

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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82 Chs

V3 Chapter 40 - Superpowers on not, you'll go to school!


"I'm Back."

I muttered to myself as I watched the passing skyscrapers through the cab's window on my way home from the airport, finishing my - 'Journey To The East'.

It's been 20 days since the 'Duel of Harlem', the devastating incident which was caused by the rampage of a 'monster' on the streets of Manhattan, only to be stopped by another Green Giant, resulting in dozens of casualties running from Army, Police and civilians that got caught up in the aftermath of the crossfire.

'Like they say, -when gods fight, mortals suffer.'

As much as the Government of the country used their standard methods and tried to sweep everything about the incident under the rug, the people are becoming aware of things that hid within the shadows of society.

While the existence of mutants is a partially open secret, most consider it a 'myth', a tale of fiction. They haven't seen it and those who do know its truth tend to keep it to themselves because most of them realize that someone is keeping 'an eye' on them.

But with the progress of technology, the dissemination of information is increasing, and the information of such singular incidents whose aftereffects were contained within a region and people slowly forgot about them are being brought to light.

The stories that remained within the towns and footage of such incidents being spread all over the world instead of being confined in place and swept under the rug.

Now people are beginning to realize that the world is much more than it seemed and the wars that were never mentioned, the mentality of the people is changing yet I believe that humanity will do what they always did in such a situation - adapt.

And as much as the hidden undercurrents surged, I watched as the general populace of New York went on with their daily lives, undaunted by whatever incident that took place.

As I watched the once more crowded streets of Manhattan which were ravaged by monsters a few weeks ago, I could not help but applaud humanity's resilience.

I watched the people go to work like nothing happened but I knew I was different from them or so I believed until -

"We are not listening to your excuses, Ryan. You will be going to school and that's final."

-my mom said this.

"But Mom, you know I don't need it." and I refused to submit to her tyranny.

"Oh, I don't think so, son. You have no choice in this matter.", said the she-judge.

"But with my knowledge of the future I should not simply be studying in a confined environment which will teach me about stuff I will not be using most of my life," I said as I switched to a softer approach.

"That is not an excuse for you to be granted exemption from school." but my mom invalidated my attempt.

"But mom, I have superpowers!" I presented my argument.

"And I am your mom, so I am in-charge." and my mom gave her verdict.

"But Mom I was 26 in my previous life, I don't need school." I attempted to reason.

"And from what I know, you stopped your schooling at the age of 12 last time and 11 this time, so in my opinion you are basically illiterate who never graduated middle school." and she had better reasons.

"Mom I have built a billion-dollar business now and inherited another bigger one." I presented my accomplishments.

"But you still didn't graduate from school, so that's that." and she presented my deficiencies.

"What will I have to do for you to leave me alone from this topic?" I surrendered and pleaded guilty.

"Graduate from a medical college with a Ph. D.." said my mom announcing my sentence.

"Seriously?" I asked, hoping for a reduced time of service.

"Well it was your childhood dream," she said as she pointed out the causes of the sentence.

'huh~, now that she mentions it, it's true.'

"Ugh, I know but the circumstances have changed," I said.

"Why? What is stopping you?" asked Mom.

"But I have to train, manage the company and deal with other stuff. I don't have the time." I said, hoping to gain sympathy.

"Oh yeah?"

She asked as she gave me a berating look while I had a bad feeling I didn't back out and said 


"Then let's see, from what I know you need at most 5 hours of sleep, so we have 19 hours left. Your daily training time does not exceed 2-4 hours so let's take it at 4. It leaves 15. 3 hours for food and hygiene and other stuff so 12. I don't think the company has more time than an hour but I'll be gracious and count it 3. And the rest of the day you spend loitering and playing around amounts to 9 hours. school is 7 hours max, so you do have time."

said Mom as she told me my routine over the past few months.

"I, uh, no.-" I tried to argue but no words came out.

"See, since we agree, then it has been decided that you will be attending school." Mom said making the final statement.

'F*ck! How did this happen!?'

I wondered as I thought back to how this all started.

You see while I was contemplating New York citizen's adaptiveness from my observer's perspective, the cab driver brought me to the front door of my house, still immersed in my thoughts I paid and entered the living room and it went like this-

"...he was boasting about his daughter and how smart she is and she is a genius in medicine, so I retorted that my son is a genius in medicine too." I heard my dad speaking.

"So?" came Mom's voice.

"But he asked what grade my son is in, so I said he is homeschooled," said Dad.

"What's the problem?" Mom asked as she listened to his story.

"Now he thinks that I said my son is smart because of my doting father's perspective his daughter is prepared to skip grades in high school. How do you think I should answer him." My dad said as I heard the sound of his fist slamming on the table.

As I was entering the living room I heard my mom say-

"Isn't it simple, we just enrol Ryan in school, it's about time he should have proper schooling?"

-and I quickly intervened to refuse.

"NOOO! I don't need to go to school."

"Oh! Son, you are back?"(Dad)

"Why not?" asked Mom with a raised eyebrow as the tension in the room increased.

"Yes, I'm back and I don't have anything to learn at school," I argued.

"I believe we should talk about that?" said my mom as she motioned me to take a seat, and while I put down my bags and settled-

"Honey, how about I go prepare dinner?" my dad said as he escaped the room.

"Go ahead. I'll talk to Ryan about his schooling." 

My mom responded by shooing him away, from the talk that was to happen








And so it was ordained - Ryan Angelo shall go to school.

Oh, and if you're wondering how they know about my last life, I found out that my Grandma told them everything when I fell unconscious. So yeah, the cat's out of the bag, and I wondered what kind of troubles would come my way with my parents having this knowledge.

'Dammit! Didn't Grandma know there are those who can read and control minds roaming around the city?'

I thought with frustration as a certain baldhead in a wheelchair with an 'X' popped up in my mind. Unfortunately, since my Grandma took Sasha away she has been out of contact so I couldn't ask her. I even went to our house in India on my way back but she wasn't there.