
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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92 Chs

Chapter 90: The Indestructible Turtle Shell

Seeing that Xif had left the fighting area, Qin Xiao pulled his hand and released his strength to the side.

The Destroyer's huge arm slid to the side and crashed onto the ground.

Taking advantage of its unstable center of gravity and staggering, Qin Xiao fell to the ground and aimed at the Destroyer's ankle with a shovel.


The huge figure of the Destroyer was unstable and fell to the ground.

How could Qin Xiao let go of this great opportunity.

Before the guy could turn around, he quickly raised his fist and punched the Destroyer in the back of the head.


With one punch, the metal roared, and nothing happened to the Destroyer, but Qin Xiao was shocked to the point where his finger bones hurt.

Knowing that he couldn't break the turtle shell with his bare hands, Qin Xiao touched the waistband of his trousers with his right hand.

A Tang Dao was slowly pulled out from the void.

Of course, to outsiders in this scene, Qin Xiao slowly pulled out a long knife from his crotch.

Fandral looked at the sword in his hand with a horrified expression, and then looked at his crotch.

Asgard has a lot of magic that can create its own weapons, but Qin Xiao didn't have any magic fluctuations on his body just now. Fandal didn't understand where Qin Xiao got such a knife for a while.

Qin Xiao didn't know what Fandal was thinking, and he insisted on taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

Pulling out the Tang Dao and pointing it at the Destroyer on the ground was a sudden stab.

With one strike, the blade penetrated directly through the gap in the metal strip on the Destroyer's body.

However, such physical damage has no effect at all on the empty body inside the Destroyer.

Qin Xiao gritted his teeth and slashed at the metal bar on its body.

The blade slid along the metal strip, and with the harsh sound of metal friction, tiny sparks popped out from the blade.

After making a difficult cut, Qin Xiao found that the place where the Tang knife had struck did not leave even a single mark.

He glanced distressedly at the Tang Dao that he had just upgraded, even though the blade was not damaged by the blow just now.

Qin Xiao was reluctant to use it anymore and put away the Tang Dao in his hand.

He aimed at the Destroyer who was about to twist his neck and turn his head again.

Qin Xiao aimed at its half-turned face and punched it back.

The fire that had just started in the Destroyer's head was extinguished as he flipped over and landed on his face again.

"Click! Click!"

I don't know if it was the Destroyer's own fighting instinct or Loki's command.

The Destroyer on the ground was once again unconvinced and wanted to turn his head and shoot a flame energy beam at Qin Xiao.

Although Qin Xiao's punch made his bones hurt, there was no good way to deal with the turtle shell now.

Seeing that it actually dared to turn around, I punched it again.

"Go back to me!"





The two of them seemed to be competing with each other. One tried desperately to turn his head, while the other refused to let you turn around.

The three warriors of Asgard and Sif next to them were truly dumbfounded.

"Is this really the Destroyer who guards the treasure house, the one who was given magical power by Odin?"

When Qin Xiao and the Destroyer were duel, they had already stood up and helped each other to the Thunder God's side.

At this moment, Fandal looked at Qin Xiao punching the Destroyer on the ground and asked with a ghostly expression on his face.

Looking at the other people, all of them also had their eyes widened.

"Is it the Destroyer? Didn't we just try it? Thor, is this really Midgard, the world that needs our protection?"

Hogan looked at Qin Xiao blankly, pulled the thunder god beside him and asked.

"The earth is not as weak as we thought. There are even beings as powerful as my father here."

Thor thought of what Qin Xiao had told him about his father's old friend, the Supreme Mage.

"As powerful as Odin? Okay! I take back my contempt for them!"

Hogan swallowed hard and said.

Compared with their recognition of Qin Xiao's strength, Qin Xiao is now complaining in his heart.

This guy is just a turtle shell, no matter how hard he beats him, it will be useless. If he keeps beating him like that, he will not say anything about anything, and he will no longer have his fists.

No matter how abnormal your resilience is, you can't help but keep smashing it.

By the way, why is that guy Thor still unable to sense his hammer? He has learned to be humble and sensible, okay?

Qin Xiao was complaining secretly in his heart. It seemed that the Destroyer on the ground couldn't stand being beaten like this.

No longer turning his head forcefully, he faced the ground directly, and a fierce burst of flames shot out.

The direct impact caused his upper body to rise high toward the back.

Qin Xiao was punching him mechanically, his head still in a daze.

Who would have thought that the Destroyer's head would suddenly rise high as if it was equipped with a propeller.

Qin Xiao was caught off guard and was thrown far away.


Qin Xiao spat out a mouthful of sand.

I was preparing to go up last time and take advantage of my flexibility to fight for a while longer.

Unexpectedly, the Destroyer turned around, ignored Qin Xiao, and walked straight towards Lei Shen and the others.

"Are you ignoring me?"

Qin Xiao rubbed his sore wrist.

"Thor, do you have any artifacts like Thor's Hammer, such as the Eternal Spear, otherwise I won't be able to break this turtle shell!"

Thor's face was as bitter as a bitter gourd. The Spear of Eternity, what a joke, that's Odin's weapon.

"If you don't have it, I can't do anything. You'd better get your power back quickly, and it's best to pick up that hammer, otherwise you'll be in big trouble today!"

Qin Xiao rushed back to the crowd before the Destroyer and said.

If he could sense it, he would have picked up the hammer long ago, why bother?

Thor looked at the people around him, gritted his teeth, and ran directly to the front of the Destroyer regardless of Sif's obstruction.

"Loki, I know you can hear me, your target is me, right? Let them go!"

"Brother, I know I was arrogant before. If I did something that made you feel sad, then I'm sorry, but they are innocent!"

Thor's face was full of sincerity. This was definitely not a casual remark. It should be that he really reflected on what he did in the past during this period.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have told them that he would not go back now at the beginning.


A nervous shout came from behind.

It turned out to be Jane, who saw the huge Destroyer outside in the town and drove out worriedly.

"I'm fine!"

Thor raised his palm to the back, signaling Jane not to run back.

Just as he was about to turn around and say something to Loki, the Destroyer turned around and swung his arm, directly hitting Thor and sending him flying.


Several people in the back screamed at the same time.

According to the plot, Thor should have been able to feel Thor's hammer after saying these words and being hit again.

But this time it was obviously not the case. Thor, who was hit and flew, staggered to his feet.

The Destroyer's body flashed with fire, and he strode towards Thor again.

Jane and several people from Asgard rushed towards Thor nervously.

Qin Xiao also wanted to stop him, but who knew that a golden portal suddenly appeared, and a thin arm stretched out and blocked Qin Xiao directly.