
Marvel : Man or God

Alex Maxwell was a normal 25-year old guy that had a normal life, he wasn't the smartest in fact he was only average, he struggled a lot with his studies, but he kept at it with a lot of dedication in order to get a good job with good pay. He read a lot of comics about marvel and dc, watch marvel and dc tv shows and movies. He always wanted it to be like many of the characters in there with a super high IQ and cool superpowers. If he ever reincarnated Alex didn't want to be like the heroes they have too many constraints and neither a supervillain since you could be targeted by many heroes and governments to stop you. . . . . . . . . . I do not own any of the rights of Marvel studios\\ . . . The title cover is not mine, I got it from Pinterest.

comicfanboy · Autres
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

" What is your name? outsider"

I had no idea what to say, I could say my name, but do I want to, anyway my body was already prepared for a fight.

" You can call me Alexios, though I am intrigued if we come from different lands, how come we speak the same language? "

I asked knowing the answer

" Oh that, that is due to the all-speak I learned in vanaheim, my home, it's a simple enchantment everyone in the ten realms uses it."

Holy crap!! Did I meet a Vanir right after entering these lands and ten realms? wasn't it only nine?

" So since it's a simple enchantment, can you teach me how to do it? "

For a moment I thought he was going to say no, but the answer surprised me a bit

" Sure, but you need to know the basics first, although it's a simple enchantment, you need control of your magical energy and learned the magic we use, so come mortal, I'll take you to vanaheim, home of the Vanir, the wisest of gods, masters of sorcery and magic."

A little presumptuous, but okay and is there a difference between magic and sorcery? Anyway Bard, the Vanir just opened a portal, I really thought we were going to some big gateway or something, how disappointing.

I followed bard through the portal and what I saw was beautiful in every sense of the word. There were forests everywhere, the buildings were blended with nature itself. The Vanir are to Asgardians, what the classical western elves are to humans.

We soon arrived to a building, a grand and imposing building.

" We have arrived at the academy of magic and sorcery, this school will teach you all about what you need to know about magic, come on I'll need you to meet someone."

we went inside the academy and went through some long hallways to finally in front of a door.

" what are we waiting for?"

I asked, we've been waiting for a good 5 minutes.

" just wait a little"

bard said

" you may come in" someone from the other side of the door said

" Hello master it's been a while"

"yes it has, you've been away for a century, bard"

" Master I've got someone who wants to learn"

is that code for something or is it just what it seems.

" come on in Alexios, I want you to meet my master."

and so I came in to the room

" Alexios? bard, he's an outsider, should I be concerned?"

" Do not worry master, you know I have a knack for people, I trust him and he seems talented."


" Alexios this is my master jorunn atlidottir and the head of the academy"

" Master this is Alexios"

we meet eye to eye, she trying to analyze me, trying to catch me off guard or something?

"so tell me outsider why did you come to our realm, what exactly are you looking for ?"

"let's just say I'm trying to become stronger against threats that I'm too weak for as of now"

"hmm a worthy goal for a worthy reason.... alright you've convinced me barely, I'll teach you, come with me."

jorunn took me through huge amount of hallways I thought this was a maze, eventually we a library and reached the entrance.

"stay here I'll go get some books for you."

after a few minutes she came back with a few books.

"Here, I've brought you 'The fundamentals of magic', sorcery', and witchcraft', a book to learn our language, you'll need it for runic magic later and some theory books of magic. you'll need to memorize and comprehend these books before you practice any magic, any incantation, any enchantment, just anything in general or it'll be disastrous for you. alright here you go take these and leave to your quarters."

she handed me these books and told me to leave, but where?!?!

"And where is that exactly ?"

"ooh my apologies young one guess I'm forgetful at times, follow me I'll show"

we walk for a couple of minutes till we found our room and can I say it was huge

" this is quite... spacious."

"yes it is, it was created this way so that apprentices could have more than enough space to practice, or research magic, it was created using spatial magic or we wouldn't have enough room to make them this... what's the word...huge!"

"anyway come speak to me once you've memorize and comprehended the books I've given you, it will be then if you're deemed ready to practice magic and become an apprentice of magic."