
Marvel: King of Mythology

Michael Moore, a former denizen of the dark underworld, now strives to navigate the challenges of ordinary student life. But would it be that easy for him? Of course, not! He will be swept into the world of Heroes and Villains, forced to stand against and with them. But why? All because of his past. But now, maybe things will change. After all, he does have the power of mythology on his side. Update Status: Once a Week ______________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Bulled? Nah, BULLY!

[Peter Parker]

'This is annoying.'

And well, it was.

For Peter at least.

"Not too tough are you now, nerd?"

Bullying, well, more precisely getting bullied was more of a regular event for Peter.

Getting smacked, being pushed around, getting locked inside the washroom –these were just some of the things that he had to go through.

Quite a common event if he had to say.


"I-I can still do your assignment, Flash." Peter said, trying to deescalate the situation. "I can finish it within an hour."

Unfortunately for Peter, it was neither an option for him nor for the bully.

"You fucking dork." The blonde guy, who was relatively bigger in size than Peter gritted his teeth, "Professor Henry called me earlier than everyone."

Peter froze, he expected to salvage the situation as the blonde's id was quite behind in the attendance list.

"He did not go according to the attendance sheet."

'Shit.' Peter knew that he had messed up. There was no chance to salvage this, he was quite honestly screwed.

"W-We can ask for an extension?" He suggested, "I had been doing your assignment since last month, so you have not missed deadlines earlier!"

The boy's expression soured, "Oh, no we can't Peter." He said, in a calm yet mocking tone. "He already graded me with an F… He failed me."

Peter's eyes went wide, he knew that he was fucked.

There was no escape from this.

"So, you have to pay Peter." The boy's grin was wide, "And you have to pay quite a lot."

Peter could handle the pain, he pretty much felt nothing when a normal human punched him.

But this wasn't going to be a beating, he had a very bad feeling about it.

"W-We can talk about it, Flash…" Peter said, taking a few steps back.

He didn't like it, but a crowd had gathered around him, which made the situation way worse.

Flash Thompson, the bully that plagued Peter's life laughed. "Oh, no. We cannot talk, Peter."


Peter saw him snatching the iced latte from the guy next to him, and while the boy seemed to complain –he went quiet the moment Flash gave him a scowl.

"Kneel, Peter." He said as his face morphed into a sadistic grin.

Peter clenched his fists behind his back.

If he wanted, he could knock the blonde out with one punch. He could ruin his face and his life.

He had every ability to do that.

But that wasn't who he was.

He wasn't a bully, no matter what he possessed –He was still just a smart and nerdy guy.

At least that is what he considered himself to be.

That is what he considered Peter Parker to be.

"I will not repeat, dork."

Peter felt himself gritting his teeth. He was annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

Maybe if it was his persona he would, but not as Peter.

So, he did as asked and kneeled.

"Good boy." Flash chuckled, "That's who you are, Peter. Just a dog that is meant to follow orders."

Peter gave up, it was going to be a public shaming for today.

And all he could do was close his eyes and accept it.

"Good boy, Parker."

Peter accepted it, he accepted that his clothes and reputation were both going to be ruined today.

Flash extended the latte over his head, and there was only one reason for him to do so.

"This should teach you to never skip what I ask of you, Parker."

Peter closed his eyes shut, preparing for the cold latte to land over him.

"I must say…"

But it never reached him.

"That wasn't the most creative or the most entertaining, Eugene."

I had no reason to rush here, but the massive audience that had gathered drew my interest.


I thought it was something interesting, like someone famous had just came for a visit.

But I was dissapointed.

"Bullying in broad daylight and in front of such an audience…" I found this guy extremely stupid, "But you have never been the smart kind."

Never liked him, not even a bit.

"W-What are you doing here, Michael?" I heard Peter say and to this day I haven't figured out why he lets an idiot like Eugene him.

Or well the bully calls himself 'Flash', which I refuse to use.

I had seen Peter punch the locker once, and no weak person can bust a hole through the steel.

He was strong, abnormally show. But I just couldn't figure out why he didn't show it.

As for Eugene, he just repeated the same question that Peter asked.

"What are you doing here… Michael…"

He tried shaking my hand off, but he wasn't as strong as he showed. He couldn't even break free from the half assed grip that I had, preventing him from spilling his drink.

"What does it look like?" I asked, "Stopping you from being the idiot that you are."

This made the crowd start murmuring, everyone speculating what either of us were going to do next.

But in that crowd, there were some that had experienced this exact same scene before –minus the inclusion of Peter.

"Isn't that Michael Moore?" The crowd whispered.

"Why is Flash picking a fight with him?"

"I heard he was part of a gang!"

Theories, semi-true theories.

"He broke Flash's wrist last semester!"

"Why is Flash going against him of all people??"

Needless to say, I had a very mix reputation around campus, and it was not for good reasons.

"I can remind you what it feels like to be embarrassed in front of a crowd, Eugene." I said, "Or do you want to miss another state basketball match?"

He was the typical bully.

Not just in personality but in appearance too.

Blonde hair, varsity jacket, quite big in size and a nasty personality.

And well, he also played football –American football. He wasn't built for endurance so dribbling and running was not something he was capable of.

So, all in all… he was the picture perfect version of a movie bully. Just this time, in real life.

"This does not involve you… Michael." The bully gritted his teeth, trying to free his hand.

"But it does," I said, "You were causing a scene, gathering a crowd that made me late for the movie that I was going for."

My grip around his wrist tightened, making him groan a little in pain.

"So, how will you pay, Eugene?"

He hated being called by his name, and I was the only one on campus that called him by his given name.

"T-That's okay, Michael." Peter tried to intervene, "Let's just leave this matter."

Never understood why he was such a kind person.

This was the kindness thay got you killed and even harmed the ones you loved.

"See, even Peter does not want me to be late." I said, "So, I might forgive you if you bother with an apology."

The only way to teach a bully was by bullying him back.

Eugene was fuming, I could see it in his eyes but there was nothing much he could do.

I was stronger than him.

He had experienced it way earlier in the last semester.

He did end up with a broken wrist, after all.

And so, he hung his head a bit low, and spoke in an even lower voice, "I… I am sorry."

This surprisingly made me smile.

It felt good hearing him apologize.

"And do the same for Peter too."

"That's okay–"

I looked at him, as in asking him to shut up.

And well, the boy did.

"Why… Do I have to apologize to him?" Eugene protested.

But he was in no place for that.

"Because, I asked you to."

He looked at me, then at Peter and then at the audience.

He knew that he was being made a fool of.

But was powerless.

"I… I am sorry, Peter." He said with gritting teeth.

And well, that was all I wanted.

"See?" A chuckle escaped my lips, "It wasn't that difficult."

[Midtown East Hotel, NYC]

It should be clear by now. But I do not own a house.

Quite the sad flex, but I do live in hotels. I should probably get rent, but it is so difficult to look for the perfect house in this place.

Additionally, when required I can keep moving without much of an issue if I stay in a hotel.

But that is an issue I will think about later.


Because this is my relax time.


I took a deep breath as I slammed the weight on the rack.

This felt good and this also felt… quite weird.

"How am I repping the weight that I could barely lift yesterday?"

It was quite confusing.

To be fair, I did feel a bit stronger and even faster than normal.

But how was that possible?

"This has happened after I used the system…"

In my head, there was only one explanation.

"Do I… do I keep some of the strength even after I change back?"

If that was true, then it was a wild finding.

But there was no proof of it.


Unless I tried it out again.

"Should I?" A smile formed on my face, "Try out this system a little more?"


<<A N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead WN on Patreon. < p>

25 Advanced Chapters for Marvel on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

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