
Marvel: King of Mythology

Michael Moore, a former denizen of the dark underworld, now strives to navigate the challenges of ordinary student life. But would it be that easy for him? Of course, not! He will be swept into the world of Heroes and Villains, forced to stand against and with them. But why? All because of his past. But now, maybe things will change. After all, he does have the power of mythology on his side. Update Status: Once a Week ______________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Wrecking the Wrecking Crew

Why did he choose that god awful name?


Did I underestimate the Essence that day?


Because the tackle that apparently crushed multiple people, barely felt like a hit by a balloon.


<<Essence 2 30 Duration Left: hours minutes.>>

"How are you so heavy?" The blob asked, surprising me.

I wasn't heavy. I measured my weight the last time I used the Essence.

"Stop playing around, Bulldozer!" I heard the cartoon wearing red and white yell, "Flip him over!"

Possibly giving him the idea, the fatso gripped me by my waist in an attempt to lift me up.

"Show him, Bulldozer!"

"Show him the power of the Wrecking Crew!"

The clowns had a few supporters.


"Haha! Did you see him not even being able to push the mask guy?"

"*Pfft* Even when the mask guy is half his size?"

And an equal number of haters.

"You are going down, twerp!" He used all his strength, would have even succeeded if I didn't use the Essence.

But with the Essence?


With the Essence, I realized how highly I previously downplayed it.

"Stop fooling around!" I heard even his leader yell, "End him!"

Sadly for the mini mammoth, that wasn't possible.

"H-How are you this heavy?" He asked again, making me quite curious.

"You think I am heavy?"

It wasn't that I was heavy. The reason he couldn't lift me up was because I was pushing my body down by just a little.

An amount which shouldn't have even mattered –but it did.

"What the fuck are you doing, Bulldozer!"

"Shut up!" The blob yelled back, "I am trying!"

But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't make me move by even a millimeter.

"You know..." I felt quite unimpressed, "This is a bit boring."

"Booo! Stop playing around!"



And the crowd shared the same sentiment.

Realizing that this wasn't working, Bulldozer pushed back and stabilized himself.

"You fucking twerp!" He shouted the same insult, "No matter how heavy you are! A punch would still feel the same!"

Saying this, he immediately swung at me.

This was something that made me quite amused, the fact that most idiots yell their moves even before using them.

But while I could have easily dodged it, I didn't.


"That's it?"

I wanted to test my durability, and damn is it good.

"Fuck it!"

Yelling again, he started to continue throwing hands –each time the force of striking got stronger.

And despite that, I felt nothing.

"Is that all?" I asked again, wondering if he had some magical weapon.

But turns out…

"How did you withstand the hit from my magical helmet?!"

I heavily overestimated.

His very first tackle was his main trick, and even that didn't work.

This was simply ridiculous.

"I… did not expect you to be this weak." That was an honest statement.

But that was good.

It felt good to break his confidence, and it felt even better to finally understand these powers.

It wasn't that the powers were weak, it was just that I wasn't using it right.

"Fuck you!"

He tried throwing another punch, but well, this time I wasn't in the mood.

And just as the punch flew close to my face, I grabbed it.

"Let's see how you handle a punch."

Making sure that I didn't exert much strength, and keeping my fist semi-loose, I launched a punch at him.

And well…

Fuck me.



The crowd went crazy and everyone in the Wrecking Crew had their eyes popping out of their sockets.

"What did you do!"

Even I was confused.


The man, who was yelling and mocking me just now, fell to the ground with a loud thud –leaking blood from his mouth and nose.

"What happened!"

"Is he dead?!"

I heard the crowd gasp. For a second, I was worried that I might have just ended his life, but seeing that his body was still pulsating, I breathed in relief.

"You demon!" The man in red yelled as he looked at his crew, "Why are you all waiting! Fuck him up!"

"That is not allowed, Piledriver!" Alvin reminded him from the far corner.

But the clown had no intention of listening.

"Shut it, old fuck!" The man yelled, "This is not a game for us anymore!"

"He is right, Alvin." The leader, Wrecker said. "He hurt one of our members, he cannot leave unharmed."

Did they forget that this was the cage? That they were leaving their opponents in possibly worse conditions?

