
10- Friendly Fight, and the teachings of an Old Master.

Before saying anything about inconsistencies in the character's words, do remind yourselves that they can lie, have feelings or simply want to do something and need a lie to get there.


[Wednesday, 1:40 PM, In a place close to Mercury]

Nearing the Ship, not A hundred thousand kilometers from the sun Both Carol and Kara entered through the top, entering directly into the Forge, from then on they had to fly to the other side of the place into the expanded space.

Flying quicker Kara entered inside the wall, seeing this and already knowing the wall must've been an illusion Carol followed.

Entering inside Carol was blinded, not by light or the lack of it but in her senses, she couldn't see, hear, smell or feel anything, it was a weird feeling, one she certainly didn't like, expanding her senses she tried to look around it was at that moment that the strangeness became even bigger, she knew her powers were functioning without problem but at the same time, she wasn't receiving any feedback, it was then that she realized what was happening.

'Psychic energy, something more terrifying than I thought.'

Suddenly Carol's senses came back to normal, the first thing she saw was Kara snapping her fingers in front of her face.

"Carolll~ Are you ok?"

"Yes... what was that?"

"The Psychic energy imbued on the ship acts in different ways all throughout this place Unless you have special permission, know all the traps, or are trained to resist it you will eventually fall victim to one of those, had I not pushed you around You'd fly straight to a triturator."

"But... I, wasn't moving?."


"You were, the Psychic energy influences your mind, more specifically your unconscious, any intruder would probably kill themselves after some time and not even realize they are doing it."


Carol trembled slightly, Kara is a very kind woman but her race is very scary.

"I expected something more after knowing you were so close to deaaa-aaand you already said you trust me with your life, forgot about that for a Ly."

Shaling herself out of her state Carol smiled smugly and pushed her tongue out. "Make sure you don't forget it again."

"Sigh* Whatever, let's go, and before you ask, THIS! is my room," Kara said as she landed and walked forward.

Following her, Carol started looking around, for an almost 100 Kryto old Kryptonian Kara does have a cute place.

On the first roll of stairs, just after it behind the second, on the ground, there is a transparent glass with a pink border, below the glass, Carol could see water, very deep but somehow still clear water, there were... weird creatures below it.

One, for example, had a head similar to an axolotl, small eyes, grey skin at the top and pink at the bottom, its forearms were... big, the creature seemed to be able to walk in both two or for legs, it didn't seem to be fast in the water but then again Kryptonians could fly what to say about the other residents of their planet.

"It's a Xo'xh-id, very powerful creature, they have strong forearms and powerful jaws, the 'antennas' on their heads serve to detect sonorous waves and disruptions in the air."

"Why is it here?"

"My room has a connection to I'noxia, the planet I keep my pets, for a time it was just that but through the Krytoz more animals that belonged to Krypton kept mysteriously appearing on it, not only that but the planet itself started to become more like Krypton, honestly I think my parents put them there in case something happened to our planet."

"Maybe they knew something I don't, they started building this ship shortly after my tenth anniversary after all."

The room stayed silent, both Kara and Carol said nothing as they looked below, observing the life of the strange creature.

"I... don't know if I ever said this to you but after being reborn a Kryptonian doesn't always come back as another Kryptonian, sometimes, no, most times, they come back as creatures, this is why our culture prohibits us to eat any animal native to Krypton."

"We do have some reserves where we bring different animals from the universe and use them for various things but almost all Kryptonians never eat meat through their entire lives, I've personally never tasted it before."

Carol smiled and turned her head towards Kara. "Well, I'll be sure to introduce you to some Terran cuisine then."

Kara nodded and lifted herself up. "Let's go" She said as she rapidly walked to the left side of her room, opening a door she entered another room, with Carol following close behind.

The small journey was... interesting Kara kept walking rapidly through various rooms, unfortunately for her, they were running too quickly for her to have anything else but a brief look, the first room after Kara's bedroom had some... very weird things in it.

Besides looking extremely steampunk-shi Carol also saw some weird contraptions, a particular one looked like a metal wand? She didn't know she got to the second room too quickly.

The third room was much, Much bigger than the last two combined, here she saw a double bed, a window looking into the starless night sky, shelves with dozens of books, two couches, one in front and the other to the right of what seemed like a Tv.

