with what you wrote, you would be surprised with how many people try to cheat the contracts" she shook her head in distaste

However I wasn't understanding "What backlash?" I ask confusedly.

Her expression changes when I ask that "You mean you didn't know this was a runic contract?" she asks baffled, quirking a brow in the process.

"Runic contract? What's that?" I ask, placing the pen on the counter.

She stares at me for a few seconds, then a look of realization crosses her face.

She points at a symbol at the top of the paper "See that there? That's a rune. Runes have certain abilities when used for different things. This one here is called a 'truth rune', when inscribed whoever is holding the contract can only answer truthfully. If they lie about something, they will suffer a backlash. If their lucky, they might just suffer some internal injuries, but worst case can lead to death" she said with a solemn expression.

I realize the severity of the issue and start to sweat a little, an unsuspecting person could get really messed up from this.

"I apologize. I blindly assumed you knew what it was. These types of contracts are common around these parts. I forgot you aren't from around here" she said giving me an apologetic look.

I look at the contract and notice another rune next to where I signed my name.

"What's that one do?" I ask in interest.

She glances at where I'm pointing. "That's actually two runes intersected. It's a mix of a binding and branding rune. Its brands a mark on your body so that you can't escape the contract, and binds the contract to whoever writes their name down. That's what that warm feeling you got was." she says with a slight smile

Huh? I don't remember getting a warm feeling. Did it fail? Or maybe it was blocked. My lips twitch as I force myself not to look at my ring. I suddenly remember the shocks I received.

The librarian put the contract on the counter and turns to me.

"Well" she gives me a gentle smile "You are now officially an employee of Saint Harold's. Do your job well and everything will be a-ok." she says, handing me the key in her hand.

"This key unlocks the second floor, and all the closets around the library. The second floor holds the living quarters and the private bathrooms. That's where you can stay until you get back on your feet" giving me a warm smile sits back in her seat

Seeing her be so kind to me sends warmth through my body. She's so kind. Ever since I entered this world, I've been over whelmed with all the new thing's. I make a promise not to do wrong by this angel.

"I really appreciate all this, you didn't have to go so far for me" I mumble, kind of embarrassed at the whole situation.

"Nonsense" she looks me up and down "Anyone can see your in need of a little help. Those that don't help others in need better not hope to receive any kindness in their lives" she states in a no nonsense tone.

'Go and clean yourself up, I'll bring you my husbands old clothes, your a bit bigger then my son, even though you look to be the same age. So get rid of those.." she furrows her brow

"Can you even call those rags clothes? Throw them away when you take them off" she exclaims in disgust, not that I can blame her, they smell pretty bad.

Thanking her again, I'm about to leave when suddenly she says "Rei is it? You don't mind if I call you Rei instead of 'Mr. Marvo'?" She chuckles "Mr. Marvo sounds like the villian from that drama that was shown the other day. His name was Mr. Marvin"

She chortles a bit as I smile wryly "Sure. I like Rei better anyways" I state, sweat dropping at her laughter.

As I turn to leave, a thought strikes me.

"Oh. Ma'am, I didn't catch your name. Unless you want me to call you 'boss' all the time" I say with a sly smile.

"My, I never introduced myself did I?" She walks toward me, extending her small hand. "My name is Annie Walker, you may call me Miss Annie or Miss Walker"

I recomend those reading this to look up 'cheese rolling'. It is seriously a crime against humanity.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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