Alvin frowned, not liking their attitude. But I didn't want these fools to leave without a fight either.

"It's okay, Alvin." I assured the man, "I can handle three jokers."

Seeing that the guy did not die, I felt like I could let loose a little more.

And in a way, it was… exciting?

"If that is what you want then…" Alvin took a deep breath before yelling, "The final fight of the night! Mythos vs Wrecking Crew begins now!"

Oh, how I hate this name.

The three didn't even waste a second before jumping on me. The man with the crowbar tried to dash and well his speed was ridiculously high.

As for his crowbar, it glowed purple making me realize that it was magical.

Same for the man with the massive chain and the metallic ball.

He swung them towards me.

As for me? I wasn't planning on tanking them so I fought back.

Dodging the crowbar, I swung at the metallic ball.

"Idiot!" The man with the chains laughed, expecting me to break my fist.


But I didn't.

Instead the opposite happened.


The punch single handedly shattered the metallic ball, breaking the magic that was imbued in it.


The man roared in both anger and horror.

But I didn't have the luxury to answer and the crowbar flung back alongside the other clown who jumped with his massive hands.

Facing two of their enchanted weapons, I realized that they were not anything special. And so I did what was best, I fought back.


The man with the giant fist went flying back and crashed on the cage, breaking the metallic fence and piercing his back with it.


The leader yelled and while he wanted to kill me, I was done with their shit.

"Die motherfucker!"

The moment he swung his crowbar again, I caught it.


He was shocked, aghast even. But I was done.

"Fuck off, clowns."

With that, I didn't bother wasting any more time and with the same crowbar that I snatched –I struck his head, immediately making him drop on the ground with his eyes rolled back.

Not dead, but enough for him to live the rest of his life with brain damage.

And so…

"That only leaves you."

The one that was left was the man whose ball I shattered.


He trembled, nearly senseless from the sight that he saw.

"I… I give up!"

He said and well, I could take that.


But I didn't.

"Now, good night."

And he followed the same fate as his leader –a crowbar to the head.

That left me with nothing but a shocked Alvin and a roaring crowd.

"And the winner of tonight's cage is… MYTHOS!"

I fucking hate this name.

{An Hour Later}

"Did you lie about never fighting against people with superpower before?" Alvin asked, as he handed me a cheque.

Normally, cheques were never given for underworld payments. But Alvin was different.

I have no clue how, but to everyone outside of this certain circle, he is known as a saint.

"Thanks for the cheque." I never reject money, "And I have never fought such people before. Maybe because I just realized that I have these powers not long ago."

"But to fight on that level…" He squinted his eyes, "That isn't something that just anyone can do."

I never revealed my actual powers to him. For all that he knows, I am someone with superhuman strength.

Which wasn't technically wrong.

At least for now.

"Well, I did have a few fights before. Just not with powers." I answered, "So, it wasn't too difficult to mix both of those knowledge."

That was the truth and I didn't mind sharing it.

"Well… I see." He nodded as he realized prying further will neither get him more details nor will it do him any good. "But, remember that if you need more money or you want to test out your powers again…" He showed the rarest smile, "The cage is always open for you."

"Sure thing, Alvin." I assured, "I will keep that in mind."

"Till then…" He walked back a little, "This is goodbye. And also the sun is rising, so you know what that means."

We were standing outside, more specially at the back door.

"I know."

The rays slowly fell on the ground, illuminating the place.

"We don't do deals during the day."

"We don't talk about it during the day." He corrected, "You are just a customer that likes Alvin's and I am just the owner that serves drinks and food."

"Yes, sir." I laughed, respecting his business model. "And yes, this is goodbye."

Possibly, although I don't know for how long.

But that was all we talked about before I decided to walk back.

Possibly going to miss today's class. No one in their sane mind would go to class after exhausting themselves.

<<Congratulations! >>

But maybe my day still wasn't over.

<<Host has successfully defeated his first enemy using the Essence!>>

<<Host has completed the hidden achievement and also went above beyond by defeating more than one enemy!>>

And then I heard another loud notification.

<<Host has obtained a C Grade Essence for completing the achievement with additional points!>>

Fuck sleep, this is way better.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Marvel on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc ]