
Marvel: King of Mythology

Michael Moore, a former denizen of the dark underworld, now strives to navigate the challenges of ordinary student life. But would it be that easy for him? Of course, not! He will be swept into the world of Heroes and Villains, forced to stand against and with them. But why? All because of his past. But now, maybe things will change. After all, he does have the power of mythology on his side. Update Status: Once a Week ______________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Scavenging at the Library

"And do you think you have anything for Hercules, the hero of Greek Mythology?" I asked the librarian after she explained that they had nothing on Nosferatu.

"That I can help you with," Finally something, "Do you want his entire life story or just about the twelve labours?"

To be honest, I knew nothing about Hercules.

All I knew was that he was Zeus' son, a demi-god, he was hated by Hera and ended up killing his own family because of which he ended up having to do the twelve labours.

That's all I know.

"His life story will be better, thank you."

"You can go with the books Herakles by Emma Stafford and the other one that I would suggest is Son of Zeus." She explained, "If it is a research paper you are making about his story or even an essay, they can be considered great materials."

I was doing neither, but I did need detailed materials. I did not want to end up dead because of a stupid everyday thing that he might have been cursed with.

"Those will be great, thank you." It never hurt to be respectful where respect was due.

And that also helped in times you wanted to try your luck, "Is there really nothing about Nosferatu?"

This made the lady sigh, "Nosferatu was originally a movie of the early 1900s and well, there have been a few books about him but nothing that the movie already didn't cover."

That was quite a bummer, which meant that I was already pretty much briefed about Nosferatu.

He was strong, could manipulate blood and from what I had seen, he can even regenerate as long as he wasn't immediately killed.

As for weakness, he has one, which is sunlight and it is not just a weakness but something that can kill him.

Which is quite sad since Dracula would have been the vampire that I would have preferred. Why? Because Dracula merely becomes weaker under the sun and not burn to death.

But, I will take what I get.


I sound like quite an ungrateful twat the more I rant.

"Thank you for the books."

The lady nodded, "Return them by Monday or there is a fine of twenty cents per day."

"I will keep that in mind."

Taking the books, I decided to go home but my eyes suddenly fell on a certain girl that sat in one corner of the library, squatted on the ground and immersed in a book.

And well, I decided to say hi to her.

"Why not go to the study room?" I asked with a smile, which might have surprised the girl a little.

She jerked back before looking at me.

"Oh, Michael." She breathed out before giving a fake frown, "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry about that, but why on the floor and not read the book in peace in the study room, Gwen?"

Yeah, the girl was Gwen and I am impressed that she is studying at this hour.

Most would take the first chance to skip studies but here she was, studying during break hour.

And yes, I ended up coming to class even though I wanted to sleep.

"It's easier to fetch the books if I stay here." She said, closing the book. "I still don't know exactly which book I am looking for. So, I am spending a little time around here."

That makes a lot of sense.

"So, what are you hoping to find?" I asked wondering what got the blonde so anxious.

"Something that could help me build something for the Science Fair."


"Oh…" I forgot again, didn't I? "The Science Fair…"

"Mhm." She looked at me, curiously, "And have you decided on something yet? Or did you find a team?"

I would look real stupid if I say I forgot about it. But I couldn't lie that I had something prepared either.

"Not yet, I am looking for something as well." I said the semi-truth, "And no I do not have anyone that I am working with either."

I am not sure why, but this made her eyes glow.

"Perfect!" She said, "Then how about we work together?"

This was quite the sudden offer.

"Uh, are you sure?" I asked, finally deciding to reveal the truth, "If I am being honest, I haven't found anything yet. I am practically clueless."

"That's alright!" She sounded surprisingly enthusiastic, "I just don't think I can finish it alone even if I get an idea. I know that I will need help if I even want to dream of completing it on time."

She finally got off the floor and gave me a hopeful look, "So… Do you mind working together with me?"

Honestly, I am definitely going go fail if I don't take all the help that I can get.

"I would love that." I agreed as fast as I could, "I am glad we can form groups irrespective of the department."

And that was great because I am pretty sure there was not a single individual left in my department without a team.

"So… should we meet after class to discuss about the project?" She suggested and I wondered if there was something else that I had to do.

"I don't think I have anything to do, so why not?"

Then the important part was choosing a location.

"So, where do you think is best to meet?" I asked, not really wanting to invite her to a hotel room.

It sounds ridiculous no matter how I decide to explain.

"Well… You can come to my place?" She suggested, "And I don't mind if you stay till dinner. Mom always loves cooking for people."



She was inviting me over to her place.

"Won't it be too inconvenient for your family?" I am not sure if any parent would love their kids bringing over someone that late.

Then again.

I don't have parents, so I have no clue. Maybe it is normal.

"She won't mind." She assured, "So… do you mind?"

I would sound like a total dick if I declined now, won't I?

"I… err…" This was new, being invited over. "I think… I will."

But it wasn't a bad feeling.

"Perfect!" She said with a smile that was rather nice to look at. "I'll wait then."

Saying this, she suddenly looked at my hand, specifically the books that I was holding.

"I haven't asked, but what made you come to the library?" She asked, "Is that… Herakles?"

I don't know why but as she realized which book I was holding, her eyes went wide.

"I didn't know you were into mythology!" She gasped, not in shock but in… happiness?

"I recently got into it," I said, rubbing the back of my nape. "And I think Hercules is a good start."

"He is the perfect introduction." She practically geeked, something that I did not expect from her. "His twelve labors are really great to hook anyone's interest."

This made me wonder something.

"Are you by any chance… a fan of Greek mythology?"

"Are you kidding me?" She exclaimed, walking close to my face, "I love Greek mythology. No, not just Greek but all mythology."


Gave me an idea.

"Woah, didn't expect you to be a mythology fan." I knew I had to try, "And well, I can say that you have read about him?"

"I have." She nodded quite enthusiastically, "From his birth as a bastard son of Zeus to his death by the hands of his own wife. I read his entire life story."

"So, do you mind telling me a little about him?" I asked, finally finding a shortcut, "Things that are usually not depicted in the normal stories?"

There were a lot of videos and stuff about him on the internet but it was mostly the very common stories or things that were remade for the audience to enjoy.

It was only when you asked an enthusiast that you got the proper information.

"Well… I don't know what you want to know specifically?" She asked, "His entire story is interesting."

"Well, can you give me a general summary to begin with then?"

She nodded at my question, "That I can do."

Well, there was the start at least.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Marvel on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc ]]