Far away Carol could see the entrance to what looked like the kitchen while running she saw two clean plates on the table, on the left side of the entrance of the kitchen she could also see the door to the bathroom and finally a stair towards the second floor, she didn't manage to see anything besides that since Kara took her hand and ran even faster towards the fourth room.

The fourth room could only be described as a library, a very, very big library, with thousands of books lined up on shelves, some with dozens of meters in height, the rooftop was completely made out of glass allowing a clear view of the sky and the frankly terrifying black star the planet orbited, honestly Carol didn't want to stay even a galaxy close to whatever that thing is.

Coincidentally floating in the air on the inside of the library there is a model of what Carol assumed to either be Krypton or I'noxia, considering the four moons that orbited it she thought it was the latter.

Suddenly Kara stopped and released her hold on her arm, taking her eyes off the beautiful room and looking forward Carol saw Kara entering what looked like an elevator, not wasting time she quickly entered inside herself.

At the closing of the doors Carol decided to look around once again, she thought that maybe she would never be able to enter this place again so she should emblem the image on her mind.

It was during that point that she finally realized that even while being 2.3 meters tall, an enormous height for normal humans she still feels as if everything is bigger than her, lifting her head and looking at Kara's eyes she simply looked forward and decided to ignore her situation.

The doors opened as Kara walked forward calmly, following her Carol looked around the new room, contrary to most this room was small, with black walls and shining blue lines it looked like a typical room from earth, just more sci-fi-ish.

In front of her, there is an escalator, not four meters in front of it she saw a couch facing what she assumed to be a holographic projector above a table with various... action figures?

Behind the couch, she could see a glass shelf with what looks like toys, more action figures and... plushies? Even weirder was the vending machine on the aide of the shelf, curiously there were only drinks on it.

In front of the shelf the is a table with another holographic projector a keyboard and drawers on both sides of it.

"We've arrived" Kara said as she floated down and sat on the table, activating the holographic projectors various screens appeared in front of her, briefly Kara looked at Carol on her side and pointed to a door in front of her.

"Take the crystal, go there, and put it inside one of the servers."

Carol nodded and took the crystal from her pocket, walking to her destination the door opened automatically allowing her to see the inside.

Contrary to the room behind her the Server Room walls are completely silver with transparent tubes with some sort of blue goo inside them.

'Is this that nanomachine gel thing?' Carol asked herself as she approached what looked like to be a server, being rectangular in form she only managed to differentiate it from a simple object because of the small horizontal lines in it that allowed her to see the blue liquid inside it.

Extending her arm she touched the surface of the server with the crystal, not a second later the metal deformed as it absorbed the crystal inside it.

Carol shivered and walked back toward Kara's side, looking at the constant stream of letters and numbers in an alien language she came to the conclusion she should ask Kara to transfer her language to her memory chip.

"Sooo... whatcha doing?" Carol asked after a feel minutes of silence and Kara's constant changing expressions.

"Huff* More than 2000 Krytoz ago, that is before Decimation day when we Kryptonians conquered our galaxy and moved on to others after Krytoz of cyber conflict of which we won most of it, all the galactic civilizations with inferior technology adopted a very... efficient way of protecting their information."

"By deliberately creating only one path towards their data and putting billions of traps along the way, all of which consisted in destroying their own data in case of an attack they managed to significantly slow down our hacking methods who lasted mere ly's to now taking up to 3 Kaz."

"Yeah about that you keep saying those words But I don't really understand what they mean exactly."

Kara looked Directly at Carol's eyes and blinked. "Ah, yes I suppose I didn't explain the time notations of Krypton, pay attention I will not repeat this a second time."

"1 Krytoz Equals 5 years this is the time Krypton takes to fully rotate around Rao who in itself is bigger than your solar system, 1 Zeroz equals 5 months, as you can already guess you can simply multiply the time notations of Terra by five to arrive at ours, 1 Ziz equals 5 weeks, 1 Sitry equals 5 days, 1 Kaz equals 5 hours, 1 sy equals 5 minutes and finally 1 Ly equals 5 seconds."

"Wait so that would mean, ten, twenty, thirty... YOU ARE FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OLD?!"

"Well, no, but I will be, in the time I was in cryogenesis my 99th birthday passed, there has been, in your human time notation 6 months and 30 days, it will take 4 years 5 months, and 1 day for me to reach, 500 years on age."

"Wow, so you are like a grandma, should I be worried? Is it considered the P-word if you perv on me, or is it considered elder abuse if I do i- Ouch!"

