
Marvel: King of Mythology

Michael Moore, a former denizen of the dark underworld, now strives to navigate the challenges of ordinary student life. But would it be that easy for him? Of course, not! He will be swept into the world of Heroes and Villains, forced to stand against and with them. But why? All because of his past. But now, maybe things will change. After all, he does have the power of mythology on his side. Update Status: Once a Week ______________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs



The cage was the peak attraction of the place.

The rich, the famous and the ones deep in crime –they all adored the cage.


Because to the rich, it was a great source of entertainment.

To the famous, it was proof of how different the lives of the fortunate and the unfortunate were.

As for the criminals?

"This is the easiest money that we have ever made!"

The four misfits, each wearing clothes that would end with them being a laughing stock, stood proud with crowbars, bolts and chains.

But why were the crowd cheering for them instead of laughing at them?

Simple, because the average human did not dare laugh at beings with superpowers.

And in this case, the crowd was more invested in their fights than the clothes.

"This is the best you can do, Alvin?" The one wearing a full body suit with metallic helmet and bangles laughed, "If this is, then you should be ashamed!"

However, it was always wise to not challenge your luck, because it only took a second for it to flip.

"Good evening everyone." Alvin, the owner, walked towards the cage. "I believe you liked the display of the Wrecking Crew."

That question made the crowd yell.

"We want more!"

"The fights ended in seconds!"

"We want better!"

The issue with bringing in a super strong fighter was that the matches ended way too early, which was not good to make money.

"I apologize for the lackluster performance from my fighters," Alvin said, "And I do feel honored to have such strong warriors face my children."

Alvin didn't really care about his fighters, they were merely people he paid to earn him more money.

However, he did not like the disrespect that was being showed to 'his' fighters either.

"And since none of you seem to be satisfied with the display, especially from our side, I would like to make it up to you." Alvin said in his emotionless tone.

"Huh? You think your fighters can face us?" The man with the crowbar laughed, "After the fighters you sent, do not disappoint us and the audience further, Alvin!"

Alvin despised people with such attitude –cocky and with a sheer lack of respect.

"Oh, trust me on this." He said, his face still the same ice cold as ever. "This one is a little different."

Alvin knew that he was playing a risky game, but he knew that no matter the outcome –he would have the last laugh.

Be it in the form of money, respect or both.

"And who is this person that will make you regret your words?" The Wrecking Crew mocked.

Hearing the words, the crowd went a little quiet, not because they supported him but because they knew that he was disrespecting Alvin.

And Alvin was someone that never took lightly to disrespect.

"Well, I will let him do the talking." Alvin said, pointing to his left as the lights dimmed down. "I will let 'Mythos' do the talking."


Alvin hated cocky people, mostly because they did not see their own weaknesses.

He knew that the Wrecking Crew was strong, but if required he could call in help from a certain few individuals that could erase the crew from the face of the earth.

But he wasn't that petty.

He was just greedy, and when a fighter presented himself in front of him –he did not really have a reason to decline his offer.

Especially since the fighter was not the average human.

"Gahaha!" Bulldozer, who Alvin found to have quite similar choice of clothing as Juggernaut, laughed. "That tiny fuck wants to fight us?"

'Just the clothing.' Alvin knew that Juggernaut could rip apart the mocking man, but it wasn't something that mattered. 'He isn't even small.'

The boy who asked permission to fight in the ring was not small by any means. If anything, he was rather tall with a well built body. It was only because the laughing man was built like a mini bulldozer that he mocked the fighter.

"Oh," Alvin heard Mythos talk, "I did not know that the blob could talk?"

This immediately made the crowd go crazy with laughter. The bite back by Mythos made the scene far more entertaining as it wasn't just one side insulting the other.

And well, trash talking was one of the key aspects of such fights.

"What did ya' say pipsqueak?" Bulldozer roared, not liking the masked man even a little.

Mythos, or Michael decided to wear a mask. Mostly because he had no intention of showing his face to the crowd and risking his normal daily life.

And the other reason being that it made him feel like one of those superpowered beings running around in their costumes.

"Exactly what you heard, fatso."

Alvin nearly showed a smile, nearly. But he had better things to do, which included making money.

"If you two are ready," Alvin suggested, "You may continue this inside the cage."

This immediately enticed the crowd.

"Get him in the cage!"

"Show us something, Alvin!"

Alvin looked at Michael, who gave the man a nod before walking towards the cage.

"You may choose your opponent, Mythos." The owner said, introducing the four members of the crew. "You may choose Bulldozer, the man that shattered the bones of everyone that challenged him."

Bulldozer grinned, challenging Michael. "Come here, pussyboy. I'll show you what real fights look like."

Alvin didn't bother with a word that they said, instead continued introducing the members.

"Or you may choose the Thunderball, who can swing his ball and chain at speeds that none can react to."

The black man in the green and yellow costume nodded, not showing much of a reaction.

"You may even face Piledriver, who has crushed the skulls of many with his bare hands."

Piledriver, the man in white and red flipped Michael off.

"Or… you may go directly against their leader, Wrecker who haven't had to lift a finger to win his matches till now."

The leader of the Wrecking Crew with his purple mask smirked, quite certain that there was no way for them to lose."None of them seem that interesting." Michael mocked, "But well, since Bulldozer has been so loud, I do not mind starting with him."

Bulldozer smashed the corner pole of the cage.

"Bwaha! This ant thinks that he can win against me!"

"People are all sorts of crazy." Piledriver smirked, "It's not till you punch them out of the stupid that they realize how ridiculous they sound."

Alvin was not interested in any of that, and all he did was look at Michael.

"You ready?" He asked, and the masked man nodded.

"I am."

Hearing this, Alvin announced. "Well then, ladies and gentlemen. We will start the seventeenth match for the night, Bulldozer of the Wrecking Crew versus the masked man, Mythos!"

Michael immediately entered the cage, while the other three members of the crew walked out allowing Michael and Bulldozer to stand against each other.

"You are gonna regret this, little man." Bulldozer said which made Michael shrug.

"We never know, it might be you crying instead."

"If both the fighters are ready!" Alvin yelled, "We will start in…Three!"

"Get ready to cry, boy."




"Or maybe it will be you."


In his anger, at being mocked, Bulldozer lunged at Michael like a boulder rolling down the mountain.

"Cry fucker! Cry!"

He roared and rushed at Michael. The whole crowd braced for the impact, everyone expecting Mythos to be squashed by Bulldozer.

The same had happened to almost every fighter that went against the monstrosity –each ending up with powdered bones.

However, this wasn't the same with Michael.


A loud noise echoed the place, signaling the crash that just happened.

The same crash that hospitalized and killed many fighters.


"Is that all you are capable of, blob?"

Michael didn't even move an inch.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Marvel on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc ]]