
MARVEL: Scientific Path

Science and Technology in Marvel is very skewed with the heroes being able to time travel and warp reality but people still die of random diseases and poverty still exists. Our MC wants to find out, if Kang alone can conquer multiverses then can combined might of humanity punch through OAA's walls?

PyteWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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90 Chs

Behind the scenes

"Who can tell me what the fuck is going on here? Those rich assholes and their little club developed a weapon against mutants, then they attacked an Indian superhero, and now Hydra has resurfaced and the Hellfire Club is in conflict with them?" Nick Fury who prided himself over his intelligence gathering was infuriated.

Phil Coulson came through the door rushing in while holding a small cotton ball over his exposed shoulder. He seemed to have gotten an injection. Nick Fury looked at him and rolled his eyes, "And there is that antibacterial vaccine that the Indians claim is a cure for the deadly bacteria that Buckman had released."

Coulson scratched his balding head awkwardly, "It has been tested by multiple organizations and scientists and is proven to be a safe vaccine against a specific type of parasitic bacteria. And since the whole of India is promoting and using it, it has set off a panic worldwide to take the shots. Better safe than sorry."

"Yeah, yeah. Now report on the intelligence you gathered." Fury snorted and turned back to look at a bunch of pictures on the screen.

Coulson went to the front, "This time we were lucky to reach the scene of the incident and investigate more thoroughly since Natasha and Barton were already on a mission around there to recruit the masked Indian vigilante Doga.

From their investigations, most of what the Indian government is claiming seems to be true, except the obvious propaganda and some details. We have conclusive proof that Buckman had gone to India to investigate the murders of some of their club members. And their suspect was Surya.

Buckman's target had always been Surya and he had lured Surya into a trap. The robot, named Sentinel is supposed to be a weapon against mutants and Buckman used this robot to subdue Surya.

After that, our intel isn't clear but through deduction, we can figure out that they tried to probe Surya's mind to find the person behind the scene, but instead caused him to explode and Buckman and Carver died with the robot becoming molten metal parts. We believe that Surya was found to be a Hydra agent and thus the current conflict."

Nick Fury frowned, "Those slimy Hydra bastards. Why don't they just keep their heads down and disappear? Now I have to think about what to do with the sleeper agents lurking in SHIELD."

Coulson was shocked to hear what Fury had just said. There were Hydra sleeper agents in SHIELD!

Fury once again rolled his eyes, "You're surprisingly naïve sometimes Coulson. If the CIA, FBI, and Mossad can have their spies here, why wouldn't Hydra? I don't know the exact numbers, but I believe there are quite a few of those bastards based on the number I have found."

Coulson wanted to say something but Fury interrupted, "This is how intelligence and counterintelligence work. We put our people in their ranks and they do the same. The competition is about finding that one right intel from a truly hidden agent among the sea of fake intel that is fed to the other agents who are compromised."

"Start tracking Hellfire Club and we will also find Hydra. At least, this fiasco gave me a reason to ask for an increased budget." Fury sighed as he slumped on the chair.


"Hail Hydra!" These two words rang in Selene's mind over and over. After thousands of years, the first time someone had hurt her body was a Hydra rat who exploded in front of her when she tried to probe his mind.

She had suspicions that the issue was not as simple as Buckman's tiny brain can comprehend. So, Selene had been keeping an eye on Buckman's situation. She was right in doing so, how else would she have found out about the machine developed by the idiot's funding that had the potential to threaten even her had she not had magic?

When Surya was subdued, Selene appeared in order to read his mind and find out who was behind all this. But who could've guessed that the bastard would explode instead? Although the wound and burns had healed, she still remembered the pain.

"We have found traces of three Hydra bases within the US, my lady. We are waiting for your orders to send in the strike team." One of Selene's servants she had mind controlled, came up to report.

"No need. You keep searching and give me the location of these vermin. I have slain dragons, what good is a hydra? I'll squash those bugs myself." The anger in Selene's cold voice was palpable.

Before leaving through the portal she ordered, "Keep looking into the source of that mutant killing robot as well. I want to know everything there is to know about the project."


Baron Strucker was reading the reports on the damages caused by the Hellfire Club's joint action against Hydra. Five bases were destroyed, hundreds of agents dead, thousands injured or captured, and many avenues of money flowing into Hydra's pockets were blocked.

He threw the papers away in anger but kept quiet. Strucker looked around the table at the other high-ranking members. "How did this mishap happen? We were still a few years away from our perfect takeover plan. Who was the one responsible for this?"

