
Marvel: My name is James, you can just - Wolverine

A person who from childhood did not know what it was to "walk" and "move his hands" falls into an ordinary sick boy born in the middle of the XIX century. But such an ordinary one? Maybe there is something else here? From the author: I am Russian More chapters on my account Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/killmobskin (Chapters every day and +10 more than here)

Killmobskin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 20

Abraham decided to join the SNR when I explained all their tasks and what they are working for. I still decided to refrain from doing this, but I will not stop working with him because of this. We can assume that the SNR had a partner in scientific research, so they could not order me. Well, that was the reason why I didn't want to join them — I would have to obey my superiors. And I am a free bird and I want to live without someone's instructions.

Soon a message came from Roger Dooley, who wanted to meet. It contained the place and time of the meeting. Two days later, the Doctor and I went to an empty institution, where Agents Dooley and Carter were already waiting for us. Now, of course, I was in casual clothes and you could easily see my face.

"Hello, Mr. Howlett —" Roger got up from his seat and held out his hand.

"Same to you, Agent Dooley," I said, and returned the handshake.

"Dr. Erskine," he said, shaking Abraham's hand as well.

— What did you want to talk about? — I ask, but I already know from superficial thoughts.

"Let's sit down first," the man suggested.

We did just that. We sat down at one of the tables, and then a waiter came up to us and offered us a menu. The food here was average — you'll never know about it, because my sister and Sarah constantly go to a variety of eateries for a change, and then they discuss for a long time at home where it was better. The restaurant "At a Friend's", where we were now, was no exception.

-Ahem — ahem, perhaps we can start, - Roger said, clearing his throat, — We have come to invite you two to the SNR. I have already suggested this to Mr. Howlett, but I have not yet heard an answer, so he can enlighten me.

Erskine answered first:

— I agree to join you, but only as a person who wants to help in the immediate end of the war, but not its continuation in any way — - the scientist's condition was tough, because this means that he will not create any weapons — I understood that, but they still think that they can get something else besides the serum.

— We agree with this, because this is what our organization was created for. President Roosevelt saw that the fascists are aimed at the whole world, so he wants to prepare in advance for their attack, which will definitely take place sooner or later, " Agent Dooley said with conviction.

— What about you, Mr. Howlett?" Carter asked.

— And I'm not going to join anywhere — - I spread my hands, which makes them both frown, — I like to be your partner and help you economically, because my company is already on a par with other largest in America. Well, I can also work separately with Abraham — the two of us have been working on its development for a long time.

— This is ... also good — - the man had to agree, because he understood that they really need help financially.

— That's good, — I clapped my hands, - If we have decided everything, then we can discuss where the laboratory will be and for how long you need the serum. Keep in mind that now, even with me, it will take you at least three years to bring it to the limit, but this is the minimum.

This is if the tesseract does not fall into my hands — then the super soldier can be riveted now. Only I know that it is very contraindicated to give this to people, since there will still be someone who wants to privatize it only for himself. Therefore, a fifty percent potential is enough for them. And we will not tell anyone the formula with Erskine — we have already agreed. If they try to do something themselves, they will not succeed. It took even the two of us more than ten years to do this.

I don't care about the war itself, since it will end with Hitler's loss anyway, but the Hydra needs to be completely strangled and deprived of its foundation, that is, all the leaders must be swept away, otherwise it will threaten disaster in the future. Now I can't do this alone, that's why I want to cooperate with the SNR. So I'd be fucking talking to anyone at all.

"James is right," Abraham agreed with me, — If you just inject a naked version of the serum, it will only show its effect by ten percent. For its full operation, an activator is needed.

"And what serves as this activator," Margaret asked with sincere interest.

"The Vita-rays —" he replied, " or rather, the energy they emit — that's what is needed to activate the serum.

— And how to create them? Roger asked already.

- We need a radiator.

— So what's the problem? - the girl did not understand — - Collect this and that's it.

— The problem is in the power supply of this very emitter — - I said — - It's not a problem to assemble it — the problem is in its operation. It requires tens of gigawatts of power for itself, and this, I will tell you, is a lot ... very much.

"That's all we've been working on lately," Avraham had to admit, " the serum itself is already more or less ready, only the energy source is missing.

— So you need this in order for your brainchild to work normally? - the man asked with satisfaction in his voice — - And if Stark joins you? How much time will you need approximately?

— Well, considering that Howard understands design and engineering, then you can try it in the forty-second year... - I drawled thoughtfully.

— Great, then we can allocate you a place for your experiments, - Roger said, satisfied with the answer, — We will arrange everything in about a week.

- Well, then you will send a message when everything is ready, and we have to go, — I got up from the table.

"Wait, but what about —" Margaret began.

— I take the concealment of my friend on myself, so you can not worry about this, - I interrupted her, - Especially since I somehow managed to hide the location of Abraham for these two days, that your people could not find him and you had to contact me to arrange this meeting.

The agents nodded silently, agreeing with me, and then Arskane and I simply went out the back door and disappeared into the tangle of streets. They even tried to follow us, but I've already learned the whole city and I know every hole and alley in which you can hide or get lost. So after a while we were already entering one of the entrances to my bunker.

Only I, my sister, and Abraham and his wife knew about this place. I didn't tell Sarah because the girl would definitely throw a tantrum and demand to stop putting her life in danger. I didn't even want to tell Vika, but this devil found the entrance here solely by smell. My smell.

My blonde also asked me not to let Steve go anywhere because he is eager to go to war. She even forbade him to give the serum until the war was over. It was a good thing that she could not watch her son suffer and allowed him to cure some of his diseases. The guy was just a storehouse of various diseases and I had to try to cure him. He left only something that does not threaten his health, but with this he will definitely not be allowed into the army. The same underweight. I can't cure this, because this is the work of the patient himself.