Kara punched Carol's arm before she could end her words.

"By your earthly standards I am still only a teen who closes in on adulthood."

"So, phedophi- OUCH! Ok, Ok! I'll stop." Carol screamed as she held her leg while floating in the air.

Kara huffed and looked at the screens again, she is an expert in matters related to technology but she is not foolish enough to try to hack a system she has no experience in instead of allowing an A.I with historical records of it do it.

Sighing Kara got up from the chair and walked toward the Elevator.

"J.A.N.A.I will resolve this issue, in a little more than a Kaz." Entering inside she waited for Carol and mentally asked Lavender to bring her to her destination.

"He will organize all of the information available and give the complete report to us, we could wait for him to decipher everything and read it along the way but I have a feeling this will make you somewhat... anxious."

Carol nodded and kept silent.

"Instead of this, we will go to the arena, I believe we both need to get a more, precise control of our strength, I am tired of having to treat everything like glass."

"Is it that much of a problem?"

"Contrary to you I cannot deactivate my powers and living on a planet where my sneeze can create an abyss is not adequate, there is a technique my people invented called ᛓᚱᚭᛐᛆçᚭᚭ᛫ᛆᛌᛓᛆᚴᛁᛆᛚ, Spacial Protection in your language if mastered it will allow me to, with my aura, redirect all the energy of an attack or movement towards another place."

"Hence I will only need to hold something with my normal strength and redirect all the kinetic energy towards my entire body to offset my strength hence not going insane after constantly having to hold back."

As the door opened both of them walked forward to the end of the closed corridor.

"Won't that hurt you?"

"Think it like this if an average member of your species spread all the strength they use to hold a cup throughout their body would they harm themselves? Would they even feel anything?

"Yeah, now that you say it like that it makes me seem like an idiot."

Kara put her hand on Carol's head as they continued to walk and said. "My father once said something that I remember to this day, it happened after a teacher snapped at me for asking an 'obvious' question."

Carol turned her eyes and looked at Kara.

"It goes a little bit like this, 'Do not apologize for seeking knowledge none were born with wisdom, they attained it through their Krytoz, some took a little bit longer than others but that does not make them worse, you are... young so it is understandable that you don't know things outside of those you didn't experience yourself."

" 'Do not let anyone discourage you from knowing more, attaining more for your life, these little things, your curiosity, the way you see the world and even your ability are things that together make you... you, there is no problem in adding more things to your own self, and shouldn't convince yourself there is just because os some harsh words from some ignorant people."

"... That's deep."

Taking her hand out of Carol's head Kara laughed a little bit. "I suppose so, Father was both a Philosopher and an artist, he saw the world in a way that maybe I will never understand, but if I am sure of anything is that he loved me more than anything else."

"... I remember it you know, for me it has been mere Kaz since my parents forced me into that cryogenic pod, I tried to resist, I swear for Rao I did, I cried, I screamed and I kicked them the hardest I could, but they wouldn't stop, they pushed me inside that damn pod and ignored me the entire time."

Kara's eyes wetted as her voice cracked, seeing this Carol started to feel like the walk towards the end of the hallway was getting slower.

" 'Stop mom, dad please, stop'," Kara said slowly emphasizing the end of each word.

"5 words, I screamed those simple Five words with all my might until my skin began to bleed, The planet was suffering from earthquakes all around, J.A.N.A.I was preparing to leave but nobody else was there with me."

Kara sighed and burned the water on her eyes. "Mom and Dad turned back, the last thing I saw when the Pod was flying in the air, just before I blacked out was the two of them flying straight through thousands of droids."

Carol's eyes widened as she looked at Kara's own but she decided to keep quiet, talking now would not be a good idea.

"I don't know what happened, why did Krypton really explode? Why did no one escape with a pod or simply flew away? What were my parents fighting against? Was Krypton's destruction a planned attack? If so, by whom?"

*Sigh* "I will have to discover the answers to those questions later, for now, we should train." Suddenly a strong light penetrated Carol's eyes making her flinch and look at where it had come from, looking at the source her eyes widened.

In front of her, there is what she could only call a gladiator's arena with a big quadrangular area at the center and 4 other smaller ones connected to each side.

The ground is completely metallic, composed of silver, light gray, and blue colors, as she entered one arena she briefly saw the force field surrounding the area.