"India has locked down its borders and is strictly monitoring all communications. The whole country is up in arms so we can't get much intel from there. But we are sure something happened there that triggered those American elites to start attacking us. I'm trying to contact them to clear the misunderstanding." Madam Hydra, Viper who was one of the people in charge of America replied.

"What good will it do to make things clear? We are the enemy of the world, they'll just use this to try and make us the scapegoats of this situation, whatever it is. Just send all agents in America into dormancy until further notice. We need to get these vultures off our backs and find out the cause of all this first." Baron Strucker gave his orders.


"Your strategy is working quite well Mr. Savant Smith. The unity in the country is at an unprecedented high. We can roll out the policies with minimal backlash. The public might even welcome it now." PM Rao showed a rare excited smile.

"A Nazi philosopher Carl Schmitt boiled down politics into friends and others or enemies. Those who share the same goal or share benefits are friends, those who have different goals or want the resources that you control, they are enemies. A simple view really.

But the brilliance of this view is that when a state needs stability, the best method is to find an 'other' and unite the state against them. That's basic human nature, we fight among our own families tooth and nail until an outsider harms a family member. Then we are a united family fighting the enemy."

Savant explained his thoughts while sipping on tea.

Rudra, one of the heads of Trisul drank the whisky happily. "Thankfully those bastards acted soon. Otherwise, I would have killed that piece of shit Surya myself. It was so tiring to maintain his saintly image. All the cleaning up we had to do was torturous."

Vaman sneered, "You think they acted by themselves? I had to plead with Savant to send the 'evidence' so that the Americans would make a move. You say it was torturous, think about what I went through as his handler."

"Okay, okay. You disposed of all the 'evidence' right? None of what you two just said happened. Make sure not to speak of it again, or we can find a telepath to block those memories. As much as I hated him, he will serve as a beacon for mutant-kind's brighter future." Sarjak, the third head and also the third Omega-level mutant of Trisul spoke.

Savant teased, "You guys should now shed some tears on camera and take oaths to continue his legacy in the future."

Turning to the PM, he asked, "Is the vaccination going smoothly?"

PM Rao nodded, "Yes. All our citizens are enthusiastic about those vaccines. The world is also scrambling to get vaccinated because of our seriousness. But I don't know what this is about. Sage Atri only told me to follow your lead on this."

"It's nothing. Just a precaution. No need to worry." Savant didn't explain any further.

Sage on the side reminded, "It's time we head out for the inspection of the factories. The production started a month ago. So we are already late. Thank you Mr. Rao for inaugurating the place by the way."

PM Rao shook his hand, "It's nothing. I should be present for a moment when my country is advancing in telecommunication. I have already approved of laying down the newly produced fiber optics within India. As for laying down your intercontinental information super highway, we still need further discussions."


In a dark bunker, in the middle of nowhere, a scientist with dwarfism was working on the blueprints of some advanced robots.

"If you knew how to make robots, you should've made them fight against the Night King's undead army Tyrion." A playful male voice shocked the focused scientist.

Bolivar Trask turned back to look at a weirdo in red and black tights standing behind him with a gun pointed at him. "Who are you? Why do you want to kill me? Are you a mutant?"

"Woah, woah, slow down there Tyrion. You Lannisters just love to talk. Anyway, I'm not a mutant and yes I am here to kill you. As for who I am, I am Ryan Reynolds, a heartthrob for countless women." Deadpool replied.

Trask couldn't understand most of what Deadpool said but what he understood was enough. "Let me complete this design. After I complete this Master Mold, the sentinels can be produced on their own and they will continue to evolve without human intervention.

It's the perfect mutant eradication plan. It will save humanity. You can shoot me afterward and get the blueprints to the government. You will get anything you want in return. Money, power, women, anything!"

"You see, if it were a few months ago, I might consider your offer. But I can't be a good dad if I let your murder robots go around killing mutants and my sweet little princess of a daughter who is a big fan of mine! Do you want to see her photos? She is so cute."

That day Bolivar Trask died of a stress-induced heart attack after having to look at hundreds of photos of Deadpool's daughter and listening to Deadpool's adventures with his daughter.


Author here. Went to get my tooth removed today. For all the advancements in medical science, they still just forcefully pull out the teeth with dentist plier thingies. It still hurts.

Anyway, a new week has started, so throw your stones at me and let me rise in ranks, my lovely friends.

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