
Marvel & DC: Silver Age Superman

Traveling through the world of American Comics where Marvel and DC movies integrated, Carl integrated the template of the silver superstar. However, this is far from the limit. Carl found that he not only integrated the Man Of Steel Superman template and the Silver Age Superman template, but finally he could even integrate the Thought Robot Superman template! Facing the increasingly chaotic world of American Comics, Carl is as steady as an old man. Lazily basking in the sun every day, dealing with countless female superheroes, life is extremely comfortable. When the dark lord Darkseid and the interstellar overlord Thanos descended on Blue Star, Carl has become an extremely powerful existence! His breath blew out the red Supergiant, and his sneeze almost sent the entire solar system flying. Flight's speed alone is enough to threaten the entire multi-universe! Easily withstand the Big Bang! He is the god in the world who can do whatever he wants in the eyes of people, and even the kingdoms of the universe and the ancient gods tremble.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a translation of an MTL It is not my original Novel

StoryMTL · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Invincible Power

"F*ck, why is there such a thing!!"

The leader of the robbers who fell on the ground resisted the severe pain in his body, and let out a helpless and furious roar.

Although it is not clear what happened just now, the robber leader understands a little bit.

That is the monster in front of him, this monster that looks like a mutant, possesses unimaginable power! !

Moving his gaze to the ground in front of him, the leader of the robbers saw that the firearms they had just used in their hands had been crumpled into a pile of thin discus.

This scene has already shown that their actions have failed! !

The robber leader clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails pierced into the flesh, and blood flowed.

The robber leader obviously couldn't accept this kind of thing.

If the man in the black battle suit hadn't appeared in front of them, their bank robbery today would have been 100% successful! !

"F*ck U!" The robber leader's eyes were bloodshot, and he got up, enduring the severe pain in his body.

Under Carl's astonished gaze, the robber leader took out a pistol from his body, and seemed to want to continue shooting at Carl.

"Overreaching." Carl didn't give the robber a chance to continue.

Under the sluggish eyes of the hostages in front of him, red veins like blood vessels appeared around Carl's eyes.

The temperature around Carl also soared rapidly, and the space showed faint signs of distortion under the tumbling heat wave.

Then, Carl's eyes lit up a breathtaking red light.


A piercing high-decibel hum sounded in the space.

In an instant, a bunch of scarlet hot eyes burst out from Carl's eyes with a piercing whistling sound.

Superman's heat vision is accompanied by high temperature and impact, and ordinary superheroes can't react to it, let alone ordinary robbers.

He stared blankly at the red light beam shooting towards him, but the robber leader's body couldn't react at all.

Hearing a loud bang, the head of the robber burst open like a watermelon falling from dozens of floors.

Just when the blood and flesh were about to scatter all over the ground, the high temperature that hadn't dissipated evaporated all these substances.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a headless corpse standing there blankly.

Looking at the headless neck of the robber leader, all the hostages at the scene and the robbers lying on the ground were all scared they peed.

In the next second, bright red blood gushed out from the empty neck of the robber leader like a water column.

The viscous blood quickly dyed the ground a brilliant red.

Faced with such a bloody scene, some timid people at the scene rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot.

And some people who didn't pass out had uncontrollable terrified screams from their mouths.

Carl frowned slightly. Although it was his first time to kill someone, his heart didn't fluctuate at all...

Is it because of the increase in strength now, and the increase in emotional stability along with it?

Carl was thinking, and under the dull eyes of the group of hostages and robbers who had lost their combat effectiveness, he turned and walked out of the bank slowly.

The ordinary people who had been watching outside the bank, as well as the police officers with guns, looked at Carl who came out unharmed. Most of them guessed what happened inside.

"He's out!"

"What did that guy do inside? Why did I hear the heart-piercing screams!?"

"He is simply a monster!! Look at the big pothole he smashed in front of the bank, he can't be an ordinary person!"

The public's comments also woke up the police officers in NY City.

All the police officers with guns looked at Carl very nervously, even several times more nervous than when facing the robbers before! !

They were afraid that the unknown origin, suspected Mutant monster would start killing.

Thinking of the terror that Carl's physical body could block bullets before, all the police officers swallowed with difficulty.

If Carl really wanted to kill, these police officers knew very well that no one at the scene could stop him!

It was the Sheriff George Stacey who led the police team to react.

He looked at Carl, although he really wanted to ask something, but thinking of the screams in the bank before, George felt that Carl was not a good person to deal with, so George did not choose to go forward after making a decision.

When the atmosphere on the scene gradually became tense and dignified.

The low roaring sound like a steamroller suddenly sounded around, which made many people wake up all of a sudden!

"The robber should have been dealt with!"

"Although I don't know who you are! But you are doing well!! My hero!"

"Oh my god~!! He was really powerful just now. Not only can his physical body withstand bullets, he also seems to have solved the robbers in the bank!!"

"Look!! There is a hostage running out behind him!!"

"Is the bank robbery over?"

Naturally, Carl could hear the people's discussions clearly, but he didn't pay attention to them.

Because Carl now has to get used to the strength of his body.

Carl's legs were in a slightly curved state, and the muscles in the legs gradually became tense, and immediately a majestic force began to emerge from Carl's muscles.

The force gushing out from the muscles seemed to resonate with the earth, causing the ground under Carl's feet to tremble and shake.

Boom! ! !

In a state where everyone was unable to stand still, a whistling sound sounded like a rocket launching into the sky!

Carl's figure soared into the sky, reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters in an instant!

As for Carl's original location, at this moment the gust of wind is rushing and scattering, blowing countless people down!

Everyone looked up at the sky blankly, and in about two or three seconds, Carl's figure could no longer be seen.

The only thing everyone at the scene could hear was the continuous sonic boom spreading in all directions!

Ten seconds after Carl left, the police officers from the NY Police Department just came back to their senses.

After they looked at each other, they rushed into the bank at gunpoint.

When the police officers in NY City saw the situation in the bank, all the police officers couldn't help but gasp.

Some police officers even had stomach upset and vomited on the spot.


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