
Marvel odyssey

Just think "What will you do if you get a Compass which can let you travel to different worlds?" "Will you travel to a different world? or will you just let the chance go because of fear?"

Liarisknight · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Ch:-01 Night is Long

It was a cloudy night and the moon was nowhere to be seen. The flashes of lightning and the sound of thunder were everywhere and slowly it started raining.

Inside a house, The smartwatch of a young man rang loudly

Buzz Buzz !! Buzz Buzz !!

"Hello, Alan Speaking," 

Alan spoke to the caller on his smartwatch.

"Hey, did you watch it?"

Listening to the voice, Alan was shocked. He looked at his watch and saw that it was a new number.

"Seriously, Hunter. I switched off my phone because of your calls."

Hunter was not offended and asked again with enthusiasm 

"Did you watch it?" 

Alan looked at the TV and saw the scene of Iron Man fighting with two Fighter Jets

"No, I am still watching it."

"So, how is it so far?"

Alan was frustrated, He knew he was one of a kind because he had not watched any Marvel Movies but telling this to Hunter would be the biggest mistake he had made in a long time.

"Seriously, let me first watch it all, and don't call me again today," Alan replied and Hung up.

He then paused the movie and went to get something to eat from the kitchen.


Outside, from the cloud, something fell. It looked like a circular device made of dark metal and had a complex design, with gears and other mechanical components visible. In the middle of the device was a small globe, around the globe was a needle that was rotating all around.

Rumble!! Boom!!

Suddenly a flash of lightning hit the device and a Mechanical voice could be heard from it

[Charge- 17....]


But before the voice could complete speaking the lightning stuck again, and it did not stop 

[Charge- 29...]


[Charge- 48...]


[Charge- 69...]


[Charge- 74...]


[Charge- 91.34%]

It was like the world was trying to destroy the device, but it would absorb the energy from the lightning and charge itself. 


The device reached ground level and hit the roof of a house breaking through it and landing inside.


Alan was in the kitchen waiting for his pizza to get heated, but he heard something from the room he was watching Iron Man in.


He was confused and slowly walked toward the sound. What he saw, shocked him to the bones.

"What in the fucking hell?"

There was a hole in the roof and rain was pouring through it, Alan looked at the thing that had come through the hole and tried to pick it up with some caution. 

"what is this?" 

Just as Alan touched it, the mechanical voice spoke shocking Alan

[New User Regestiring...] 


This voice shocked Alan, he quickly moved back but the voice did not stop.

[Accessing Genetic Information...]

[Accessing Social Information...]

Alan was shocked and somewhat fearful of these voices, he could feel that voices were coming from the device and well his human curiosity won, he slowly moved forward and touched the device again

[Welcome, Alan Kit. Please Select a World to visit...]

The voice said again, Alan's fear also subsided as he gathered his courage and picked up the device.

Alan felt like it was just a part of his body.

[Welcome, Alan Kit. Please Select a...]



[Charge- 100%]

Suddenly, the Lightning struck again.


Alan felt like he was burning all over and the pain he felt was out of this world but even then, he was not hurt, just as lightning struck him the device absorbed all of it.

[Energy Fully charged.] 

[Please select a world to travel.]

Alan was in no condition to reply and started falling backward, subconsciously he tried to stop himself only to touch the TV screen as he fell on the ground. 

[World selected...]

[Gathering information...]

"Agh Aah Aghaah"

[Please give any vocal command to Start the process]

Alan was in pain but he stopped as he heard this, He did not make any sound and slowly moved his body toward the device and looked at it.

The small globe in the middle of the device was shining and the needle was slowly moving all around the four unique symbols on the outer part of the device.

He touched the globe as it was the most shining thing and heard the voice again.

[Prime World] 



Yea, the lightning strikes again. Alan was already on the floor and his hand on the globe in the middle of the device but because of the pain he started pinching the globe.


[Code Prime has been Activated]

[Do you wish to Combine the prime world with the selected world?]

[Please give any vocal command to start the process]


[Vocal command is received, starting the Prosses...]

Alan was in pain and after the strike and the scream he just fainted, not knowing all that had happened in split second.