"Now," Kara said at the center of the arena taking Carol's attention.

Kara's suit began to change, at the bottom what looked like two Black and Orange Shaolin monk shoes appeared together with black loose pants that have orange lines on them, together with a belt that has small pockets on it.

More at the top Kara's stomach is uncovered with her chest having an X shaped black bra on it connected to an orange fabric shaped like a sports bra, her arms have a black, orange protection armor in them, finally, she has a small cloth around her neck and her hair is tied with a ponytail, with a sudden BOOM and a small CRACK Kara's muscles compressed.

Kara's hearing aid flattened and expanded outwards covering the back of her head it expanded upwards forming a tiara, it also covered the entirety of her jaw and her cheeks leaving the rest of her face uncovered but coating the entirety of her neck and nape, Carol couldn't see where it ended because of the shirt.

With the orange in her hair burning and an uncharacteristically serious expression Kara looked at Carol as if she wanted nothing more than to beat her, the Kree hybrid wouldn't admit it to anyone but for one single second, she thought the person looking at her couldn't possibly be the same Kryptonian crying not ten seconds early.

"Let us fight."

With a neutral expression, Carol moved forward, while she did so small white cubes covered the entirety of her body, when they finally faded her suit had long since changed.

She now wore black boots, a green army cargo pants, she wore a blue sleeveless shirt, and two fighter gloves.

"All right." Activating her powers Carol entered her stance and prepared herself, she didn't think she'd be able to dodge now. "Let's do this."

With a small smile Kara shot toward Carol, no sound or air crack was made even though she had clearly broken through the sound barrier in less than a second.

Carol wasn't able to react quickly enough, one moment her eyes started to widen, the next Kara shoved her open palm through her chest, literally.

Not giving time to Carol, Kara takes out her bloodied hand, pulls her guard back, and throws a lower kick to her Achilles, this time a small sonic boom was created disorienting Carol even more and preventing her from concentrating.

With her feet connecting Carol flipped in the air, not losing the opportunity Kara brought her leg back and hit Carol's stomach with her knee throwing her back, had this been a real fight Kara would have punched Carol's jaw with all her strength after her first attack, fortunately for both of them they had no reason or motive to kill each other.

Hitting the forcefield Carol fell to the ground, she threw up some blood as she tried to breathe, before her brain could come back to normal she felt a warm sensation running through her chest, suddenly she could breathe again, even better the pain was gone.

Turning around she supported her body with both her hands and legs, looking at the yellow light running through a spital in the metallic ground she suddenly remembered something and shot upwards.


The Kryptonian in question only looked at her friend with the same serious and maybe angry expression as before and said.

"Fool, don't you realize what you are?"

Carol's expression turned confused as she heard Kara's angry words.

*Sigh* "You don't need to breathe why were you trying to do something so unnecessary when you thought were so close to death? Even worse the damage I caused to you could not only be ignored but also the pain!"

Kara thickened her tone even more as she angrily scolded Carol.

"Your ability to turn into light does indeed limit your speed and impedes you from twisting space for some zeptoseconds but you could very well have turned your nerves into light and still use most of their functions, all you needed to do was remove the pain signals and attack me."

"While doing so you could slowly absorb the honestly gigantic amount of Energy of the forcefields and heal yourself very slowly, the damage I caused you was almost non-existent but you still act like you are a normal Human being Carol, this mentality will not only kill you but also imped you from utilizing your full potential."

*Sigh* "Honestly Carol I just wanted to stay with you here for some time but you clearly need my help more than I realized."

Carol stayed frozen in place without saying anything, never in her life had she thought she'd be scolded for not brushing off having a hole in her chest.

'Is this the life of a super-human? Never thought it would have problems like these, this situation kinda reminds me of the words 3° world problems and first world problems, then again I should have expected a 495 year old Kryptonian to be a specialist in martial arts.'

"Had this been a real fight I'd have been able to kill you two times already, let's not even speak about your reaction time, you should have known a yellow sun powers me up immensely, when I arrived at this planet I could fly more than 72 times faster than light, mere minutes allowed this number to rise to 96."

"Although my strength as resistance is what most grows and my other abilities are being lesser improved you should have expected me to be massively faster than the time we tested your powers."

Shyly lifting her hand Carol looked at Kara nervously.

"Yes, Carol."

"I... didn't really read many things about your race before sorry."

