

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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82 Chs

V3 Chapter 37 - Teachings of Tiger




 "So, why didn't I power up again even after I wanted it to happen?"

Asked Ryan as he got back to the matter at hand.


"Like it would be that easy! What are you, a moron?"

Asked Baghraj as he snorted in derision.


"But you just said that, if I willed it to happen, it will happen."



"Boy, what you just said only happens when you are the God written about in the Bible, which I assure you, you are not."

Baghraj said denying any such possibility to Ryan.


"But you were the one who said 'Yes' that just now!?"

exclaimed Ryan as he justified his actions.


"And if you had let me finish, you would know that I meant to say was-

'Yes, If you have fulfilled certain conditions and you will it hard enough then why not?'- so you can only blame yourself for jumping to conclusions."

said Baghraj as he told Ryan what he missed.


"Then why didn't you stop me and finish your words?"

questioned Ryan.


"Why else, of course, for my amusement."

answered Baghraj with a righteous look on his face as if it was a perfectly justified course of action.


'That's it! I can't take it anymore!'

Thought Ryan as he snapped.


"F**@, sh9t, B@$+@rd, you think it's funny hah, I (the Prince of all Saiyans) will kill you!!"

Said Ryan as he charged at Baghraj bursting out with all his power, reaching his maximum speed he aimed at Baghraj with full power while gathering all his strength into his fist for one focused attack.....









.....only to be swatted like a fly and sent flying back by faster than he shot forth.

Ryan was sent bouncing in the snow like a pebble on the water as he was launched tens of meters away.


 A few minutes later...


Ryan sat on his knees, in front of Baghraj who was now down to the size of a normal tiger, with one paw on his shoulder.

Baghraj patted him on the shoulder and said

"Nice try, boy. Have you calmed down now?"


"Sir, Yes Sir!"

Said Ryan attentively, free of any hostility and trying to appear as humble as he could because despite Baghraj's seemingly friendly gestures the Tiger still did not retract his claws.


'I'll have my revenge one day, you Damn! Giant! FAT! CAT!'


Baghraj patted his shoulder once more as he put his paws back on the ground and confirmed again

"Have you completely calmed down because we have important things to talk about?"



Said Ryan as he took a deep breath and cleared his mind of all unnecessary thoughts.


"Good, as today will be the final lesson I will teach you because I will never come back to this place."

Seeing Ryan settled down Baghraj said with seriousness.


"You can just video call like always."

Said Ryan.


"I won't be able to call from where I will be going, child."

Baghraj said with a smile


"Where are you going?"

Asked Ryan surprised at he felt Baghraj's words sounded like a farewell.


"Somewhere you can't reach yet."

said Baghraj as he retracted his claws and patted Ryan's head.


"Will we meet again?"

Asked Ryan as he realized the meaning behind those words.


"I don't know, but I will not come look for you."

He answered.


"I see.." Ryan said with sadness in his voice.


"So Rudra listen well to everything I will tell you today yet keep in mind that no lesson is omnipotent, the teachings will only support your steps, and you will have to walk the path on your own."

Baghraj said as he put down his hand ready to teach Ryan of things that will pave his way to prominence.


"I understand, teacher."

Said Ryan respectfully when Baghraj him by his name for the first time since they met.


'He always called me boy or idiot any weird names and yet.. why now of all times.'



Despite the thoughts in Ryan's mind Baghraj continued


"Remember, in a battle, your calmness is your greatest asset, even more than your strength. Charging head-on against an enemy you can't win, is stupidity, do not do so unless as a last resort."


"Why would I do it if it's stupidity?" 

Ryan muttered under his breath.


Hearing his words Baghraj smiled and answered him seriously

"Because our decisions can't always be rational because sometimes we just have to charge ahead, to hold back the storm from reaching the others. 

If such a situation arises and you decide to step up, measure if you have the ability of mutual destruction, and if possible be prepared to do it and if you don't have the ability then instead of fighting to win, fight to buy time, because time means possibilities."



"I will remember, teacher."

Ryan said as he committed everything Baghraj said to his heart.


Seeing the boy seriously accepting his teachings Baghraj nodded his head and continued

"Now I will tell you about your increase in strength.

You see, the soul is the purest form of existence, it is the foundation of our existence and the spirit, will or consciousness, whatever name you may call it, is a direct extension of the soul, it is what makes up an individual, it makes us who we are and is connected to all experiences and emotions.

Our energy or life-force (chi) is what connects the ethereal to the physical and the link that is formed is connected to our mind.

Mind is the dominion over the physical body and in such a manner life exists.

Your physical senses perceive the world, your mind processes it and through the link of your life-force (chi), your spirit experiences it.

The transformation that took place within you started from your will or spirit you may call it.

Your desire caused your spirit's power to burst out and try to transform so it affected the only thing its ethereal self could affect, your life-force (chi) energy and used whatever power it had to create a spark of higher-quality life-force (chi).

The life-force (chi) that was transformed was the link connected to your mind so it was the first to be affected causing you to feel what you described as slowing down of time.

After that the spark of life-force (chi) lit up the rest of it, causing it all to spontaneously transform, that spark of red you saw, was probably the first spark of that improved life-force (chi) and so your white lightning chi turned red.

The improved quality of life-force (chi) fed back to the physical vessel causing it to improve as well using the raw materials available and as for that waste your body discharged, you can say it was the low-quality ingredients that were not fit for your improved physique, which created your current situation.

Did you understand the whole sequence of events?"



Ryan said as he compared Baghraj's explanation to his experience and found the answers he needed.


Baghraj waited for him to finish his contemplation and after Ryan recovered from his thoughts he continued

"Now on to the next part, a person's strength is mainly from two sources:

First are those whose strength is in their own body be it physical, mental, or energy-based, what they utilize is what their body contains.

An evolved Human body is capable of accepting cosmic energy available all around us to replenish this consumption, no matter whether be it mental, physical or energy based.


Second, are those who channel the strength that belongs to someone or something else like sorcerers, they might not be much but you never know how much power one of them can channel.

But the universe is a vast place and no facts are absolute so take my words with a pinch of salt as anything can happen, also the two types of power are not mutually exclusive so never assume the max capacity of your enemy and trust your instinct as much as your rational judgment, because senses can be deceived and so can be the spirit yet soul remains unshaken."