
Marvel: The Magic Emperor

George, a man from modern-day Earth, finds himself unexpectedly transported into two parallel worlds simultaneously. One body is in the Marvel Universe, where he is a test subject created from the fused genes of Professor X and Magneto. The other body is in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, inhabiting the body of an orphan boy named Dave, who was once under the control of a Dark Wizard. As George discovers that he can use his mutant abilities in both worlds and share talents between them, he embarks on a journey to survive, escape his captors, and potentially reshape both universes. With the hope of immortality driving him, George begins hatching bold plans that could change the course of two worlds forever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to read 20 chapters ahead, join my patreon : patreon.com/Adwitiyah_Daivik ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author 挂前川 RAW NAME: 漫威的诸天魔法掌控者

Adwitiyah_Daivik · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: The Counterattack and Escape

Five days later, in the Gene Modification Research Institute in Mexico City.

Sander Les stared with glee at the younger version of Wolverine, X-24, which he had created using Wolverine's genes. He couldn't help but laugh triumphantly.

"At last, I've succeeded! A Wolverine that obeys my every command. The future world will kneel before me," he declared.

Sander's father, Dale Les, had once been a scientist who performed adamantium implantation surgeries on Logan. He was killed when Logan escaped the laboratory. From that moment, Sander vowed to eradicate all uncontrollable mutants and create mutant soldiers who would follow his orders without question.

He later founded Arclay Genetics and used his food and beverage company to widely distribute their engineered M43 virus. This virus did not affect humans but suppressed the abilities of existing mutants and eliminated genetic mutations in future generations. After more than twenty years of effort, no new mutants would be born into the world.

"Donald, dispose of those test subjects who refuse to follow orders," Dr. Les instructed coldly to a man whose right arm was entirely mechanical.

Originally, Dr. Les's plan was to use early-collected mutant genes to create a new generation of mutant children through surrogate mothers in Mexico, selling these children as weapons to other organizations. However, experiments revealed that these children developed their own wills and could not be entirely controlled, even attempting to escape. Now that he had perfected the technology to create fully obedient mutant clones, he had no use for the failed specimens.

"Should we also dispose of subject 757?" Donald asked, seemingly unsurprised by Dr. Les's orders.

Dr. Les hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, dispose of it. With the cloning technology perfected, we can produce large quantities of Wolverine clones. We might even be able to clone Professor X and Magneto. There's no need to waste resources on inferior specimens."


Donald drew his pistol and left the research facility.

Meanwhile, in his room, George, who had been practicing spell gestures, noticed the time on the wall clock and his expression turned grim.

"This isn't right. Shouldn't someone be coming to get me for training by now?"

"It looks like it's starting," George realized.

Just then, the door to his room burst open, and two familiar figures walked in. Leading them was the instructor who had been training him.

"I told you this guy was a waste of time. Training him for so long has been pointless. It's time to get rid of him," the instructor said with disdain, glancing at George. He then directed the armed subordinate behind him, who was holding a submachine gun, "Eliminate him, then dispose of the body in the incinerator. We'll burn it along with that batch of garbage."

"Understood, Captain."

The subordinate raised his submachine gun, aiming at George and preparing to pull the trigger.

However, just as he was about to shoot, subject 757 suddenly uttered an incomprehensible phrase.


With a click, the inhibitor collar on subject 757's neck detached itself automatically.

George's heart raced as he felt the cold of the inhibitor collar fall away from his neck. His senses sharpened, and his mind cleared as he prepared for what was to come.

In an instant, George's plan unfolded. With his powers unrestrained, he unleashed a wave of magnetic force, sending the dagger he had hidden at the door soaring through the air. The blade struck the guard, slicing his throat and temporarily neutralizing the immediate threat.


The instructor's reflexes were sharp. He deflected the incoming dagger with his own knife, a thin sheen of sweat forming on his brow. "What's going on?" he muttered, realizing just in time that the situation was far more dangerous than he had anticipated.

As the instructor drew his own weapon, he couldn't help but notice that subject 757 seemed far more formidable than he had been led to believe. The speed and force with which George controlled the dagger were unexpected, and though he managed to deflect it, the recoil from the powerful throw left his wrist aching.

"You've been hiding your abilities, haven't you?" the instructor said, his voice a mix of realization and frustration. In his mind, subject 757 had always been weak and easy to manage. The sudden escalation in George's abilities caught him off guard.

George responded with a fierce determination. "You don't need to know," he said coldly, his eyes flashing with resolve. The magic-infused daggers whizzed through the air, their speed and precision making them nearly impossible to dodge.

The instructor tried to close the distance, hoping for a chance to engage George in hand-to-hand combat. But George was relentless, not giving him a single opportunity to get close. Instead, George pressed the attack with a relentless barrage of blades, forcing the instructor into a defensive position.

Realizing the futility of close combat against such an agile opponent, the instructor's thoughts shifted towards summoning reinforcements. But George was well aware of the urgency. Time was of the essence, and every second counted.

George reached out with his powers, pulling the submachine gun from the dead guard's grasp. "This is farewell," he said with a grim smile as he aimed the gun at the beleaguered instructor.

With a decisive squeeze of the trigger, the room was filled with the deafening roar of gunfire. Bullets sprayed in a relentless storm, and the instructor's eyes widened in terror as he was torn apart by the barrage.


The instructor's attempts at resistance were futile. The rapid burst of bullets transformed him into a bloody mess, and George, having ensured his primary obstacle was eliminated, retrieved his daggers and collected the instructor's weapon.

With his path now clear, George emerged from his confinement and began to navigate the facility. He used his powers to dismantle any surveillance cameras he encountered and dealt swiftly with any guards who crossed his path.

As he moved stealthily through the corridors, the sounds of chaos grew louder—gunshots and screams echoed through the facility. It was clear that the disturbance he had caused was only a part of a larger upheaval. The facility was in full-blown chaos as they attempted to manage the escape and neutralization of all the mutant children being processed.

The disarray worked to George's advantage. The security forces were distracted, dealing with the broader crisis. This allowed George to move with relative ease, though he remained vigilant.

He knew that if he attempted to flee immediately, the facility's numerous surveillance systems and armed guards would quickly overwhelm him. His strategy of waiting for the opportune moment had paid off. The confusion provided a crucial window for his escape.

Navigating through the facility, George finally reached the external perimeter. The massive gates loomed ahead, and he knew that beyond them lay freedom. 


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