"No, no, I'm... sorry I shouldn't have said these things to you, it's obvious you wouldn't have a high knowledge of my people, you were a soldier it wasn't expected for you to know these things."

"Now, I'll explain some things to you, Earth's magnetic field reduces the sun's radiation immensely so it is obvious that when outside of a planet the energy available will increase, but the closer to the sun The more it is, and We are very close to the sun right now."

"Without any kind of training, you were able to instinctively manipulate space, a feat so absurd you managed to be 240 times faster than light the first time you flew, but, just like me you have an immense disadvantage, that is until you activate your powers you are as resistant as a bear and strong enough to lift over 120 tons with all the strength of your body."

"The only reason your body doesn't break itself is because most of that strength is being backed by the energy always present in your body independently if you activate your power or not."

Carol nodded, having an old teacher reminds her of all the kung fu movies she has seen before.

"Now, We will fight, for a very, very Long time, for those with minds like ours a single second can extend itself to 3,170,979,198 centuries."

"That's... absurd."

"No, it is not, for a simple-minded creature like a human the universe has a total of 13.8 billion years, if one lives according to seconds that would be true, but remember what I said to you, Time is relative, for someone living as a human for most of her life you will experience various stages of mental instability on the first centuries, so we will not be using our brains to their maximum capacity."

Carol gave a relieved sigh as she smiled, those movies with mortals defeating God-like beings now seem like absolute bullshit.

"For your own good we will accelerate the second by a total of 87,600 times, making it so a single minute extends to a total of 10 years."

"What?! So, like One hour will be 600 years? And didn't you tell me you were 500 years old, were you born less than 7 hours ago too?"

Kara's eye twitched as she took a calming breath.

"Firstly, yes you will train with me for the entirety of this time, Secondly, no Carol I was not born seven hours ago, my people calculate the Krytoz by the time of which New Krypton takes to circle around Rao, a star bigger than this solar system."

"Ohhh~ I'm loving this Kryptonian lore you know, but I have one last question, If time is relative then can't you just use your brain to the maximum and absorb The sun's radiation, or that will thing?"

"No Carol I Can't, my people are born with human-like reflexes, this is due to the fact that a Baby and a Child are helpless and extremely vulnerable so our brain avoids passing that time by letting us live in the seconds until we reach our 2 krytoz of age."

"After this age, our reflexes and perception start to improve, but that does not mean light moves faster even in a bubble of accelerated time created by the aura of a Kryptonian light still can not fully reach us due to the bending of space, we may be able to get 1 to 4% of the energy but really it is still almost nothing, specifically for older Kryptonians."

"Now, about the sun's radiation unless I use a technique called ᛘᚬᚱᛏᛅ᛫ᛋᚬᛚᛅᚱ, Solar Death I won't be able to absorb any meaningful energy, this technique works by surrounding a star with our bioelectric aura and ONLY twisting space in a way time in accelerated AND the energy is directed towards our body."

"This technique is prohibited because of two reasons, 1° This can kill the Kryptonian using it, depending on their age and ability they can quite literally explode from the energy absorbed, the lucky ones will die instantly, the unlucky ones will feel every cell on their body explode like mini fireworks."

"2nd If, and that is a big if, the Kryptonian with enough energy capacity and control of their aura manages to perfectly use this technique, they will indeed become absurdity powerful, Reality alteration, Molecular, and Astral manipulation, Soul forging, Resurrection, Mind control, Truth Sight, Future Sight, Time control, Spontaneous Creation and many, MANY more powers can be obtained by absorbing only One star, depending on the type the user will gain different powers but you understand what I am trying to say right?"

Carol nervously nodded.

"Right, the reason why we do not do this is very simple, Rao is EVERY star in the universe, Killing one would mean killing a part of him, a sin of the highest order only punishable with a complete soul obliteration."

Carol whistled. "Your religion really is something else, I mean we humans, well, most of us believe God exists but we have no way to prove it exists or that it doesn't, but from what you said Kryptonians always had Rao, It makes me ask myself if Humanity would be better had we had a God to guide us too."

"What ifs, there is little to no reason to think of them, concentrate on the now Carol, I need you to stay with me."

Smiling Carol walked closer to Kara and asked. "So, how are we going to do this?"

Sitting on the ground and crossing her legs Kara said. "Sit in front of me the same way I am and relax your body, I will do the rest."