
Marvel: King of Mythology

Michael Moore, a former denizen of the dark underworld, now strives to navigate the challenges of ordinary student life. But would it be that easy for him? Of course, not! He will be swept into the world of Heroes and Villains, forced to stand against and with them. But why? All because of his past. But now, maybe things will change. After all, he does have the power of mythology on his side. Update Status: Once a Week ______________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs



I didn't know a lot of heroes, but I definitely knew who he was.

"That's me!" He said, quite certainly in sarcasm.

"What are you here for?" I asked, thankfully still with the equipped mask.

"I was about to ask that, flying man." I think I hate his humor.

"None of your business." I didn't want to get on his bad side, but for some reason I had a tough time handling him as well.

"Well well, then my business is private as well." He said but immediately squatted down, "or not. Depends if you are here to cause trouble."

Of course.

He was a hero.

"I am not." I got off, dusting the dirt away. "I was trying out something until you decided to interfere."

I was still salty that just as I was about to fly, this guy appeared.

"Trying to skate in the air?" He asked, amused.

"Yes, and now would you leave?" I asked but he immediately shook his head.

"Nope. Can't do."

I can understand why J. Jonah Jameson hates this guy so much.

He is unbearable.

And this was also why I knew who Spider-Man was. J. Jonah Jameson left no moment to curse at this red spandex hero.

"I already told you that I am not trying to cause trouble." I felt a sigh leaving me, "I am just trying out something."

"New with your powers?" He asked, and well it was clear as day that I wasn't experienced. "I get it."

"Then, why don't you leave me alone?"

But he still shook his head, "Sorry, but it still cannot be done."

He was annoying, but I still kept my patience.

"And why exactly?"

This finally got me an answer, "I don't want you to end up with a fractured body while trying your powers, so I will help in case you mess up."

That sounds sweet and all, but I did not need that.

"Secondly, I am still not sure if you are truly harmless. So, I will have to keep an eye." This made my eyes twitch.

"You might be a hero but definitely not someone that can 'legally' do that."

He nodded, "Not legally, but definitely for everyone's safety."

"And what is the third reason?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"There is no third reason."


"There is always a third reason."

He laughed, "Is there?"

At me staring at him, he finally laughed a little.

"Okay okay, you win." He said, "There are a few bad guys that are about to make a run through here, so I am here to you know…"

He showed a few punching movements along with some interesting sound effects.

"What kind of guys?" I asked and he immediately replied with, 'Bad.'

This guy was almost impossible to deal with.

"I mean… what kind of bad guys, what did they do?"

"Oh, that's what you meant." He said, playing dumb before scratching the back of his head –Contemplating whether to tell me or not.

"They are drug smugglers."

Again? I felt a headache hearing about it for the hundreth time.

Just what was Norman doing with these drugs? What kind of experiment needed him to do daily deals?

"And do you have any idea who these drugs go to?" I asked, expecting no reply but surprisingly…

He did answer.

Just not the one I expected.

"No clue," He said, "This does not go through in one go. They change hands at least nine to ten times before it is delivered to the final person. And even then it is to different people in different runs."

That was an interesting strategy.

"So, we still do not know who this main guy is."

He made a slip up there.


That means he is working with someone, and I know that it is not the police since most heroes do not work with them.

"But yeah, I think you should go or you might also get hurt." He finally said, "Just try not to cause trouble."

It was quite funny to hear when it was always him who got blamed for causing trouble. But now he was asking me not to.

The irony.

I did want to leave but the situation was getting a bit too out of hand.

I know that the Kingpin asked me not to get involved, but when did I ever listen to him?

The issue was Spiderman.

"I think I will watch it play out." I said, not necessarily saying that I was planning to get involved.

"Wow wow, buddy." He finally lost his cool by a little, "It's best if you go back."

I knew he wasn't going to let me just stay that easily. But I was adamant.

"These fuckers have been plaguing this city for far too long." I said, "Do not worry, I will not get in your way but I also cannot just go without knowing these bastards."

Spider-Man stared at me through his mask. I truly wondered what it was made of, especially since the mask isn't a simple piece of clothing.

