
Marvel: True King of Curses

John Moorey a white collared mundane man trying to survive in the hustle and bustle of New York, the city where gazes never wonder, eyes never lock and the whispers of blood reach the ears of nobody before fading. Perfect for an ordinary man who’s main goal is just a simple one - to live right?. Absolutely perfect yes I say or at least it was. Until his world switched almost instantaneously and he was thrust into a world of pure unrefined insanity as the King of Curses - Ryoumen Sukuna One would think that such an indescribable madness would surely drive any sane man insane but good ol John is no stranger to madness he’s a man that theres more to him than meets the eye A man of ever changing colour and beauty - an inescapable calamity

Honoured_Writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

5 Euphoria

[ A/N* I was planning on releasing this chapter yesterday but all of my writing got deleted even though I made sure it was saved so I had to restart the chapter from scratch so if it feels like rushed it is

Song recommendation for this chapter? Murder On The Dancefloor by Sophie Ellie-Bextor enjoy

can I have you stones pwetty please for a chapter release as great as this đŸ„șđŸ„ș???*]


When was the last time you felt so... euphoric...and danced to the symphony of blood so frivolously John? 

Been so callous in your kill. So greedy for more, so ravenous to hear the screams of murder to ring merrily in the ears for days to come

At my calling, a sharp unstoppable incision drew itself across a wall standing behind a group of ten dancers who without a chance to beg were cut in half and mutilated before me 

I now possess the power to take hold of my chains and cut them free of my soul with ease,.

No more restrictions, no more laws to withdraw my blade from the necks of others from today forward and until the end of time

I am free.

The tendrils of catharise latched onto my consciousness, and the drums of liberation played the rhythm of caged bird that had just unlocked its seal

Now let me celebrate my new found freedom with the world, the festival of blood shall commence with me at it's helm!

All of the dancers launched themselves towards me without fear of death nor repercussion, as if the cause they were entrusted with was greater than their life itself

Impressive, I'm almost curious to know of what they fight for to come at me so crudely, lacing any sort of doubt in their action

I slashed them all to be pieces with relative ease with the few lucky survivors continuing their onslaught against me

I bolted myself across the battlefield I had created, the wind at my back empowering my haste, as I grasped hold of the face of one of the four black clothed dancers, before shooting the two of us upwards in an unrequited frenzy

The clouds parted at out ascent and the sky swallowed us whole whilst I stared at him with my four eldritch eyes allowing him to take in a vivid image of the last thing he'll see before the world goes black

He helplessly flailed his arm, bringing his sword to strike me only for it all to be for naught as he cut the nothingness of the sky behind me 

Cleaving his arms off with sadistic glee, I let a crazed laugh escape my mouth, pulling his head to face the ground below, allowing gravity to regain control and smashing his mutilated body into the brick layered ground in a thunderous collision that shook the Earth

Not allowing a moment of rest for these monkeys, I swiftly appeared before the penultimatly void dressed swordsman and plunged two of my arms through his torso

Three points for creativity, John? I reckon that will be the most creative death I've concocted if I were to just include my shorter lived life

I whipped my arm around to rid my hands of the viscous fluid coating my hands wretchedly before turning my gaze to the last and final one

I'm hoping she'll be interesting, I overestimated the rest - their flavours were lacklustre to say the least... a bitter taste in my mouth that I will have to cleanse with more carnage 

"COME!" I shouted and as if on cue, markings began to appear on my body, creeping it's way along my limbs to my torso which bonded them in place and seeped my energy, "Intriguing..."

She chanted arias and words, mentioning the names of Susanoo, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi that amused me however I had less time to continue this mood as hundreds of these pests charged at me with large enough numbers

That's the spirit! the flavours of the living intensify when hope is granted to the poor unfortunate souls, when they believe victory is at hand ..when they think I've lost to their own wit and power

I saw in many of victims as John Moorey - Tommy Guntes, Martha Reveri, Joe Smith, names ,names, names ,names, names, names, names, names - they're all the same 

Gojo Satoru, Yuta Okkostu, Kashimo Hajime, Jogo.. that damn brat Itadori Yuji

In the end they all fall

"Dragon Scale. Repulsion. Paired Falling Stars."

DISMANTLE! In an instant, a slash that surpassed the very fabric of space and time itself materialised itself into this world and severed the connection of life that so many of the dancers clung so desperately to hold onto and slashing the arms of the last powerful dancer

A large fissure scarred Gaia's body and left a wound that could not be healed even with the power and length of time. Blood rained in hail and despair as the now inexistent bodies of the previously alive opponents had been wiped from the face of the Earth - the power of the world slash permitting not even their ashes to remain on this mortal plane

How marvellous it is to view such power in the flesh, it brings joy to my heart

With invigorated emotion and vehemence , I strolled up towards to the barely conscious black coloured woman before picking her up by the hair and peering into her lifeless machine-like eyes

"Like an unholy abomination laced with forbidden beauty," I remarked on my reflected appearance via her eyes

Well it would be if it didn't look like two vaginas had sewn itself onto the right side of face. I understand the necessity of it after all the cursed technique of a sorcerer is engraved into the right frontal lobe of the brain so this just serves as extra protection..

...but still if only it didn't look so vile and putrid

My bubble of thought was broken when from under the cloth that veiled her face, a wad of bloodied spit flew from her mouth and plastered itself over the left facing side of my face

The act of it all could not perturb my perpetual grin that decorated my features, I was in far too good of a mood for a silly little performance of rebellion to ruin it

Entwining two sources of cursed energy into one great positive source, I injected it into her being and watched in silent awe as her wounds disappeared and body repaired itself in real time

Bones sprouted from the lumps of flesh that used to be her limbs, and muscles and ligaments coated itself around them akin to wrapping paper being ribboned around presents and finally the skin regrew leaving perfectly bare arms to dangle in the wind

Her shock was evident even through her cloth causing me to snicker slightly

Now time for the communication to begin...

"Where am I?" I spoke whilst my tongue morphed into an ancient Japanese commonly used, her confusion also present at my outdated words and phrases most likely however still the most prominent of emotions was hatred, fear and... hope?

She refused to speak so I tore off her cloth, gazing at her resilient stare 

"Fine, I'll just have to peel back your scales until you squirm like the nameless fish you are," I cleaved off her legs, shrinking into little stains of scarlet mist, listening to the screams of pure agony whilst I etched the music I had conducted into my mind

Injecting positive energy once more, she healed to her previous ailment-free state once more, "Now?" 

She stared unwaveringly into my four monstrous eyes once more... so I sent thousands of slashes to paint themselves across her body, ensuring they only reached the papillary dermis level of the skin leaving no chance of death from our new friend

When the barrage of cuts that ravaged her body were over, only a heaping bloody mess of the former woman of determination

"Wow you are an absolute sight for sore eyes, what a beautiful colour of red you bleed don't you think?" I complimented though haters would call my actions that of Schadenfreude, "Are we ready to talk now?"

But still she gazed onwards and hoarsely she spat with venom lacing her tone, "Die."

Ah... she has those eyes. Fine I know when to give up accept that this will be a fruitless waste of time

"Impressive tell me your na-"

"The Goddess Amaterasu shall rain down the heavens on the evil you bring. Filthy curse."

The zeal of these religious fanatics

"You children should learn, God is de-" I attempted to speak but the Sun that watched in the Sky shone brighter and the Earth trembled with fury


The world turned white as only pain filled my being. My body burned and charred under a beam of light descending from the heavens


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[A/N* Cool chapter? Perhaps donate your stones to a good cause!! it'll be so kawaii đŸ€­

Also please tell if there are any mistakes havent had to check yet *]