
Marvel: One Above All

I only own the MC and nothing else. MC is a girl who wishes to be one above all. Intersex. She is treated like trash by her ex girlfriend, friends, and her parents. When she awakens to who she is thanks to incident that happens at her school.

xMelGodx · TV
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Chapter 2 - And Action

Sash POV

Me and Ange were in School watching the show as we had popcorn.

"Popcorn?" (Sash)

"Thank you" (Ange)

She took some as we watched from the bleachers as police came and arrested my siblings, Chris, Jackson, and Emily

"On what charges!" (Chris)

"Come with us quietly" (Officer)

"Your not taking us anywhere" (Emily)

"Your under arrest as well" (Officer#2)

"What about the freak, why is she not being arrested!" (Jackson)

"Cause this freak didn't do anything but thanks for sending me to the hospital!" (Sash)

"You did this didn't you!" (Emily)

"Why sister dearest, I don't know what your talking about, I'm innocent in this" (Sash)

Ange wanted to laugh but held it in.

"Let's go you three" (Officer)

As they were being led away in handcuffs and the students were talking then Ange laughed.

"They should have picked up my old friends and parents by now" (Sash)

"You know there going to court right?" (Ange)

"So there probably going to have a court hearing but with all the evidence plus with illegal things my father and mother have done there looking to be in jail for a while" (Sash)

"True so what about your family home?" (Ange)

"Sell it, I have the money now so I don't need a big house until I'm ready to have a family" (Sash)

"That's sounds good, so what are you going to do now?" (Ange)

"Change schools" (Sash)

"Sounds like a plan but first we need to get an apartment or something cause I live alone so any good ideas?" (Ange)

"How about a place in midtown?" (Sash)

"Sounds good to me" (Ange)

"Let's go then and get transfer done" (Sash)

We walked holding hands as we made our way to the front office to get our transcript papers, I know of the dangers of the Marvel World so I'm gonna be ready.

Chapter End.