
Marvel: King of Mythology

Michael Moore, a former denizen of the dark underworld, now strives to navigate the challenges of ordinary student life. But would it be that easy for him? Of course, not! He will be swept into the world of Heroes and Villains, forced to stand against and with them. But why? All because of his past. But now, maybe things will change. After all, he does have the power of mythology on his side. Update Status: Once a Week ______________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

What? A Science Fair?

How long before I can try this thing out again?

<<Essence 9 Cooldown: minutes>>

It took me a bit longer than usual to reach today.

Usually it's a fifteen-minute walk from my apartment to the university, but today it took around twenty minutes.

I don't blame myself though, I never do.

It was because of the system that I got late.

Definitely not because I wasted over two hours at the gym.

Now, if the system had any emotions, I would have either lost the ability or the cooldown would have been nightmarishly high.

Thankfully, it was as emotionless as a rock.

"Did you find a team for yourself yet, Michael?"

Being dazed in a crowded place was not a smart choice and it was far worse when you are not even able to sense the people around you.


Thankfully, it didn't take much effort to return to reality either.

"Oh, Peter."

And thankfully, it was not some sick fuck but Peter, just Peter.

"You alright?" He asked, taking a few books out of the locker, "You seem a little out of it."

Closing the locker and taking out a few books of my own, I replied. "Just a little under the weather. I walked out without much clothing last night. So, I am definitely going to get a cold."

I wasn't lying.

"Take care, man." He said, giving a comforting smile. "The temperature has been quite low these few days."

I nodded, "It sure has." But I recalled something that he said, "And what is this team that you are talking about?"

Peter seemingly froze for a second, "Oh. So you are totally unaware."

This made me a little curious, "What do you mean?"

Why would I need a team?

"Coulson," Peter sighed, facing me directly, "He said that it is a part of our course for this semester. If you don't submit a project, you might fail."

Those words felt like lightning to my ear.

Mostly because I sucked with these things and secondly…

I had no time.

I had no time, nor did I have anyone to do the project with.

"Are you… doing it with anyone?" I asked with the slightest bit of hope in my voice.

He scratched his head, a little awkward.

"I am… sorry."


But it makes sense. I am the only one that has probably not even started.

Putting on my best fake smile, I assured him.

"It's fine. I'll just have to find someone else, or worst case scenario… work alone. And it always helps to learn something new if you work alone."

Quite a bold lie, especially considering I had no idea where to even start from.

"I am really sorry, Michael." He said with a low voice, "I would have done it with you if you came just two days earlier."

Tragic, but nothing that could be done.

"My bad." I said, quite literally regretting not paying attention earlier.

"You will manage," He sighed, "But for now it's best to go to class."

I looked at my phone and I was almost running late.

"Ah shit… Thanks for reminding." I felt like I have been losing my focus a lot recently. "It's an elective class. Your's was quantum mechanics, right?"

He nodded while adding a question of his own, "And yours Advanced Structural Engineering?"

"Yeah… It goes well with my other subjects." I gave him a shrug, "The basic one was enough but it never hurts to learn something more than the basics."

"Cool." He said in his classic awkward yet respectful tone.

Sometimes I wonder why he gets bullied. He helps most people with their homework, doesn't act cocky nor does he remind the professors about the assignments that they forget.

He is a nerd, but quite the likable nerd.

"Well… see you later then, Peter." I decided to not think much about it.

Bullies rarely needed a reason to go after someone.

If someone appeared weak, they became a target for bullying.

"Yeah, have a good day, Michael."

See, a really nice guy.

"You too, Peter." And it was basic manners to wish the person back.

Not that I usually cared about manners.

Surprised, but I managed to get to class in time.

Mostly, it was thanks to Peter, otherwise I would have roamed around the hallway like the idiot that I am.

"Hush, the professor is coming!"

It has been a while since I came to class, and it feels quite weird.

You know, if you stay away from a place and return after a long time?

Yeah, that feeling but it was barely a week so it didn't make much sense.

But oh well, not all things are meant to make sense.

"Ugh! I fucking hate that dude!"

The feeling was shared by a lot of the students, me included.

The professor was the cliche picture perfect version of an annoying, stickler for rules twat. And worse of all, he had no clue how to teach someone.

Sure, he might be a genius but it didn't mean shit when he couldn't teach.

He has multiple patents that I have heard of but it doesn't matter when you cannot teach. He is a professor by profession, so it did annoy everyone that he would just write on the board and not explain shit.

Maybe a genius, but definitely a shit professor.

"Not the most exciting class, is it?"

Drawing my attention to my right was a girl with blonde hair, quite bright to be natural but something told me that it wasn't dyed either.

'That's a pretty blonde.'

"Yeah, I asked that to you." She chuckled, possibly misreading my face

"Oh." And I don't know why, but I played along. "It is. A boring professor can make even an interesting subject uninteresting."

She nodded, "Quite true. I liked this subject when I read a book on it once. But it is possibly the most boring class here."

That did make me chuckle, "Definitely. Who else but Professor Brashear."

She laughed, putting her perfect teeth to display.

"Yeah, who else but professor Brashear." She was quite pretty, I could understand the gazes around me.

"Gwen Stacy," She extended her hand, "And you are… Michael?"

"Michael Moore," I took her hand, already aware of her name. "This is the first time we have talked, I believe?"

Gwen Stacy, I knew who she was. Of course, I did. Almost everyone in this class gawks at her and even Peter blushes when he sees her.

And well, I cannot blame him.

She is just that pretty.

"I have heard your name a few times," She said, "Just didn't catch a chance to talk in the past."

"Likewise," I wasn't lying, "Maybe because I skip classes a lot."

"Definitely that." She laughed again, and quite honestly she looked good with that expression.

Scooting towards my side a little, she put on an interesting look. "Can't say that most of the things I have heard are quite pleasant."


"Some are true," I said, not that there was much to hide. "While most have been overexaggerated."

"I don't judge." She shrugged, "It's just that your story sounded quite interesting."

Interesting… was putting it nicely.

"That's the first time someone has described my life like that." I said, "I don't hate it."

"Architecture, right?"

"Yeah, and you Biology?" I asked, not sure from where I knew her department.

"That's the only thing that I had been certain about in my life," She said. "And I don't regret choosing it."


It just wasn't something for me. Neither up my alley nor something I could excel at –even with consistency.

I just know it.

And well, it still confuses me why a biology student chose structural engineering as an elective.

"What about you?" She asked, "Like your degree?"

"I don't hate it." I answered honestly, "At least, not as much as I hate the others."

"Good enough," She smirked, "As long as you don't decide to drop out."

"No such plans as of yet." I replied with a smile of my own.

"Good." She nodded, "But it looks like we will have to continue our little talk some other time."

For a second, I was confused but then I understood.


Well, the wizard who can make me fall asleep with just his voice alone has just appeared.

"Students!" His voice has to be the most depressing voice ever. "We will continue from page number 573 that we left off at in the last class."

He is a machine.


<<A N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead WN on Patreon. < p>

25 Advanced Chapters for Marvel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

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