
Marvel: The Magic Emperor

George, a man from modern-day Earth, finds himself unexpectedly transported into two parallel worlds simultaneously. One body is in the Marvel Universe, where he is a test subject created from the fused genes of Professor X and Magneto. The other body is in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, inhabiting the body of an orphan boy named Dave, who was once under the control of a Dark Wizard. As George discovers that he can use his mutant abilities in both worlds and share talents between them, he embarks on a journey to survive, escape his captors, and potentially reshape both universes. With the hope of immortality driving him, George begins hatching bold plans that could change the course of two worlds forever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to read 20 chapters ahead, join my patreon : patreon.com/Adwitiyah_Daivik ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author 挂前川 RAW NAME: 漫威的诸天魔法掌控者

Adwitiyah_Daivik · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: The Artificial Mutant Test Subject No. 757

"Doctor, the test results for Subject No. 757 are in."

"What level?"

"Level Two."

"Level Two, meaning that even with full ability development, it would only achieve superficial mind-reading and control of no more than 50 kilograms with magnetic powers?"

"Yes, Doctor. According to our current research on mutants, that's the case."

"It seems that trying to fuse the genes of Professor X and Magneto to create the ultimate artificial mutant really is an impossible task.

We'll end this experiment here. From now on, focus all our efforts on the research of X-24. He's our strongest weapon!"

"Should we dispose of Subject No. 757 like the previous test subjects?"

"Keep him for now. Lock him up with the other children for training. After all, he's a fusion of Professor X's and Magneto's genes. Even if he's only Level Two, if we develop him well, he might still be of some use."

"Understood, Doctor!"


"Subject No. 757, be decisive! Strike harder! Aim for my vitals! Don't hesitate, you useless piece of trash!"

In the training room, a muscular man holding a knife was aggressively attacking a young man, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The young man was desperately using his powers to control the knife for defense, trying to block the attacks, while also seeking an opportunity to counterattack with his fists. But it was clear that he wasn't skilled enough and struggled to make the right decisions.

"The same power of magnetism, but compared to Magneto, my control over it is so weak."

The young man's name was George. He was a transmigrant, who had crossed into this world three months ago, inhabiting the body of an artificial mutant labeled as Subject No. 757.

His mutant abilities included mind-reading and magnetic control.

Unfortunately, his mind-reading ability only had a chance of working when the other person let their guard down completely, and even then, it could only read the current state of their mind, not the deep memories buried in their brain.

As for his magnetic control, it was even worse.

At most, he could only manipulate objects weighing less than ten kilograms. Although with some clever usage, it could still be somewhat effective, it paled in comparison to Magneto, who could lift entire stadiums into the air. It was like comparing heaven and earth.

Against ordinary people, he might manage, but against those with strong defenses—like the Thing, Colossus, or the White Queen—his powers wouldn't even scratch them.

George's current goal was simple: find a way to escape from this cruel laboratory.


"Ring, ring, ring!"

The shrill sound of a bell echoed through the room as a staff member in a white lab coat entered, halting the training session. The staff member approached George and placed a high-tech device around his neck.

"Subject No. 757, it's time for dinner."

"Yes," George replied stiffly, obediently following the staff member out of the room.

The device placed around his neck was called a "Mutant Inhibitor." Once worn, it completely suppressed his abilities, rendering him as powerless as a normal human.

Aside from training and combat sessions, he was required to wear the inhibitor at all times.

As he walked down a long corridor, George noticed that other mutants were being led out of their training rooms by staff members. However, these mutants were much younger—most of them looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old.

"Marvel Universe... What a dangerous world this is."

Seeing this scene, George couldn't help but sigh.

From the moment he realized he was a mutant, he knew he had been thrust into the Marvel Universe.

He had a decent amount of knowledge about Marvel, having watched some of the movies now and then, though he wasn't exactly a hardcore fan.

From what he understood, there were many different universes in Marvel, and the stories that unfolded in each varied. But one thing was certain—peace was hard to come by in any of them.

In a universe where beings like Thanos could make half of the population vanish with a snap, there were even more terrifying occurrences—entire universes disappearing was not unusual.

But since George had already transmigrated here, his only option was to survive. If there's a chance to live, who would willingly choose death? He was someone who cherished life deeply, and if possible, he very much desired immortality.

Some say that eternal life is a curse, watching loved ones die one by one, enduring endless torment. But George thought that compared to the benefits of immortality, such a small price was nothing.

Based on his observations over the past month, George had mostly confirmed that the Marvel world he was in had significant connections to the world of *Logan* (the *Wolverine 3* movie). Among the children here, he had seen X-23, the young female clone of Wolverine, possessing the same healing factor and adamantium claws.

However, what puzzled him was that the current year wasn't 2029 like in the movie *Logan*, but 2009.

He had also learned from the staff's gossip that characters like Tony Stark, the playboy billionaire, and Captain America existed in this universe. According to the *Logan* timeline, X-23 shouldn't have been born yet, but the determined little girl standing before him now was clearly around twelve or thirteen years old.

Thus, this wasn't the Mutant Universe, nor the Marvel Cinematic Universe—it was a Marvel universe he had never seen before.

"The timeline doesn't really matter. As long as the key events happen, that's good enough."

For George, the specifics weren't as important. All he cared about was whether the mutant children's prison break from *Logan* would still take place. That was his best chance to escape from this laboratory. According to the *Logan* storyline, it wouldn't be long before a kind-hearted nurse helped these mutant children escape.

To maintain his image as a compliant, easily controlled test subject, George acted as usual—he kept to himself, spoke to no one, finished his dinner quietly, and returned to his room to sleep.

The laboratory was filled with surveillance cameras. George had to hide any trace of his true emotions, suppressing anything that might seem out of the ordinary. Only this way could he lower the staff's suspicions about him.

In fact, to keep their guard down, he even deliberately held back some of his abilities during training, such as the speed at which he could control a knife or certain thoughts regarding his powers. Of course, he couldn't appear too weak, either—otherwise, he might be discarded like trash.


"What's happening? It hurts!"

Drowsily, George suddenly felt an excruciating pain, as if his very soul was being torn apart. Fortunately, the pain was brief and faded quickly, not lingering long enough to torment him further.

When the pain subsided, George realized something strange: he seemed to be in an unusual state.

Snapping his eyes open, he found himself with two entirely different perspectives.

One perspective was his normal vision, showing him the familiar sight of his laboratory room. But the other perspective showed him a cramped, rundown little room.

At the same time, he felt as though he now had another body, and he could control it just as easily as his own.

How could he describe it? It was as if he suddenly had a fully functional clone.

George closed his original body's eyes and lay back on the bed, while focusing his mind on this new body.

All of a sudden, flashes of memories raced through his mind like a movie reel. When the flashes stopped, he couldn't help but mutter:

"This place... It's the wizarding world of *Harry Potter*!"

According to the memories, this eleven-year-old boy was named Dave, an orphan originally from a Muggle orphanage. He had been taken in by a wizard from Knockturn Alley due to his unique magical bloodline.

But this wizard was no kind soul; he was a hidden Dark Wizard.

The reason he adopted Dora was to use him for dark magic experiments and potion brewing—along with getting free labor.

After all, experimenting on Muggles could easily attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic. But using his own adopted child? That was different. If he kept quiet, who would find out? Even if the child were to die, it could easily be explained away as an accident.

Moreover, many dark spells and potions had different effects on Muggles and wizards. To achieve the best results, experimenting on wizards was essential.

Thus, poor Dave grew up under the torment of this Dark Wizard, enduring years of suffering.

Due to prolonged torment, Dave had become extremely timid. He didn't dare resist the Dark Wizard, nor did he dare tell anyone about his situation. His life was more miserable than that of a house-elf.

He had once held onto a sliver of hope, believing that when he turned eleven, he would be able to escape the Dark Wizard's clutches by enrolling in Hogwarts. Unfortunately, although he did receive an acceptance letter, the Dark Wizard had no intention of letting him attend Hogwarts.

For young witches and wizards born into Muggle families, once they turned eleven, they were guaranteed admission to Hogwarts, whether their parents agreed or not. This was because if a young wizard didn't learn magic and failed to channel their magical energy, they might develop a fear or hatred of their abilities, potentially turning into an Obscurial—a situation the wizarding world absolutely couldn't allow.

However, for children from wizarding families, there weren't as many strict requirements. Wizard parents could choose to send their children to Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, or other magical schools. They could even opt for magical training courses or teach their children magic themselves if they wanted to save money.

When Dave learned from the Dark Wizard that he wouldn't be allowed to attend Hogwarts, he completely broke down. One night, in his small, dingy room, he drank a potion to end his life.

For reasons unknown, George's fragmented soul took over Dora's body at that very moment, becoming the new owner of this frail form.

"What a miserable life."

After reviewing Dave's memories, George couldn't help but sigh.

"Come here!"

Whether it was a side effect of Dave's suicide attempt or something else, George felt an overwhelming thirst. Almost instinctively, he activated his power, and the metal cup on the table flew straight into his hand.

He raised the cup and drank the water in one gulp, then suddenly froze.

"My ability... I can use it in this body too!"

Yes, he had just used his mutant power to control magnetism, but it wasn't his original body that had done it—it was this new body in the wizarding world.

"Could it be that the abilities of both worlds can be shared?"

At that moment, George had a bold hypothesis.

He shifted his focus back to his original body in the Marvel universe and noticed that it now contained something new. According to the wizarding knowledge from Dave's memories, this was magical energy unique to a wizard's bloodline.

"If that's the case, then this is fantastic!"

At this moment, a series of plans began to form in George's mind.