"That is tough," He said, "But if you do not interfere…"

"I don't have a reason to." I said, "I will just watch."

He stared at me for a moment but sighing and giving up.

"Just don't get hurt."

Well, it's not like I could get hurt that easily.

Walking through the dirt filled streets, a group of twelve men, each moving a little away from each other –the men scoffed at the dirt.

"We aren't payed enough for this." One of them said but was immediately shut off by the other.

"Quiet, if he hears you, you will be fucked."

The men walked in silence, occasionally bantering about the pay and the workload.

"If we deliver this batch successfully, we will be given a bonus." The one that walked before everyone else murmured, "I heard the boss say that."

"Really?" Another asked, keeping his hands inside his pocket.

"Yes, but quiet for now." The one that scolded them earlier added, "If we fail, we will be given a punishment you cannot even imagine."

Each of them had a certain packet inside their pocket and it was quite clear from their actions what it was.

"Why is this substance so important?" The youngest member asked, "Isn't it just another… drug?"

Everyone went silent, none of them knew the reason.

"We don't have to bother with that. Our job is just to deliver it."

The man wasn't wrong. They were not paid to ask questions, they were paid to work.

"No no." They all went pale as they heard the voice, "The guy has a point. Why do you need that drug?"

Every one of them immediately looked up, and they were horrified when they saw who it was.

"S-Spider-Man!" One man yelled and Spider-Man waved.

"Peekaboo!" Saying this, he immediately shot a web at him instantly striking him to the wall.

He jumped down and stood before them all, "So, tell me or do you want to end up on the wall as well?"

"Everyone! Attack!"

"Sheesh, not even a reply?" Spider-Man dodged their attacks pretty easily as while they were smugglers, they weren't necessarily fighters.

Especially since they took out knives to fight him.

Spider-Man shot five of them with ease, sticking them to the walls with his web fluid.

But as he did that, he finally saw one of the men pulling out a gun.

"Run, Spidy or die!" The man laughed, expecting to puncture a hole through Spider-Man's chest.

But he didn't know that Spider-Man was not someone that they could defeat that easily.

"Oops~ looks like you missed." Spider-Man had an ability called the spider-sense, which alerted him about incoming threats and combined with his superhuman speed and reflexes, dodging a bullet was not impossible.

Difficult, sure.

But not impossible when the gun was a simple pistol.

The man got scared and tried to shoot him again, but this time –Spider-Man was faster.

"Not so fast, scar-face." He immediately shot down the gun with his web, then immediately proceeding to pin the man to a pole.

"seven done, five more to go."

And those weren't that difficult for him either.



And with just a few shots from his web shooter, he managed to take down almost all of them, leaving just three.

"Now, which of you will tell me about your boss?" He asked, already aware of the person they were here to deliver the drug to.

So, all he needed information was about the person who paid them for the job.

"W-We cannot tell you!" One of them yelled, making Spider-Man turn his head.

"Really?" He shrugged, too bad then.

And with that, he punched the man straight in the face –not killing him but definitely breaking his nose and a few teeth.

"What about the two of you?"

The youngest one of them shuddered, but the other tried to pick up the gun.

Unfortunately for him, all he got was a kick to the chin, knocking him over with a bleeding mouth.

"Guess you will be the one to answer."

Spider-Man knew that fear was the best drug for confession. He learnt it from someone far more experienced than him. And since it did not kill the person, he didn't mind using it either.


"Guess we will never know." The youngster laughed and for a moment Spider-Man got confused, however all his senses went off flaring.

'Shit!' He knew it was already too late, someone had sneaked behind him.

"You have always been a thorn for me, Spider-Man."

He knew that voice, he knew it far to well.



But as he felt the man behind him pulling on the trigger, he heard another voice.

"I knew it was best to stay around."

And that was what Spider-Man heard before he saw the gun flying out of Taskmaster's hand –leaving the villain surprised but just giving him enough time to fall back.

"Told you, I will be useful, Spider-Man."

Never had he been so glad at a decision. But today he was.

After all, the man he just met had saved his life.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Marvel on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc
