

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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V3 Chapter 8 - Boy and the Wolves

Moving as calmly as possible, I sneaked into the helipad area crept inside a helicopter and started it up, soon alarms started ringing in the rescue station.

But before they could do anything I started the craft and within 4 minutes I took off.

And if you are wondering where I learned to fly helicopters I can even explain the short version in three words - Drunk Tony Stark!!

As the helicopter flew off, I thought back to my first piloting experience and I will tell you, I was this close to ending Iron Man with my own hands.

It was a few days after his daughter's first birthday when she called him dad for the first time.

The dude was so happy that he invaded my home with an unmanned suit and kidnapped me to have a drinking party with him to celebrate.

And after getting drunk that man goes crazy, add an AI and a death by a helicopter crash to the mix, and you get a crash course to become a helicopter pilot.

As I thought back to that night, I shivered.

I spent the next 3 months after that to learn the basics of flying all kinds of aircraft, using Stark's stuff of course and his AI as a teaching assistant.

In exchange, I wouldn't get to tell Pepper about the incident, though she found out about it anyway~.

'Don't know which mysterious superhero informed her, certainly not me.'

but that is a story for another time.

Now since I don't know where to find them, I decided to go to the place where Danny's mother died and wait for them.

I have to say the location was cliche just like a movie plot 'the suspension bridge'.

I decided to get there fast, but it looked like the world had a problem with my decision.

So as they say, when the heavens decide - Anything that can go wrong will go wrong!

You should just obediently accept.

As I was flying the helicopter it started beeping, I looked over all the gauges and finally realised I was running low on fuel.

If you are wondering why made such a rookie mistake of not checking the fuel.

Then I will tell you, when you use the stuff that belongs to Tony Stark, they all have these glowing blue batteries, so I never needed to check the fuel.

I was forced to land on soft snow, as if that wasn't enough a few minutes after I landed the winds started to pick up and now I had to deal with a blizzard too.

'All that is left is an Avalanche, what could be worse than that?'

I never knew the world would accept my challenge at that time.

I closed the helicopter doors, sat inside and remade my plan, I checked the storage unit and gathered the compressed food, a thermal bottle, the army knife, a foldable stretcher and the rope that I found inside.

After that, I opened the wiring behind the console and used it to drain the electricity inside the choppers' battery.

As the current flowed inside my body, I focused on manipulating it to stimulate my chi and after a few minutes, I finally felt it.

'Looks like all the experience of using it from my memories was helpful.'

I checked the time and realised it had been about 26 hours since I left the house.

'By now everyone in the family should know about my disappearance.' 

I spent another half an hour to open a meridian and just as the morning sun rose I picked up my stuff and set off after having some rations.

Taking a look at the direction of the Sun I oriented my path and set off.

If you are wondering why I didn't use the compass I inform you, that a compass can go wrong here, but the sun will not be rising from anywhere other than East.

I walked for about six hours and the blizzard subsided, I unfolded the stretcher on the snow and rested for two hours, had something to eat and drink and continued.

Two hours later, I was nearing my destination when I heard the howl of wolves and quickly went towards the sound.

'Danny said he and his mother were chased by a pack of wolves and she stayed behind so that he could get away.'

10 minutes later I reached the location where I saw 3 wolves trying to bite away at a bloodied, fallen person, who could do nothing but cover their face.

'That probably is Heather Rand. Danny's mother.'

I quickly dropped everything else and took the knife in my hand and rushed to save her.

As I got closer, I got a better look at her, I saw she was barely conscious, with bite marks all over her legs, her coat bitten at the waist and she was bleeding all over and I realised I had to be fast.

I quickly ran towards the wolves, who noticed my presence.

One of them jumped at me, and I slid under it leaving a slight gash on it's belly.

Seeing their companion getting injured the other two also came together so now I was faced with all three of them, and a few seconds into the fight I was nearly scratched in the eye by one of them.

I quickly realised I was fighting with the wrong method as my body was not of an adult and I couldn't shrug off their momentum like my memories had me believe for a while.

So instead of fighting head-on like I was doing, I used my short height to leave injuries on their limbs whenever they pounced on me.

It took me about 10 minutes to reduce their mobility to acceptable levels but I was also getting tired.

The first one to fall was the one I injured first. 

As another one pounced on me I went down on one knee and used my left arm to block and plunged a knife into it's ribs.

The wolf died, but my knife got stuck for a moment which gave the last one a chance to bite me. I quickly killed it too.

I suffered from scratches on both legs and arms and a bite on my left shoulder.

'It almost had my neck there.'

After making sure I would live for now I quickly went close to Heather Rand, Danny's mother and checked her condition, she was still alive, in a bad condition but alive.