
Marvel: King of Mythology

Michael Moore, a former denizen of the dark underworld, now strives to navigate the challenges of ordinary student life. But would it be that easy for him? Of course, not! He will be swept into the world of Heroes and Villains, forced to stand against and with them. But why? All because of his past. But now, maybe things will change. After all, he does have the power of mythology on his side. Update Status: Once a Week ______________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Devil of the Night

<<Would the host like to spin?>>

<<Spins 1 Available:>>

It was a C Grade Essence that I was going to get, but it was still ridiculous that I was able to draw for an essence after just a day or two of the first one.

Yet something that confused me was how this spin was already graded.

Like the first spin that I got was gradeless as far as I can recall.

But oh well…

The sun was out, and there were no people.

The only ones working were the cleaners or the chefs who had to start prepping from dawn.

"No one comes through this alley."

So, this was possibly the best chance I was going to get to try out the Essence roll.

Now, I could definitely do it at the hotel, but that does not leave me any space to try out the powers.

So, let's just do this.

'Roll for the C Grade Essence.'

The moment I made the decision, the system responded.

<<Affirmative! >>

<<Drawing for C Grade Essence!>>

Unlike the previous draw, I already knew where the wheel was going to stop but that still didn't make the draw any less exciting.

The colors flickered one after another, but my eye was on a certain shade of blue.

The ugly blue.

It took a while as the speeding wheel slowed and nearly stopped at the green, before finally halting entirely over the blue.

<<Congratulations! Host has obtained a C Grade Essence!>>

<<Essence acquired: 'Devil of the Night: Nosferatu'>>

Nos what?

"Nosferatu? The ugly ass vampire?"

That was totally unexpected. I was expecting some famous mythical hero like Achilles or Jason and I ended up with a discount vampire?

"Wait, no."

Now, I recall it.

Nosferatu wasn't a discount vampire, he was the original vampire.

"I am so glad that I don't change my appearance when I use the essence."

Why? Because Nosferatu was fucking nasty. He looked like an ugly bald goblin with the only respectable thing being his height.

Basically, he was Voldemort but with a nose.

However… If he was the original vampire, why is he only a C grade?

As I started to recall Nosferatu, I could also remember the powers he possessed.

He was ridiculously strong and even scarier was that he could use blood manipulation.

Like making structures from blood.

I know that he also had other powers, but I need to study about him a little to fully understand him.

The same can be said for Hercules though.

"Still, why is he only a C Grade Essence?"

There were a lot of questions in my head but possibly only one way to get answers.

Looking at the slider which now had a bald face with sharp ears inside of a glowing blue box, right next to the red box that had the picture of Hercules.

'Use the Nosferatu essence!'

And the system responded immediately.

<<Host's essence synced with Nosferatu' Essence>>

<<Host now possess the same powers, abilities and constitution as Nosferatu for three hours!>>

However, this time was different.

While I didn't feel anything when I used Hercules' Essence –I did feel slightly different with Nosferatu.

<<Essence 2 59 Duration Left: hours minutes.>>

My body felt cold, very cold.

And no, it was not that I felt the cold, but my body that felt cold to the touch.

"Don't tell me that I share the same issues as the Essence as well?"

And that was when it hit me.

The body that was cold, now truly felt cold.

It felt cold because of fear.

"Fuck… I got so fucking lucky."

I looked up, gulping thickly as I saw the massive concrete roof over the alley, keeping the entire place dark and cold.

"It wasn't that I didn't feel any different with Hercules." I slowly walked forward, my heart refusing to beat. "It is because there was nothing to feel different about him."

Hercules might have been the son of Zeus, but he was still a human. No matter the powers that he possessed, he was still a mortal.

However, for Nosferatu?

"He is already dead."

The proof of it was my lack of heartbeat –I had a still heart. And I am pretty sure that it is also the reason why my body is cold to the touch.

Because there is no blood being pumped.

My body is dead, I am an undead.

"So, the reason why the essence is C Grade is because…"

Gulping thickly, I extended my hand out of the shade.

And fuck me sideways.

"Ughhh! Fuck it burns!"

The moment my hand was exposed to the sunlight, my hand combusted, nearly melting the skin off of my hand.

"Shit shit shit!"

Even after pulling the hand back to the shade, it was burning with a horrifying pain.

And not until I hugged my own hands, which possibly cut off the oxygen around it that it stopped burning.

"Fuck me." I saw the melted flesh healing itself, but it made me aware of one thing.

"I don't just take the powers, I copy and take on the weaknesses too."

And if I would have pulled this stunt out in the sun, I could have probably combusted and died on the spot.

But wait…

"Does that mean… Hercules also has a weakness?"

Fuck, looks like I have to go to the library!

[Baxter Building, NYC]

"Are you being serious right now, Reed?"

Unamused by her business partner cum boss' excuse, the woman who had prepared a lunch plan for the two of them felt betrayed.

"Susan we cannot leave this project jus–"

"Shut up!" Susan Storm, the only person who stayed by Reed's side no matter the issues that he was going through –finally had enough.

"For years I have made sure that I stay by your side and I help you with every wish that you have."

She was hurt.

It wasn't just a lunch plan, it was something that she needed. She had exhausted herself working on his project.

He promised he would make time for her –for them.

But now he couldn't.

She was tired of going through false promises every time.

She was tired of being the second choice every time.

"Tell me, Reed." She finally asked, "What do you even think of me?"

She wanted to know, she finally wanted to know.

After everything that she did for him, after every promise that he made to her.

What was she to him?

She had hoped that at least this would make him think, at least this would make him come to his senses.

There were things more important that just science.

There was a whole life to explore and to enjoy.

He had all the success and the fame in the world, so it hurt to see him not trying to stop and enjoy life.

But all her hopes were shattered the moment Reed decided to answer.

"You are the person that had been with me all these years," He said, making her regain a bit of her happiness. "It is because of you that I have achieved what I have achieved."


Her hopes that were built crumbled just as easily.

"You are my partner in research and a friend."

This was not what she was looking for.

This was not what she wanted to hear.


"Is that all?" She asked, hoping for him to stop joking.

"What else could you be?" He smiled, "You are the person that had helped me in succeeding. You are my partner in research."

And that was it.

"Then good luck with your research?"

"Huh? What do you me–"

And that was when her purse landed straight on his face –leaving him with a bruise.

All while the superhero burst out of the door, hiding her tears.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Marvel on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc ]]